Darolutamide (odm-201), A Better Topical Than Enzalutamide?


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Where did you get your Darolutamide at what price ? From Alibaba ? Which supplier ?


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I'm quite sure it is/must be solvable for you, but you have to spend extra time in studying yourself.
I have spent hours and have a few theories, but the more I read, the more I learn, and the more I realise how complex things are.


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I don't think anti-androgens are going to be the solution for a woman, if you have no other signs of hyperandrogenism like facial and body hair growth.

Have you tested your estrogen since you say it's low? Are you on bio-identical estrogen replacement? How is your thyroid - did you get that tested and do you have the numbers? NEVER let it go with just a phone call telling you 'your numbers are fine', just because something is 'in range' does not mean that it's good. Most endocrinologists are clueless about hormones, sad truth. I as a male have been fighting hormonal disturbances for 5 years and it's a REALLY long and hard fight, trust me. But it's possible to come out on top. If you need some advice you can PM me.
I haven’t had my estrogen properly tested since is was diagnosed with POI and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism because my gyn put me on the pill. Before that, I had high range DHEAS and menopausal level estrogen. Ovarian scans showed I had only 3-4 eggs left. I never got facial hair or anything, just the amenorrhea, then annovulatory bleeding and hairloss obviously. My testosterone has never been high. Even so, the pill and spironolactone never helped. Avodart doesn’t seem to be helping. I am in the process of looking into proper HRT - 4-6mg estradiol, 200mg progesterone daily. That will be for life basically. I don’t know if it will be any different from taking Diane35 but something has to change.

I’ve had numerous thyroid tests which are always fine, but I’m going to get another test again soon to check everything (DHEAS, test, thyroid, iron studies).

What I DO know:
- I have hypothalamic estrogen insufficiency caused from hypercortisolism, induced by years of depression, eating disorders (now recovered), and exercise.
- I have ovarian insufficiency from lack of egg production.
- without estrogen replacement I have high DHEAS to female hormone ratio.

What I have recently discovered through blood tests, and only dawned on me last night when I thought to look into it some more.
- I have Eosinopenia (it’s form of white blood cell), which is caused by chronically high cortisol. I have 0% eosinophils currently. This means that I have been immunosuppressed for quite some time. The first response is for the bodies Anti-inflammatory cells to rise, but after time with chronic high cortisol, Pro-inflammatory responses are upregulated. So I have Immuno-suppression with bad inflammation. The other important factor is that eosinophils are found abundantly in estrogenic tissue and receptors, so once cortisol goes up, EOS goes down, and so do your estrogen receptors, which are found in tissues all through your body including hair follicles. Another interesting fact:
eosinophils release MBP, IL-9, stem cell factor, or nerve growth factor, which affect mast cell maturation, survival, and histamine release (84–87).
Granule proteins and eosinophil-derived transforming growth factor (TGF)β1 were demonstrated to affect tissue remodeling and fibrosis. Eosinophils can promote fibroblast proliferation (62–64), proteoglycan accumulation (65), matrix metalloproteinase and TGFβ expression, and extracellular matrix protein synthesis.

So working off this theory I can ASSUME that hyperclrtisolism which has never been treated, is the cause of immunosuppression and hinderance of necessary growth factors which are key in tissue/protein signalling and regeneration. Furthermore, through sustained, heightened levels of cortisol, I have had reflex pro-inflammation responses which are detrimental to hair growth also.

This leaves me with the idea that, even though I can try to treat the Androgenetic Alopecia with estrogen, dht and androgen inhibitors, growth stims, my hair still will not grow properly as long as I have hyperclrtisolism and Eosinopenia. How do I treat this? I can’t take an immunosuppressant for the inflammation. I can’t take steroids to boost EOS. So I attack cortisol.
This is the hard part. Most anti-cortisol meds are very toxic (oral keto is one of them), and they all influence the wrong areas ie pituitary or glucocorticoid receptors. Mine in adrenal/hypothalamic. I need to stop cortisol production from those areas, and “chilling out” ain’t gonna do sh*t because the damage is done and I’ve been suffering with this for years. So I’m in the process of finding things that block cortisol at the adrenal source.

Sorry for the long rant. I have been.. reading...


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Also for anyone who read my above post regarding cortisol, I would urge you all to get a full blood count blood test which does all your autoimmune blood cells, and your cortisol too. I wish I had thought more about it all sooner, but I always figured that taking the hormones that I lack, or suppressing the ones I don’t want would fix the problem.
I don’t think so anymore. My hair growth cycle is 50 shades of fucked up, and hormones aren’t helping me. I think cortisol/autoimmune issues are lurking beneath a lot of these issues


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It’s been 3.5 weeks. Shedding doesn’t seem to let up. This morning I brushed my hair and 20 hairs came out in my brush. I’ll lose another 80-100 in the shower. Another 30-40 throughout the day. That’s how it’s been for a while, but it’s been increasing. To give you an idea of how fast my hairloss is.. the first photo of the top is 1.5 years part, the second one of the side is 3 months apart. I have DUPA/restrograde recession with female pattern top thinning as well. I literally have it all. It’s.. sickening. Every day I dread having a shower because another chunk of my hairline is missing, my part is wider, my nape is higher and I look even more freakish

Well it still looks like a perfectly normal head of hair Georgie.

Now take a look at these sides..

IMG_20180215_122603 (2).jpg

Wow. Just how FUCKED am I?


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f*** man, I'm not feeling smp... I need Shiseido injections all over my head PRONTO

thats a while away yet mate, if it happens atall

your perfect candidate for smp in the meantime

smp steve.png

get those sides filled in and touch up the hairline

f*****g gorgeous mate


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thats a while away yet mate, if it happens atall

your perfect candidate for smp in the meantime

View attachment 79402

get those sides filled in and touch up the hairline

f*****g gorgeous mate

Yeah maybe it could help the visuals on those eroding sides.. but SMP to the bald front with real hair behind it? That would look strange as f***

I have the same hair loss ... Nothing is working with that ... except very high dose of dutasteride (no libido).

I actually have a box lying around... but I know that would be the absolute end of my libido. Not a pleasant thought.


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@SteveTabernack : If you take "only" 0.5mg it should be ok ... if no, try lower dose ... don't give up.

Man I doubt it, just RU and finasteride give me sides. But I did see a tiny few people say they got sides on finasteride but not on dutasteride, which I guess is the reason I procured it in case I'd hit some extra desperate days (seems likely now).

God I would love to know exactly what causes this pattern. Was it like that before all the meds?

I think so, but hadn't realised just how bad it had gotten. Haven't done as much meds wise as you either. minoxidil for years but other then that I've tried RU for like a year total maybe and finasteride for a three month period.

Let me know when you find the cure for this sh*t tier pattern :(


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Man I doubt it, just RU and finasteride give me sides. But I did see a tiny few people say they got sides on finasteride but not on dutasteride, which I guess is the reason I procured it in case I'd hit some extra desperate days (seems likely now).

I think so, but hadn't realised just how bad it had gotten. Haven't done as much meds wise as you either. minoxidil for years but other then that I've tried RU for like a year total maybe and finasteride for a three month period.

Let me know when you find the cure for this sh*t tier pattern :(
I’m currently looking into the cortisol/inflammation angle. Also estrogen.


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Man I doubt it, just RU and finasteride give me sides. But I did see a tiny few people say they got sides on finasteride but not on dutasteride, which I guess is the reason I procured it in case I'd hit some extra desperate days (seems likely now).

I think so, but hadn't realised just how bad it had gotten. Haven't done as much meds wise as you either. minoxidil for years but other then that I've tried RU for like a year total maybe and finasteride for a three month period.

Let me know when you find the cure for this sh*t tier pattern :(
I just want to show you some photos of diffuse alopecia areata. It looks pretty identical to DUPA/restrograde. It makes me think that there’s some kind of inflammatory/autoimmune response involved in our pattern of hairloss which is combined with Androgenetic Alopecia. For me, I know that I have high cortisol which affects my hypothalamic/adrenal/pituitary axis, my immune system, my immune response blood cells and growth factors, sex hormones or low estrogen, high androgens. I have done some reading about things involved in cortisol/inflammation and their inhibitory influences on growth signally and growth factors. I think it’s multifactorial. We need to address a number of issues.


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@whatever19 ever had your cortisol checked? That’s basically what caused the flow on effect for every hormonal issue I have.


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Well it still looks like a perfectly normal head of hair Georgie.

Now take a look at these sides..

View attachment 79400

Wow. Just how FUCKED am I?
Are the hairs all around your hairline miniturised or miniaturising though? My issue is rapid miniturisation of my whole hairline circumference which then falls out for good causing my hairline to actually creep back all the way around. No sparse hair left, just gone (without minoxidil). Apart from the top of my head nowadays, it’s where my worst hairloss always has been. Looks like frontal fibrosing alopecia without minoxidil


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Since the stability, dose, frequency are all guesswork right now, I figured it's time to put together the little data we have:
I don't experience itch so my own anecdotes are based on how fast vellus at the hairline seems to be growing. Totally unscientific but it's all we have:
  • For me, Daro 0.01% 1x/day seems more effective than RU 7.5% 1x/day and comparable to RU 7.5% 2x/day
  • For me, Daro 0.01% 1x/36hrs (day and a half) seems just as effective as 1x/day
These have been in K&B solution and kept at room temperature.

Worth mentioning that I screwed up and made a 0.1% mixture then after realizing, put it in the freezer right away. I've been making 0.01% mixtures out of the 0.1% instead of mixing fresh for about a month and haven't noticed any change in vellus growth. Diluting the 0.1% into 0.01% is quick and easy, so as long as it still works it seems like a win.

Planning to try:
  • Refrigerating next batch
  • Comparing the diluted 0.1% against freshly mixed 0.01%
  • Dosing every 2nd day instead of every 1.5 days


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Depending on several factors, it may be stable for more or less those four days, depending on the mixing. My first batch felt like that, the second one only lasted a day and a half before it didn't feel effective. I started using them after they were left to dissolve for two days each. This last batch I started using about a day and a half later.

There are a few particles, like three or more still in the solution. I'm using it like that anyway. It appears as the itch is gone, but the effect seems localized, so where ever I apply, it works there. Doing it directly at the front and slightly behind using a 1 mL syringe.

I have been getting a little, minimal itch here and there lately, usually if I get an itch, it's above or below the site of application. For the most part, it's gone. Could be that I didn't apply in those areas. Will definitely see if the solution starts losing effectiveness. That would indicate a need to mix more frequently. The info peewee posted sounds like it could be a method of preservation with the PEG-6000.

Looking forward to mixing with 96% Ethanol.
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Since the stability, dose, frequency are all guesswork right now, I figured it's time to put together the little data we have:
I don't experience itch so my own anecdotes are based on how fast vellus at the hairline seems to be growing. Totally unscientific but it's all we have:
  • For me, Daro 0.01% 1x/day seems more effective than RU 7.5% 1x/day and comparable to RU 7.5% 2x/day
  • For me, Daro 0.01% 1x/36hrs (day and a half) seems just as effective as 1x/day
These have been in K&B solution and kept at room temperature.

Worth mentioning that I screwed up and made a 0.1% mixture then after realizing, put it in the freezer right away. I've been making 0.01% mixtures out of the 0.1% instead of mixing fresh for about a month and haven't noticed any change in vellus growth. Diluting the 0.1% into 0.01% is quick and easy, so as long as it still works it seems like a win.

Planning to try:
  • Refrigerating next batch
  • Comparing the diluted 0.1% against freshly mixed 0.01%
  • Dosing every 2nd day instead of every 1.5 days
How long have you been using it?
Have you seen any changes in shedding?


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Oh by the way everyone, I made up a new batch of 56mg/40ml (in minoxidil) daro 2 days ago. I just let it sit, didn’t even really shake kt. Yesterday I poured it into a clear container and was prepared to leave it a little longer and shake it a bit. The whole lot dissolved overnight easily. Mind you it’s bloody hot here (Brisbane, Australia) right now 38-40 degrees Celsius or 100-104 fahrenheit, so that might play a role. I should probably put it in the fridge in case the heat affects the solution.