Ever Wanted To Give Up/withdraw From Society?


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This is all very good advice, Rudiger. You're pretty much spot on especially wrt the risk/rewards of giving up what you already have, and the necessity of having a really strong compulsion to do something if you do decide to give up your job.

Thanks. I've just seen it too many times when somebody "follows their dream" and has this vision of all the things they'll do with their free time to achieve it.

In reality the only people who have properly achieved it were already spending 3 hours an evening working for it, and practically all weekend. Then when they had the free time they used all of it, and actually got somewhere. These people are few and far between.

The majority however normally have just about enough savings to do nothing, can go on benefits and have a safety net like a partner or parents. Then they suddenly decide they're going to follow writing, music, film making, or studying for 8 hours a week again.

In reality they can spend a lot of their free time doing this stuff while working or trying to cut down their work hours and keeping a contract. This will of course help to fund their dream if they have an income at all times.

Well anyway I know a significant chunk of your OP was about the fact you may do nothing at all. I don't know how long you've thought of it as a possibility but in your mid 30s (I think?) you don't need me to tell you it's hardly rational and hopefully it doesn't always continue.

If it does for a long period of time you need to look more generally and seriously about your mental state (to be dramatic but, it's true) and how to feel fulfilled so in those lower moments you realise the frustration will pass.


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Cap, you often ask a lot of these short questions without context. Why do you do that? I've never seen any other posters do it.

I'm just intensely curious about people. About their life. -shrug-


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I'm a balding 17 years old and i've given on up on life. I'll never attend any social event, will never have friends, will never be anything because i'm an ugly, bald freak who loathes and hates himself more than he hates going bald. I think the hermit lifestyle will suit me well. It's pointless to try when you look like 50 at 17 years old, so why bother? I'll never even think of approaching a girl or having a family for 3 reasons :

1) I'll be rejected millions of times
2) If i'm not rejected and some ugly girl took pity of me neither one of us will be satisfied
3) I'm not heartless, so i could never pass on my genetics flaws (Bald,, short,, small frame,, mental illnesses).

It'd be too cruel to give this kind of life to another human being, with considering how society is becoming more and more shallow everyday his life will be a living hell and probably worse than mine, so i've decided to stay in my room until i finally day. My daily routine will consist of waking up, go to work, return home, play video games or browse the internet then sleep. I live in a third world country, so there's no option of hair transplant because it's so expensive here thanks to my country's shitty economy. GAME OVER. I just wish someone would f*****g kill me.
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I'm a balding 17 years old and i've given on up on life. I'll never attend any social events will never have friends will never be anything because i'm ugly freak who loathes and hates himself more than he hates being bald. I think the hermit lifestyle will suit me well. It's pointless to try when you look like 50 at 17 years old, so why bother? I'll never even think of approaching a girl or have a family for 3 reason :

1) I'll be rejected for millions of times
2) If i'm not rejected and some ugly girl took pity of me neither one of us will be satisfied
3) I'm not heartless, so i could never pass on my genetics flaws (Bald,, short,, small frame,, mental illnesses).

It'd be too cruel to give this kind of life to another human beings and with considering how society is becoming more and more shallow everyday his life will be a living hell and probably worse than mine, so i've decided to stay in my room until i finally day. My daily routine will consist of waking up, go to work, return home, play video games or browse the internet then sleep. I live in a third world country, so there's no option of hair transplant because it's so expensive here thanks to my country's economy. GAME OVER. I just wish someone would kill me.

Have you tried treatments? How much hair do you have now? Would you mind sharing a photo of your scalp?


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Have you tried treatments? How much hair do you have now? Would you mind sharing a photo of your scalp?

My scalp is alright. I'm NW2 on one side and NW1.5 on the other side with little thinning hair especially on the NW1.5 side and for the treatments as i said eariler my country's economy is sh*t like 1$=18 pounds here, so lets say propecia costs 20$ that will cost me around 360 pounds which i don't have as a teenager and there's nowhere to work around here + people get paid like sh*t. I don't have a choice. Even Greece has a better economy than this shitty country. And about my hair the problem that it's receding too fast i don't know why no one is bald but my father and he was bald at 35 years old, but i'm balding too early and on my mother's side no one is balding my grandfather died with NW1 at 68 years old. What a shitty luck that i have.


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I'm a balding 17 years old and i've given on up on life. I'll never attend any social event, will never have friends, will never be anything because i'm an ugly, bald freak who loathes and hates himself more than he hates going bald. I think the hermit lifestyle will suit me well. It's pointless to try when you look like 50 at 17 years old, so why bother? I'll never even think of approaching a girl or having a family for 3 reasons :

1) I'll be rejected millions of times
2) If i'm not rejected and some ugly girl took pity of me neither one of us will be satisfied
3) I'm not heartless, so i could never pass on my genetics flaws (Bald,, short,, small frame,, mental illnesses).

It'd be too cruel to give this kind of life to another human being, with considering how society is becoming more and more shallow everyday his life will be a living hell and probably worse than mine, so i've decided to stay in my room until i finally day. My daily routine will consist of waking up, go to work, return home, play video games or browse the internet then sleep. I live in a third world country, so there's no option of hair transplant because it's so expensive here thanks to my country's shitty economy. GAME OVER. I just wish someone would f*****g kill me.
Welcome to the blackpill. Time to work as hard as possible now while you still have time to ascend in your 20s.

Status max university job moneymax, have loads of hair transplants wait for future cures etc.

Source : I'm a 23 year old kissless handholdless virgin


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My scalp is alright. I'm NW2 on one side and NW1.5 on the other side with little thinning hair especially on the NW1.5 side and for the treatments as i said eariler my country's economy is sh*t like 1$=18 pounds here, so lets say propecia costs 20$ that will cost me around 360 pounds which i don't have as a teenager and there's nowhere to work around here + people get paid like sh*t. I don't have a choice. Even Greece has a better economy than this shitty country. And about my hair the problem that it's receding too fast i don't know why no one is bald but my father and he was bald at 35 years old, but i'm balding too early and on my mother's side no one is balding my grandfather died with NW1 at 68 years old. What a shitty luck that i have. I'll upload pictures of me now and of me a month ago to see how fast my hair recedes. (The one with me having hair was one month ago).
I buy finasteride 11$ per month from Greece


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My scalp is alright. I'm NW2 on one side and NW1.5 on the other side with little thinning hair especially on the NW1.5 side and for the treatments as i said eariler my country's economy is sh*t like 1$=18 pounds here, so lets say propecia costs 20$ that will cost me around 360 pounds which i don't have as a teenager and there's nowhere to work around here + people get paid like sh*t. I don't have a choice. Even Greece has a better economy than this shitty country. And about my hair the problem that it's receding too fast i don't know why no one is bald but my father and he was bald at 35 years old, but i'm balding too early and on my mother's side no one is balding my grandfather died with NW1 at 68 years old. What a shitty luck that i have. I'll upload pictures of me now and of me a month ago to see how fast my hair recedes. (The one with me having hair was one month ago).

If you decide to use finasteride, you can save a lot of money by using a lower dosage. It has a very flat response curve, nearly perfectly flat. So let's say you get 1mg pills, and you cut them into fourths and take 0.25 mg/day, you'll save 75% on money but only have your results reduced by ~10%.

For now, you still have enough hair to live a decent life. I think that what you're showing is a minor impairment, but you're afraid of it getting worse.

What country do you live in?


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Welcome to the blackpill. Time to work as hard as possible now while you still have time to ascend in your 20s.

Status max university job moneymax, have loads of hair transplants wait for future cures etc.

Source : I'm a 23 year old kissless handholdless virgin

No offence, but why should i work hard ? What would i do with the money ? I won't have a family wont go anywhere, so how would the money benefit me ? I just want enough money to survive and extra to buy stuff for fun and that would be enough, but to work my *** off to gain fortune that's useless i'm actually too lazy to consider that. Even to gain money for hair transplant i'll have to work hard until i'm like 35 years old to have the money. It's useless. And for the virgin part i couldn't careless about being virgin the problem is my self image and self esteem are both going to be shot because of baldness, but women are not the end of the world tho i would be lying if i said they don't affect me and my confidence.


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If you decide to use finasteride, you can save a lot of money by using a lower dosage. It has a very flat response curve, nearly perfectly flat. So let's say you get 1mg pills, and you cut them into fourths and take 0.25 mg/day, you'll save 75% on money but only have your results reduced by ~10%.

For now, you still have enough hair to live a decent life. I think that what you're showing is a minor impairment, but you're afraid of it getting worse.

What country do you live in?

I'll try minoxidil at the time because it's less expensive than finasteride until i have enough money for it. I see that finasteride worth the money, but the problem that i don't have it. My hair is thinning rapidly now i don't think i have enough time i think i'll have been bald by 19 if this sh*t continues at this rate. And i live in Egypt which is ruled by the military, so i'm not surprised that the economy is sh*t.


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I'll try minoxidil at the time because it's less expensive than finasteride until i have enough money for it. I see that finasteride worth the money, but the problem that i don't have it. My hair is thinning rapidly now i don't think i have enough time i think i'll have been bald by 19 if this sh*t continues at this rate. And i live in Egypt which is ruled by the military, so i'm not surprised that the economy is sh*t.

Minoxidil is better in the short-term, but finasteride is likely better in the long-term. Do what you can to get more money, that's your reason to work hard.

As for Egypt, I'm sorry that the Arab spring is a failure. My mother left Morocco in 1972, and my father left Tunisia in 1964, I'm glad they left.


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This life is too cruel. No one deserves this sh*t we aren't even living just existing. Being bald is sh*t, but being bald in your late teens or early 20's is a completely different thing. What a sad existence we have it's over already.


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Minoxidil is better in the short-term, but finasteride is likely better in the long-term. Do what you can to get more money, that's your reason to work hard.

As for Egypt, I'm sorry that the Arab spring is a failure. My mother left Morocco in 1972, and my father left Tunisia in 1964, I'm glad they left.
Yeah people here are too stupid and they believe anything media tells them just like Americans.


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These days I'm truly realizing how much looks have comprimised my career. My talent and dedication are utterly irrelevant, it's hard to accept I'll find myself defeated and empty-handed and that I can't do anything to prevent it. Looking like a corpse and being bald in your 20s is the epitome of defeat.
You chose the wrong field.

In CS where I'm in there's lots of turbo incels.