Do you want to have kids?


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on the first thing i want to say i have horrible genes, probaly worst on this forum, im 5 4 and bald in early 20s.

there is no chance in hell i'd ever have a male child, especially if the woman is 5 0 or something, that is just asking for a disaster, he'd probably end up 5 2 or something, he would require dual LL surgery to make him 5 6 assuming he has good poportions, if his arms aren't long enough he may only be able to get to 5 4.

on the baldness thing it's easily fixed with a hair system, I would show him how they work, cause im a good father that way (unlike my dad who didn't give a sh*t about my hairloss at 18, even though he is a NW2 at 50).

so yeah the baldness doesn't put me off, so as far as im concerned just wear a system, easy fix, and if anything the pill/cream work well and transplants if you book in early.

so in other words his baldness can be saved, his height however is a more tricky matter, as it would cost like $15K and 2 years of downtime for him to get to 5 6 or something, not to mention it will be painful and sh*t.

on men settling down, all i think is a mans value doesn't drop when hes 35, honestly if you have zero signs of hairloss it is nigh on impossible to tell the difference between a 35 and 25 year old man, i mean my dad started to go grey in his 40s, but if in a system i will remain quite ageless as my time goes on.

tbh when im 38 and wearing my hair system and ask girls how old i am they will probably think im 27 or something.

so yeah i guess men can feel the need to settle down, but that need is not driven by the fact that his body is going, or his looks are going, because we don't feel an emotional impact of a clock ticking in the same way.


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Let me ask another question: If you want to have kids, but are not happy with your genes, would you be ok with using donor sperm from sperm banks, or adoption?


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I see it like this - put a group of women together and they'll be talking about their kids in less than 10 minutes.
Put a group of guys together and they wont talk about it at all.

I genuinley believe that in about 9/10 cases its the woman who brings up the subject of having a child and the man just agrees in order to keep her happy. I doubt many men would end a relationship if their partner did'nt want kids


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HairPieceMan said:
there is no chance in hell i'd ever have a male child, especially if the woman is 5 0 or something, that is just asking for a disaster, he'd probably end up 5 2 or something, he would require dual LL surgery to make him 5 6 assuming he has good poportions, if his arms aren't long enough he may only be able to get to 5 4.

on the baldness thing it's easily fixed with a hair system, I would show him how they work, cause im a good father that way.

Are you for real??? :shock:


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dudemon said:
I bet there's a lot of tall women that probably like short guys. Its the "grass is greaner on the other side of the fence" or just the old "opposites attract" rationale.

Nah tall women dont want a guy who just exacerbates their problem.


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s.a.f said:
I genuinley believe that in about 9/10 cases its the woman who brings up the subject of having a child and the man just agrees in order to keep her happy. I doubt many men would end a relationship if their partner did'nt want kids

IMO, most men would like to have kids at one point down the road.... That's why being with someone who doesn't want kids is difficult...

I think in most cases, the attitude we have is "I don't want kids right now, but I might in the future". That goes for both sexes, most of the young girls don't want kids neither but they know in the future they will want kids. It's the same with men, the only difference is we get to that point later in life.


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yes i am for real, if you had a male kid and he were to turn out 5 2 woulnd't you feel like a fool for having him?

there is a good reason women avoid mating with men who are 5 0 or 5 2, even if they have lots of money and looks, it's cause her children will be fucked.

in fact sperm banks only allow men who are 5 11 and over to donate sperm, watch the short and male documentary online, it shows this at the start.

the reason is woman don't want small kids, becuase the children will really struggle (especially the male)


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I always thought by the age I am, 28 that I would be married with kids or certainly kids on the way.
I've been with my girlfriend for 5 and half years but still no sign of kids. We're both 'Uncles and Aunts' and if anything, I've seen how hard work they are.
It's great spending time with my nieces and I do enjoy it but at the end of the time, it is also good to hand them back.

I was at a party with my brother and his wife a few weeks ago. We had a great time but it was a late night. I had the luxury of sleeping in until 12 or so the next day, yet he and his wife were up at 8am after 2-3 hrs sleep with the kids.
Saying that, he's NW1 and no visable hairloss at all and he's 3 years older with 4kids, own business. So maybe he's doing something right :)

Just last year we went traveling to Australia and NZ - at the drop of a hat due to a great offer.
It's things like this that I would miss,selfish as that may sound - also last week, my friend dropped into see me ,who I hadn't seen for ages and we went for a beer and ended up playing in a pub quiz as a team with some other guys we met that night.
The week before last, I went camping, and hillwalking with some more friends.
These things would all need to be pre-planned around kids and I'm not at stage in my life where I am ready for that.
But, I don't want to be an old dad either who can't lift his leg to kick a soccer ball because I'm too old.

I always thought when younger that I wanted kids but I really am not sure at all. I'm sure if I had one, I'd get used to the lifestyle and it would be awesome, but the older I get the more I don't think I want any.
It's nothing to do with male pattern baldness either. If it was a boy I had, he'd have to deal with it himself.


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hiya said:
I always thought by the age I am, 28 that I would be married with kids or certainly kids on the way.
I've been with my girlfriend for 5 and half years but still no sign of kids. We're both 'Uncles and Aunts' and if anything, I've seen how hard work they are.
It's great spending time with my nieces and I do enjoy it but at the end of the time, it is also good to hand them back.

I was at a party with my brother and his wife a few weeks ago. We had a great time but it was a late night. I had the luxury of sleeping in until 12 or so the next day, yet he and his wife were up at 8am after 2-3 hrs sleep with the kids.
Saying that, he's NW1 and no visable hairloss at all and he's 3 years older with 4kids, own business. So maybe he's doing something right :)

Just last year we went traveling to Australia and NZ - at the drop of a hat due to a great offer.
It's things like this that I would miss,selfish as that may sound - also last week, my friend dropped into see me ,who I hadn't seen for ages and we went for a beer and ended up playing in a pub quiz as a team with some other guys we met that night.
The week before last, I went camping, and hillwalking with some more friends.
These things would all need to be pre-planned around kids and I'm not at stage in my life where I am ready for that.
But, I don't want to be an old dad either who can't lift his leg to kick a soccer ball because I'm too old.

I always thought when younger that I wanted kids but I really am not sure at all. I'm sure if I had one, I'd get used to the lifestyle and it would be awesome, but the older I get the more I don't think I want any.
It's nothing to do with male pattern baldness either. If it was a boy I had, he'd have to deal with it himself.

This is what I'm taking about. Once you have a kid it has to come before any plans you make. The parents where I work all have to take it in turns babysitting and taking kids too and from school in order to be able to continue working, its a constant cycle of doing favours for each other. And whenever a kid is ill or the school closes for a day it throws the whole thing into complete turmoil. And they constantly stress about needing more money or worry about losing their jobs.

I babysit for my sister or for freinds occasionaly and the constant demand for your attention that kids have is unbelievably tiresome. I just have to remind myself that in a few hours I can walk away from it and get some peace and quiet.
Not to mention the $1000's a year having a kid eats out of your wages. Imagine how you'd feel to have that kind of salary cut?

Anyway like I said its generally a accepted belief that everyone will have kids because everyone has grown up in a family unit but the fact is it does'nt have to be this way.
I remember my dad always saying "you wait till you have kids...." and ask any 18 yr old girl where she sees herself in 5 -10 yrs time I gaurantee they'll all say married with at east 1 kid, because thats the stereotype they're brought up to aspire to. But in reality many dont get married these days or have kids before 30. Apart from the benifit scroungers who start at 18 and have 4 or 5.
If you'd have asked me at 18 where I'd be at 25 I'd have said in a high flying job with a great car and a hot G/F ect but in reality it does'nt work that way for most people.

As for the genetics though love is blind and I think that any parent sees their own kid as being perfect no matter how tall or bald they might become. (and often therin lies the problem).


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yeah that is what my mum was like, at 5 4 and bald she thought i "looked fine" , in fact for some reason she thought i still had hair even though i kept telling her i dont have any on top, it really frustrated me.

but it wont be like that in my case as i will know how to help my son if i ever have one, i wont tell him "its fine" to be bald this early and if he looks like crap with it, which he probably would.

but then again im in my 20s and shes in her 60s, she comes from a generation that never fixed baldness or height, since we are from UK there were no hair clubs or my mum just was generally unaware of hair systems for men, or even shoe lifts to make men 2 inches taller.

my mums brother was bald and 5 4, i think he went fully bald in late 20s, he actually pulls it off pretty well, way better than me.


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HairPieceMan, I thought you were from US


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nah im from UK

i just say things in dolllars on forums as i assume people are more familiar with that currency.


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s.a.f said:
hiya said:
I always thought when younger that I wanted kids but I really am not sure at all. I'm sure if I had one, I'd get used to the lifestyle and it would be awesome, but the older I get the more I don't think I want any.
It's nothing to do with male pattern baldness either. If it was a boy I had, he'd have to deal with it himself.

This is what I'm taking about. Once you have a kid it has to come before any plans you make.

That's exactly how I used to think about kids. I always thought at one point down the road I'd be ready to settle down and have kids. I didn't want to have kids because I didn't want to lose my freedom. I didn't want to be in a serious relationship neither, because I wanted to sample a few different flavors :whistle: Every single relationship I've been in, I knew I was gonna end it because I wasn't ready for commitment. I even had a gf who was on the pills and still made me use a condom, that's how much she hated the idea of having kids.

My views started changing in the last year or so, and believe me it's not social pressure. People around me keep telling me that there is this and that girl that I should meet, etc. So, if I wanted to date or look for a wife material, there are plenty of options and I'd be checking those girls out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a boring loner who doesn't like socializing. I don't lack confidence neither. It's just that I want different things now. Going to a pub quiz doesn't appeal to me anymore, been there done that. Having a drink with a friend is a different thing, I still do that. If I get a good offer to go to NZ, I could go with the wife, if I had one, and leave the kids with the grandparents :whistle:

Believe me, the idea of commitment scares the sh*t out of me, it's not that I'm crazy about the idea. But I also admit that from now on, if I meet a girl that meets a certain criteria, I'd most probably make an effort to keep her.


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was at dentist today, saw two kids there making general noise and being annoying.

i HATED the whole thing, i will NEVER EVER be in that situation..EVER! i'd rather die tbh, and having that 24/7 in your life for a good 10 years, no thanks!

as soon as a girl says "i want kids" im out the door hitting the clubs for a new one :)

i still have obsolutely no idea why people want kids, i mean maybe once they reach 12+ they might be ok, but anything before that must be a nightmare!


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:dunno: Women all go gooey over babies. They can coo over them for hours. You dont see guys acting like that. Again I think its 90% the women who want to have a baby and the guys just go along with it to keep them happy. Either that or they see other guys have kids and think that they should do the same. Personally I think they should just get a kitten - far less hassle.

Alot of social problems are caused by bad parenting, they all think they'll be good parents but when the kid comes along they find out they're not quite ready to make the sacrifice of giving up their old freedoms and devoting themselves to the kid.


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ya....there was one guy at work that had a baby...he brought it in and all the girls were all ooo and aweee ing over it.

all the guys were more or less like "who cares"...and proceeded to look at hot girls at lunch :p

oh and im not really jealous that he has a child, im kinda grateful that i am not in that situation, im 25 now and i really do feel i will feel the same way in 10 years time tbh, i think that person was like 30 or something.

I think for men sometimes they are bored and see having a kid as like a hobby, like a new xbox for life or something, for women it's like what they were born to do, have a child and nuture it.


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I've just spent my weekend with the family and there were a few kids there as well.

It was one of the best weekends I had in a long time :punk:

There was lots of drinking and dancing going on too. Having kids around didn't stop us from having fun :punk:


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Baldness is mostly X-linked. My dad has a full head of hair.

I don't intend on having children. I'm one of evolution's failed experiments. Proof of that is that I'm 34 and a virgin.


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epictetus said:
Proof of that is that I'm 34 and a virgin.

I really don't know how the hell you cope with that. Respect!!!

It's been 3.5 months since my last one, and I'm going crazy at the moment. I try to be positive by thinking sooner or later something will turn up.

My believe is that there is a girl for every one of us out there. It doesn't matter how ugly or unsuccessful one is, there is a girl for him.

The only problem is, if you sit at home and don't talk to the opposite sex, you'll never meet her.

As for the kids, kids are precious :whistle:


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monty1978 said:
epictetus said:
Baldness is mostly X-linked. My dad has a full head of hair.

I don't intend on having children. I'm one of evolution's failed experiments. Proof of that is that I'm 34 and a virgin.


Harsh; there's still time! :)

Thats what I keep hpoing (and I have epictetus beat, I'm older than him and never had any romantic contact with a girl. Not a touch, not a kiss :woot: ).