Did anybody try Laser device with any sort of success?

losing hair

Reaction score
I would give you green bar if you deserved it...

I need more reputation points :), I need my green bars to go up and join the elite Guardians of the forums XD - - - Updated - - - Losing Hair is probably creating account with VPNs from China and giving himself the rep XD
so VPN? - so this is how you the Guardians do it?,... but that is naughty naughty....

- - - Updated - - -

Click on My Profile, then click on the Reputation tab.
Thanks Man - it was very interesting reading indeed -

losing hair

Reaction score
photoshopped "before & after pictures"

Yes, I saw them. Nonetheless it is uncomparable to your baseline picture because in the baseline photo lighting is way stronger. Could you please take new photos with the stronger/white lighting at buzz cut? You see how different your photos at week 11 look just based on lighting? The same effect is at work when comparing to your baseline picture.
I don't blame you that you don't believe in LLLT - when you see this kind of "before / after" 'pictures - taken from eBay listing - one of the very popylar ones! Please can you express your opinion and agree with me that what I see is indeed what I see - and what I see is a classic example of (actually very trivial) photoshpoing.... I mean, what do these guys think? - if you don't see I started this thread with a genuin intention to find out how effective in realiity LLLT really is - and you know what? I begin thinking that IF - if LLLT works - then it works for a very few (lucky guys)..... By the same token I was expecting a barage of "bad experiences" with LLLT - and I see NONE.....nobody came to this FORUM with their BAD experience using LLLT device. So is this telling me something....LLLT may work for some - whilest it will do nothing for the others. NotCoolAnyMore - when in 2 months you see no progress with your hair - I guess you will call it a quit - please take pictures when you stop using LLLT - in the following 3 months take another picture - and if you see any deteiroration - than I would say LLLT DID work for you - it HALTED you hairloss... It will than be your own judgement whether LLLT works for you or not. You may just be of those few unlucky ones for who LLLT DOES NOT work.. Such is life........... who says it is fair to all of us?? And for those who are not subscribed to this forum - just look up listing on eBay with the number 120935995824


  • before after gainlaser.jpg
    before after gainlaser.jpg
    92.4 KB · Views: 341
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Senior Member
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I will take pics at 6 months, compare with baseline and post an update. Even if it does fail for me I can agree that maybe it is just a case of LLLT not working for me. Like with all treatments, they will not work for everybody.


New Member
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I don't really understand the double standard of many members of this forum. On the one side, they require solid scientific studies and on the other they are ready to discredit them on the basis of negative anecdotal evidence.

From my part I bought the hairmax two months ago after reading the solid study published this year. That's all I needed, a well done study with significan statistical basis published and performed by respected researchers. (The previous studies were still on the line)

The rest are anecdotal evidence. Why would someone base a decision on a single case on a forum instead on the accumulated evidence presented methodically by researchers in a convincing way?

Besides, bad anecdotes populate the forums. Example: the guy who used the device for two months. It is clearly estated by the evidence and studies that you should use it religiously for at least 16 weeks. In my case I'm on the second month so I have not much to report.


Established Member
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By the same token I was expecting a barage of "bad experiences" with LLLT - and I see NONE.....nobody came to this FORUM with their BAD experience using LLLT device. So is this telling me something....LLLT may work for some - whilest it will do nothing for the others.

losing hair logic: There are no bad experiences of x, therefore x must work for some people. There are no bad experiences of donkeys licking peoples heads, therefore donkey saliva must work for some people. There are no bad experiences of rubbing semen on peoples heads, therefore semen must work for some people. There no bad experiences of standing on your head for 12 hours a day to 'increase blood flow' to the scalp, therefore 'inversion therapy' must work for some people.

And for those who are not subscribed to this forum - just look up listing on eBay with the number 120935995824

The big reveal of your eBay store! Took longer than expected :p

/'guardian of the forum'

losing hair

Reaction score
losing hair logic: There are no bad experiences of x, therefore x must work for some people. There are no bad experiences of donkeys licking peoples heads, therefore donkey saliva must work for some people. There are no bad experiences of rubbing semen on peoples heads, therefore semen must work for some people. There no bad experiences of standing on your head for 12 hours a day to 'increase blood flow' to the scalp, therefore 'inversion therapy' must work for some people. The big reveal of your eBay store! Took longer than expected :p /'guardian of the forum'
Well Mr. BushBush - Guardian of this forum, this time you really ffukked up..... Can you understand English? I pointed at a FRAUD - who on Earth would try to advertise his product by showing his clearly photoshopped "before&after" picture? It is a clear FRAUD - it only shows how far some operators are willing to go to dupe people into buying their product.... And your response only shows how far human stupidity goes....it doesn't surprise me - If there was a gold medal you would get one... I will give you a green bar for that - the more green bars you have the more stupid comments you surely will write - and I am looking forward to those.....


Experienced Member
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losing hair, I appreciate that you went on to see the problem with dark&bald's photos. The lighting isn't consistent and all photos that are supposed to show regrowth have darker lighting than baseline pictures. That is the main issue with all websites trying to sell LLLT and a widely deployed trick. I'm not saying that dark&bald is doing it on purpose, not at all - just that he needs to provide recent photos under the brighter light again, the same he used to create his baseline photos.

Also, bushbush is spot on with your reasoning. You basically argue that because you cant find evidence of something, it must work for some people. As shown by his "donkeys licking bald heads" example, that logic is completely flawed. A lack of reports only means that noone cared to try it. This is likely due to the reason that up until today, nobody could explain any mode of action that would even remotely explain how LLLT could have any beneficial effect whatsoever for hair growth. As such, this treatment is as random as any other, including the one with donkeys. Or putting maple leaves onto my head. Why should LLLT be any better for my hair than maple leaves? Both have the same amount of research literature that explains a beneficial effect for hair: zero.

Admittedly, the only exception is the recent study on LLLT which did come up with some effects. By now, only because of this study, I have decided to give LLLT (the FDA approved version) a chance some time next year (need to establish a stable baseline first as I'm adding finasteride to my regime) and see for myself in case the forum members that are currently trying it (notcoolanymore, looking at you ;) ) are not reporting completely no effect. Obviously, I will also document things thoroughly. But in spite of this one study, the literature situation is as follows:

  • one side: studies that are either methodologically majorly flawed, like no placebo control or no blinding, and studies not reporting any benefits
  • other side: one study that is using correct scientific methodology (placebo, blinding) that reports benefits

The support in literature is simply ridiculous and thus nobody cared enough to try it, especially given the outrageous price (500 USD new) for something that is less than 50 USD in production. No possible explanation, flawed literature, and a sky-high margin for the manufacturer are usually the best signs of a scam.


New Member
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Wow, losing hair... you are one big *** scammer.. After checking out your eBay store and reading your posts, I had to register because I am absolutely disgusted with you.

1. Selling LLLT on eBay for $100-$150 a piece.
2. Created a fake review site to promote your own product
3. Go on forums to spread your stupid agenda and to promote your store even more.

I see that your eBay store has 100% feedback score. Look I also sell on eBay so I know... People will give you a positive feedback as long as the product arrives on time despite if it will work as claimed or not. Especially the fact that LLLT is something you have to use for a long duration and by the time they find out it doesn't work, they're probably too lazy or forget to come back to post a negative feedback for your product.

LLLT has been around for many years but without any conclusive results. Based on your selling tactics I can see that you're a snake. Please take your snake oil with your stupid eBay store "lasergain" out of here. Stop selling false hopes to people, dirty scammer.


Established Member
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losing hair logic: There are no bad experiences of x, therefore x must work for some people. There are no bad experiences of donkeys licking peoples heads, therefore donkey saliva must work for some people. There are no bad experiences of rubbing semen on peoples heads, therefore semen must work for some people. There no bad experiences of standing on your head for 12 hours a day to 'increase blood flow' to the scalp, therefore 'inversion therapy' must work for some people.

The big reveal of your eBay store! Took longer than expected :p

/'guardian of the forum'

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! Hats off for burning that salesman :uglylol:

losing hair

Reaction score
no tittle is good enough to describe your shortsightedness

Wow, losing hair... you are one big *** scammer.. After checking out your eBay store and reading your posts, I had to register because I am absolutely disgusted with you. 1. Selling LLLT on eBay for $100-$150 a piece. 2. Created a fake review site to promote your own product 3. Go on forums to spread your stupid agenda and to promote your store even more. I see that your eBay store has 100% feedback score. Look I also sell on eBay so I know... People will give you a positive feedback as long as the product arrives on time despite if it will work as claimed or not. Especially the fact that LLLT is something you have to use for a long duration and by the time they find out it doesn't work, they're probably too lazy or forget to come back to post a negative feedback for your product. LLLT has been around for many years but without any conclusive results. Based on your selling tactics I can see that you're a snake. Please take your snake oil with your stupid eBay store "lasergain" out of here. Stop selling false hopes to people, dirty scammer.
I made a mistake that I pointed out a clear FRAUD - done by ##, I don't even want to mention the name... Based on a principal "there is no such thing as a bad publicity" - I actually did exactly that - it is my bad....it was the last thing I wanted. I watch this guy for a year now - how he robs unsuspected victims - this is incorrect and immoral - and I did my bit to at least slow him down - if I can't stop him - what have YOU done to stop the guys like him? Why don't you make thread called "stop the fraudulent LLLT sellers on eBay? You do nothing....If it wasn't for me - he would be still selling for $179 today... at least he gets half that today and I wonder how long he can sustain this - at least the poor unsuspected victims lose less money today - ...why don't you educate everyone on this Forum that perhaps some LLLT work - but definably not THIS ONE...... so you have your fair share of blame.... Of course it will not stop you from writing insults to me, just because your brain can't figure out who is who.... so another gold medal is going your way... and another one goes to you one_hope (your name says a lot) if this made you subscribe to this forum - why did you not do it earlier? did you buy this fraud product yourself? Can you see how stupid you are? do you feel ashamed of yourself? Because I would, if I bought this fraud - but since I am not stupid I did not buy it. Instead I paid for hair clinic - and saw with my own eyes that LLLT works....it cost me a lot but I know what I know - and what I know is - that LLLT works. REAL LLLT, not a bunch of laser pointers glued together in a soap bar box - who in Earth can buy this ****e? Those who buy it deserve to go bald, there is no help for them.. this is sad - this is so sad....

- - - Updated - - -

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! Hats off for burning that salesman :uglylol:
I didn't reply to you Mister - you deserve personal attention. Well - Guardians of this Forum - if you suspect me of promoting my product, here they ALL are - most of the con LLLT devices eBay - and I am selling them ALL. If you want to go bald - just buy them....it is THAT easy....make me rich... 191406581146 igrow - 21 lasers a 30 LED diodes ... $700, 250905046960 no name - Hair Care - no mention of Laser or LED diodes? .... $290, 321537268335 hair comb..- 8 Laser...$120, 221573992006 ......Hair Regrow Hat - 32 Laser diodes...$250, 121471524164 - Oaze Hair Beam - 27 lasers + 42 LED diodes......$800, 181174325036 - HairBuild Power Laser Comb - 19 laser pointers....$120, 171535276301- Laser Cap LLLT Capillus Style 272 laser diodes...$1100, 181566840662 - Hair Regrowth Laser Comb - undisclosed LED diodes....$100, - Are you ALL (this applies only to Guardians) really that stupid that you don't see why I am doing this? - Why I am keeping this thread alive so that all lurkers (as you call them) can see that LLLT technology does work - but you only must know what LLLT devices NOT TO BUY.... So how do you feel now? - you smart ones, you awesome ones... most of you Guardians are most probably just young and stupid - and that is your excuse - ideals belong to youth, just like hope does - but don't forget - hope dies last..... So if you have money go to laser clinic and pay 3 grand and you will get your hair back - and THEN you'll believe in LLLT - and THEN buy yourself a good LLLT machine and use it for the rest of your life.... YES - it is that SIMPLE - or until technology changes.... I told you - it is simple........... :)


Senior Member
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There are no bad experiences of rubbing semen on peoples heads, therefore semen must work for some people.'

I had a bad experience doing this. It didn't work for me.

losing hair

Reaction score
Your Donkey phylosophy v.s. LLLT Technology -

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! Hats off for burning that salesman : losing hair logic: There are no bad experiences of x, therefore x must work for some people. There are no bad experiences of donkeys licking peoples heads, therefore donkey saliva must work for some people. There are no bad experiences of rubbing semen on peoples heads, therefore semen must work for some people. There no bad experiences of standing on your head for 12 hours a day to 'increase blood flow' to the scalp, therefore 'inversion therapy' must work for some people. uglylol:
Well Mr. Patches - I never said anything similar to your:"There are no bad experiences of donkeys licking peoples heads, therefore donkey saliva must work for some people" What I said was related to LLLT of which there had been sold hundreds of thousands devices - so if NONE OF THEM WORKED - surelly that would by now become a common knowledge, now would it not? - your skewed (maybe screwed?) phylosophy is indicating certain abnormality.... I don't keep this thread alive for you - the Guardians of this Forum - even though I enjoy reading your comments - most of the time quite amusing.. - it is for the 300 odd daily lurkers (as you call tem) - the poor guys who come here looking for help with their male pattern baldness - well well well, surely they will not find it here - what they find here is only a bunch of Guardians, crying half-adults, complaining about what the World owes them, suffering from MBP - but more from depression - and stupidity... stupidity and depression is a lethal coctail..... spending endless evenings and nights on a PC writing to the World about their fight to get their hair back ... grow up, become adults and deal with your male pattern baldness - until the ultimate cure comes - and it will surely come... Forget about the Foundation, it is a dream, YES - the World needs dreamers - but everyone eventualy grows out of it....usually when they hit the mid- life crisis - when you realise that this life is about nothing - and it is not going to change much either.... I don't expect you to uderstand much of what I say here though.....just keep on writing yuur stuff.. you make my day - as always...... :)


Established Member
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Why would someone go out of their way to try to convince the forum that something that has never had a good reputation work? Its so simple, to gain from it. No one has ever done such a thing in the past in any forum, because it doesn't make any freaking sense otherwise.

Now that his eBay store got revealed on "accident", wink wink, its over. It is so freaking clear he is one of the salesman from the past. ALL he is interested is lasers, hell he even changed his signature to something to do with lasers. Ask yourself, who he fck does that?

losing hair

Reaction score
Hey Python-I must apologize to you that I had thought you are an a**h**

Why would someone go out of their way to try to convince the forum that something that has never had a good reputation work? Its so simple, to gain from it. No one has ever done such a thing in the past in any forum, because it doesn't make any freaking sense otherwise. Now that his eBay store got revealed on "accident", wink wink, its over. It is so freaking clear he is one of the salesman from the past. ALL he is interested is lasers, hell he even changed his signature to something to do with lasers. Ask yourself, who he fck does that?
Hey Python - I came across this post of yours - I must apologize to you that I had thought you are an a**h** - you are not.. you are a DREAMER... "We need innovation, we need things to change, the snail pace of hair loss research has to stop............ There has also been some skepticism based on the fact that we still don't have a solid idea of where the funding will go and the roadblocks like regulations from the FDA or other medical regulations institution. The answer to that right now is, I don't know either, but these sort of problems will be tackled one by one with in time, and we can host Skype meetings and exchange ideas on the best possible way to approach these problems. Do you really think we're not going to figure this out? Of course we will, there will be bumps around the road, hell... we may fail the first time, we may fail the second, but eventually with enough perseverance, we will get there. An idea like this has been going around, but usually it is just that, an idea that never takes form or initiative. I say we do this now, forget about our past failures, forget about our egos and differences, we need to stand together as a community. Because we are part of this community, whether we like it or not, you have been dealt the crappy hand, and so have I, but let's make an attempt to change this. Don't let this opportunity pass once more, don't let the opportunity of making a real influence in hair loss research pass you by. We need to start somewhere, and I believe we are more ready to do it now, and absolutely fed up with the status quo. Foundations have to start somewhere, in forums and in chatrooms, let's start this one today !!! " This reminds me of A project manager saying "it is hard and it will be harder, but we can do it" next day she was fired....because she didn't listen to our warnings - we were professionals in our field telling her:" the system does NOT work" - she ignored us... You are a dreamer....Foundations are set up by wealthy individuals with one reason and one only - TO AVOID TAX....just in case you didn't know... ...............sorry................................such is life


Established Member
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Let's not paste random posts into this thread in personal attacks to distract from the topic at hand losing hair. Did you not like the direction it was taking?


Established Member
My Regimen
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I just started iGrow with dutasteride will let you know in 6 months

losing hair

Reaction score
Please, NOT iGrow.. it is useless piece of cszhitt

Oh Man - why did you do that? On what ground did you base your decision to buy iGrow? $600 down the drain - but what is more frustrating is that you will support the Guardians in their argument against LLLT- because you will have no results..not in 6 months, not in 6 years... I think it is time to demystify LLLT - Low Level Laser Therapy - for ALL to see...so here is explanation: Whether you believe in LLLT or not - LLLT is here to stay - It is being sold around the World in hundreds of thousands unit of different quality and price.. Only very few of them are FDA approved - iGrow is among them I believe... FDA approval has nothing to do whether the device does anything good to your hair but whether it does NOT do anything bad to your health. Well, iGrow will not harm you, it is only 30 LED and 21 laer diodes with 5mW power. So let's talk about this iGrow piece of "schcitt" to start with, and I will continue to demystify the rest of them, just because I want to protect the vulnerable young guys from wasting money - you see Python, I too am a bit of a dreamer myself.. so iGROW >>>>The patented design combines 21 Lasers and 30 LEDs into a single, HANDS-FREE, portable device for full scalp maximum effectiveness.... low level Laser/LED combination is extremely safe and comfortable, no heat is produced. The iGrow is for thinning hair; those with complete hair loss are not candidates for laser treatment alone. . - - - Updated - - - LED diodes don't do anything other than just shine, they do nothing for your hair and this is widelly accepted fact by now...and 21 laser diodes? What are those guys thinking? are they serious? they just feed off the most vulnarable in our community, young guys who discover hair loss at a very yong age - becasue no adult could possibly fall for this piece of "schcitt" - it does look quite nice and I guess the patent refers to the plastic hood - as you can't patent a laser diode. If we rely on any Joule calculation iGrow would have to be used for 5 hours to deliver the required 5 Joules per cm2 for LLLT to work. So Python - contrary to your philosophy to shut every discussion about LLLT in protection of future students - I think exactly the opposite - we should talk about LLLT, uncover the con artists and publicese them and shame them - to stop them from robbing the vulnarable guys with male pattern baldness.. Just lke with marihuana:"kids should smoke the first joint with their father..with HIS explanation what it is and what it can do to you....not with equally young and equally stupid classmates. I will continue with other con LLLT products in a few days.... - - - Updated - - -
Let's not paste random posts into this thread in personal attacks to distract from the topic at hand losing hair. Did you not like the direction it was taking?
I got a bit distracted I agree..... The direction of this thread got a bit of course - so let's put it back...
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Established Member
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Does anyone know about how much the start up cost would be to build your own laser devices would be? And then selling them online?


Senior Member
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Just lke with marihuana:"kids should smoke the first joint with their father..with HIS explanation what it is and what it can do to you....not with equally young and equally stupid classmates.

Dad, which device should I use then?

losing hair

Reaction score
the advise is tough - son

Dad, which device should I use then?
I know exactly which you should try out but the administrator will ban me.... I will make a review of all available devices I can find - and than you can make your own educated choice which one is good and which one to avoid.... :) - - - Updated - - -
Does anyone know about how much the start up cost would be to build your own laser devices would be? And then selling them online?
10 grand should get you started, you want to try it? - I'm afraid you are joking... did you notice that I changed my signature - again...
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