Do you want to have kids?


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The hypotheses that physical attractiveness is positively correlated with happiness, psychological health, and self-esteem was tested with 211 men and women undergraduates. Physical attractiveness was measured by judges' ratings, while happiness, psychological health (neuroticism), and self-esteem were measured by self-report inventories. Physical attractiveness was found to correlate positively with happiness (r equals .37), negatively with neuroticism (r equals minus.22), and positively with self-esteem (r equals .24) for women but not for men (corresponding rs equals .09, .03, and minus.04, respectively). " 0_0


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Wolf Pack

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happy enough for now

i had to stop mentally torturing myself about baldness. like i had said before, it was making me have heart palpitations which often led to anxiety

wat about you brah?

Hi Ex. Glad you're a bit better.


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Wolf Pack

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NO NO BAD BAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!Having kids is NOT a right, its a privileged which should be earned. To many people in the US think kids are a right..... so are guns (Im pro gun by the way) but do you want guns in ANYONE and EVERYONE's hand???? And kids are A LOT more dangerous than a gun

When a girl agrees to have your baby, you earnt it IMHO. You need guns in the hands of good guys to take out bad guys. We don't have them here and knife crime has gone up as a consequence. I would be happy to carry. People say but then others will have one too, at least it evens it out. The worst is when they have a gun and you don't.


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they dont seem uber bothered. My sis has one kid and were just not a close group that way.

AHA. So their geneline continues via your sister.


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AHA. So their geneline continues via your sister.

only the mothers side, which genetically IS better. We dont have the same pops

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When a girl agrees to have your baby, you earnt it IMHO. You need guns in the hands of good guys to take out bad guys. We don't have them here and knife crime has gone up as a consequence. I would be happy to carry. People say but then others will have one too, at least it evens it out. The worst is when they have a gun and you don't.

agreed on the gun, and since we are accross seas you may not deal with the baby factories we have here in the states but SOMETHING has to be done. We are seriously quantity over quality here and a woman will "agree" to have a baby just because they are ignorant or need a free check.
Come visit here in the states, we'll have a great time, ill take you to the range to blow off some steam lol.

Wolf Pack

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agreed on the gun, and since we are accross seas you may not deal with the baby factories we have here in the states but SOMETHING has to be done. We are seriously quantity over quality here and a woman will "agree" to have a baby just because they are ignorant or need a free check.
Come visit here in the states, we'll have a great time, ill take you to the range to blow off some steam lol.

Your welfare system is nothing like ours which I think gives a lot of help to people who are lazy to work. You get paid a lot for each kid you have. I will definitely take you up on that range offer if I am there :)


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Your welfare system is nothing like ours which I think gives a lot of help to people who are lazy to work. You get paid a lot for each kid you have. I will definitely take you up on that range offer if I am there :)

- - - Updated - - -

Hi Ex. Glad you're a bit better.
thanks man


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I'm not sure myself, my family is not very close and I grew up in a religious household so my between my lack of knowledge about sex and intimacy and my parent's boring relationship (literally never seen them kiss each other in my entire life), I'm not sure I would be a good father. It's depressing because I'm in my physical prime - Im tall, got a fairly muscular frame and broad shoulders, good sense of humor, intelligent, decent looks, and yet I am just wasting my youth as I'm 25 and have never gotten laid or come even remotely close to. Think its a chronic lack of self worth, and I'm working on it now but I had depresssion so bad I've actually attempted suicide in the past, an attempt that I had planned thoroughly for a few weeks ahead of time. Hard to have much hope about relationships when you can't even get your own head straight. People enjoy being around me and I just have a hard time seeing what they see in me I guess.


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Why is it always poor people with **** genetics constantly breeding but the rich, and more successful type not so much. When they do its limited to 1-2 children.

Agustin Araujo

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I took a look through the whole thread and I thought it was quite interesting reading posts from members years ago, which seems most of them are no longer active. I also found it interesting reading posts from classical member s.a.f in this thread, and made over eight-thousand posts in total, he was quite dedicated to this forum, I wonder how he's doing now. HairPieceMan and cueball seemed well known on here before, I wonder how they're doing now as well.

Now, about the original purpose of this thread. Me personally, I do not want to have kids, it has nothing with Male Pattern Baldness. I never wanted to have kids even during the days before I had any balding start.


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If this was even a real scenario for me then to be fair I think my ladyfriend would have at least 51% say in the matter.


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I took a look through the whole thread and I thought it was quite interesting reading posts from members years ago, which seems most of them are no longer active. I also found it interesting reading posts from classical member s.a.f in this thread, and made over eight-thousand posts in total, he was quite dedicated to this forum, I wonder how he's doing now. HairPieceMan and cueball seemed well known on here before, I wonder how they're doing now as well.

Now, about the original purpose of this thread. Me personally, I do not want to have kids, it has nothing with Male Pattern Baldness. I never wanted to have kids even during the days before I had any balding start.
s.a.f. was classic

one of his last posts talked about getting a nice girlfriend. so i think he is a lot happier and decided to leave this place :p


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Nothings working so that should not be any sacrifice. So decent of you to look out for all my not yet conceived children Wolf. Do you baby sit too? (-:
Once she is pregnant, drop all hair treatment :)