Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Really? Just a couple recent posts on /r/transtimelines:

- https://www.reddit.com/r/transtimelines/comments/1c35cqk/from_sad_guy_to_happy_girl
- - https://www.reddit.com/r/transtimelines/comments/1c2rrt9/47yo_mtf_3_months_to_3_months_on_hrt_been_loving

I don't want to be mean to any of them, but you can clearly see there is something off just looking at their skin. Something that doesn't fit the male looks (I guess they don't want to present male, you get what I mean). If they presented men, you wouldn't say "they improved their looks on HRT".

You mean red pill? (In the sense that you have to accept losing looks.) I am just doubting altogether how much this state of "man on HRT" is improving life at all. But maybe you are so feminine / androgynous that you can pull it off, that's cool then. Very very few men can.

I am no expert on this and I don't think any of us knows enough about the endocrine system. I'll try anyway:

1) You are not a woman and women have more complex hormone system than just injecting E2.
2) If you are using AA then you might damage your liver (bica) or develop brain tumors (CPA). If you ever get drugs as an addition to that, you really have to disclose these as there may be whatever interactions involved.
3) If you don't remove your testicles and go on E mono, then you actually will have a higher level of estrogen than a cis woman would.
4) There is higher chance of developing testicle cancer if you are using hormones.
5) Blood clot risks will also be higher.

I really can't understand why you are not acknowledging the risks and think that this simply a choice.

Let's say you start to have testicle pain, where would you go? How would you solve that? Or if you suddenly have prostate issues and become incontinent, what would you do? These are not entirely unrealistic scenarios at all. The first response from any doctor would be to stop taking HRT immediately.

Yeah, I've read that. It is kinda insane what you are doing to your body. (Did you also try TRT, or was it Adri? I may confuse the two of you.)

I do get that you may weigh in the options and decide for HRT. I am arguing that you cannot realistically remain a straight male and take HRT. You also seem to be very careless to me when it comes to health side.

I am honestly interested in your thoughts how you are doing that.
They’re using makeup dog.


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No skin is too good to suit a man.

I strongly disagree with that and I cannot understand how you are seeing it that way.

Yes, now I'm on TRT. You are wrong to call this crazy, because there is nothing unnatural in my body when I inject T. Testosterone enanthate is identical to endogenous testosterone, and when I inject it, it is the same as if it were produced by my testicles.

I thought there was a discussion that testicles will stop producing if you add it from an outside source.

I've been doing this for three years and can do it for another 30 years if necessary.

I'll try not to express my point how slaphead or lb88 would do, but I agree with them in the sense that I cannot fathom either how you can reconcile being a straight man on hrt. The physical weakness, the loss of sex drive (how can you even get erections), the growing breasts, being soft everywhere. It would be impossible for me to retain a male image. I am not saying I'll never be like you, but the price is enormous.

I am not asking this from a mocking intention, but can you still think of yourself as man? When I tried HRT and felt all of the above, I felt like a subhuman between sexes and not as an improved male.


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Second person is 34 and doesn't have much makeup. Their skin is also much clearer and this is why they look unusual.

So your point is then that you shouldn't take HRT after 20 or what?
HRT will not do anything in 60 days, the first picture just has 0 beauty filter and the second one has level 5 beauty filter. You can't even see his 5 o clock shadow because of it. You can benefit from hrt at any age but you should have realistic expectations
1) You are not a woman and women have more complex hormone system than just injecting E2.
2) If you are using AA then you might damage your liver (bica) or develop brain tumors (CPA). If you ever get drugs as an addition to that, you really have to disclose these as there may be whatever interactions involved.
3) If you don't remove your testicles and go on E mono, then you actually will have a higher level of estrogen than a cis woman would.
4) There is higher chance of developing testicle cancer if you are using hormones.
5) Blood clot risks will also be higher.
1- women's endocrine system is made for reproduction and it has a lot of disadvantages in comparison to taking estradiol injections once a week. women would benefit from removing their ovaries and just taking injections instead. I'm not advocating for that but it would make their lives easier
2- liver damage from bica is extremely rare at 50mg or lower and completely avoidable if you get tested every few months and no one is ever advised to stay on cypro for 10+ years so the chance of developing tumours is almost nonexistent
3- every person on estrogen monotherapy has higher average estrogen levels than cis women because that's required in order for monotherapy to work. It's not dangerous and has potential benefits
4- Hrt reduces the risk of testicular cancer
5- It's only higher if you take pills


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I strongly disagree with that and I cannot understand how you are seeing it that way.

I thought there was a discussion that testicles will stop producing if you add it from an outside source.

I'll try not to express my point how slaphead or lb88 would do, but I agree with them in the sense that I cannot fathom either how you can reconcile being a straight man on hrt. The physical weakness, the loss of sex drive (how can you even get erections), the growing breasts, being soft everywhere. It would be impossible for me to retain a male image. I am not saying I'll never be like you, but the price is enormous.

I am not asking this from a mocking intention, but can you still think of yourself as man? When I tried HRT and felt all of the above, I felt like a subhuman between sexes and not as an improved male.
I feel great. I don't like the way HRT affects my body, but it's not so bad that I'm constantly suffering. It's better than going bald.


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Really? Just a couple recent posts on /r/transtimelines:

I don't want to be mean to any of them, but you can clearly see there is something off just looking at their skin. Something that doesn't fit the male looks (I guess they don't want to present male, you get what I mean). If they presented men, you wouldn't say "they improved their looks on HRT".
Well the thing with many older Reddit-using trannies is that they don't have very good regimens. They often will take estrogen in the pill form and may not even pair it with a proper AA like bica. If they do inject, they often don't realize how detrimental certain lifestyle choices are to looks, such as overindulgence in masturbation, nicotine, alcohol, or poor diet. The users of this forum who explore the hormonal route seem to overall be pretty locked in on their looks and therefore have better results from the drugs, this is my personal experience at least.


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Alcohol is such a brutal looksmin and no one is willing to talk about it. In fact normies will get really mad at you if you even suggest that you refuse to drink.


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So, you have no prospects? Yes or no
I'll indulge in your nonsense since I've discussed this before on here. No, I don't have any prospects. I get looks out in public for sure because I stand out but I never get approached by women. The last time I kissed a girl was 4 months ago and that was the first time in a few years.

It is lonely at the top for sure. But nothing is going to make me stop taking HRT. I am content with being single forever because I know the only way I could have a relationship without HRT is to be a provider for someone I wouldn't be attracted to. Lose-lose, f*** male aging.

Mr. Slap Head

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I'll indulge in your nonsense since I've discussed this before on here. No, I don't have any prospects. I get looks out in public for sure because I stand out but I never get approached by women. The last time I kissed a girl was 4 months ago and that was the first time in a few years.

It is lonely at the top for sure. But nothing is going to make me stop taking HRT. I am content with being single forever because I know the only way I could have a relationship without HRT is to be a provider for someone I wouldn't be attracted to. Lose-lose, f*** male aging.
I’m sorry, genuinely


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It's nothing I worry about. I would rather be lonely than balding. I wouldn't be able to watch myself degrade in such a fashion. Even if I had someone by my side telling me it was okay, that's no way to live IMO
U get used to it. I have been balding for 14 years. Baby steps brother baby steps. Ur too weak minded.


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Being quite social these days, I often hear from people how they feel about bald people. For example, I recently heard girls in a conversation come to the conclusion that bald guys are terrible. Can you imagine how painful it would be for me to hear this if I were bald myself?
By the way, people often underestimate how difficult it is to fight baldness. The girls say, “Why is he bald? Couldn’t he have used Finasteride?”


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In my experience I have a friend who is drinking almost everyday since his 16th birthday (26 now),doesnt go to gym, never applied any sunscreen or lotion etc, mastrubates everyday as all men do mostly, he does it ok because he loves restaurants and smokes pack a day.

He has bodybuilder looks to his body with low body fat and baby faced skin with no hairloss, also 190cm tall.
So yeah it is genes, not regimens.
And you're not supposed to show any major signs of aging at 26 so well done he's aging like a normal person for now


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These guys are not even 25 lol. They will regret hrt after their brain is developed fully. They cant think rationally or think of the consequences, they act in desperation, and definately not mature enough to make wise decisions. Im 36 and to go on hrt at my age is irrationell.
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Honestly your SMV in your 40s and up is irrelevant.
But still differences are miniscule. Only big difference was on women that is overweight compared to underweight sibling, so not exactly looksmax.

Im talking about aging in 20-35 range mostly when you are actively looking for sex partner,wife, whatever..

Some people decline at 20 to unrecongizable levels, some have same looks with age appropriate changes up to 40+.
Well you said that as if your friend was an exception when that's the norm.. the people with shitty genetics can still prevent premature aging with good habits. I remember seeing this a while ago, she wouldn't look like this if she didn't let the sun to rape her skin on a daily basis https://nypost.com/2024/01/17/lifes...ld-tiktoker-old-criticizes-skincare-wrinkles/


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Its not the norm, im comparing him to most of my friends. Having light crows feet is normal past 25 for most. Having forehead wrinkles start forming is normal. Getting fat(er) with less muscle is normal due to modern lifestyle that need to be combated with gym. Drinking heavily should take away your energy and give you depression.

And so on, but he doesnt have those signs and symptoms and he is living like everyday is his last without hairlosstalk forum account and 27 creams and lotions or weekly injections.

His dad looks extremely good at almost 60 yo and has all these qualities when ajdusted for age
So your friend is saved by his superior genetics and the rest are suffering the consequences of their shitty habits. Nice. If most people used tretinoin, sunscreen and avoided alcohol/smoking, crows feet and wrinkles under 35 wouldn't be very common


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This is so wrong... Meth addicts look older because they're extremely underweight and dehydrated due to meth making it impossible to eat, not because it destroys collagen and elastin like alcohol, smoking and sun damage. Anorexic people look older too. Heroin does not accelerate skin aging either. Alcohol and smoking are much worse for aging than meth and heroin, drug addicts look older for different reasons


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You cant look systemic/CNS shutdown drug at skin level wtf.

It literally shortens your telomeres which are highly associated with aging/longetivity in general.
Alcohol and smoking also shorten telomeres. Tretinoin shortens telomeres as well and it's the best thing you can use to prevent skin aging