Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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If everyone thought like you the world would be full of trans and beta faggots. Once again you need mental Evaluation.
That's what the future is going to look like whether you like it or not... testosterone levels are dropping world wide every year, it's only a matter of time before we completely evolve out of this poison. Testosterone has no place in modern society.


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Both sides of the conflict are not distinguished by intelligence and present loud value judgments as arguments.
... unlike the transphobes in this thread, I will have an argument: hair on the head has a greater impact on attractiveness than body changes that are not noticeable under clothing or are only slightly noticeable. You claim that sacrificing your body is too much, yet your head is visible to other people every time you leave the house, and your body is hidden under clothes. Head > body. Besides, everyone has different preferences when it comes to appearance, how the hell do you decide what's right and what's wrong?
Transphobic claims are equally baseless. 0 arguments, but a lot of stereotypes and ignorance.
I laugh at how much some people try to demonize testosterone because of how much suffering it has caused them specifically, but I forget that everyone else is saying even dumber sh*t lol.

I'll try to actually reason with you on this and hope the pointless insults can stop. I don't care if you are gay, trans, straight on hormones or just want to have breasts or anything, so I'll try to keep this universal:

1) If it is "Head > Body" for you, then you also need to keep in mind that head consists of many other things: facial fat distribution, skin, facial hair, bone structure. Some of these are affected by estrogen and some are permanent. You may be an exception to this, but "manly facial structure + smooth soft skin" is uncanny. People who switch s*x hormones later in life can easily have a very weird look. Again, you may look great and cute and all, but I bet the majority of the men cannot pull it off.

2) Looks are not everything. Hair is important and all, but I very much hope that the people you are in contact with in your life is not entirely because of their hair follicles on their head. Of course, initially when getting to know someone it may be important, but everyone is judged much more by their actions. As a man, this even influences your attractiveness more. You wouldn't like to be surrounded with superficial people whose only topic is plastic surgery, right?

3) It is not just "switching hormones". You have a default hormone. You can mess up really bad your hormone production and you will be on your own. Most doctors don't have a clue how to help you out. Are you ready to explain your hormone regimen for each cardiologist / surgeon / endocrinologist ... you will have to visit? (You have to live in a very liberal area for that.) Saying that you know how to handle your hormones is very risky, not to mention potential supply chain issues.

4) Even if your head will look absolutely cute, you may gain fat you don't want. And yes, your figure is visible through the clothes. If you have muscles, they will show through. You even walk entirely differently if you are muscular compared to having gained fat on your a**. Your "male body" can only possibly be maintained if you are eating at a women's calorie deficit (as others said), which is just not sustainable.

So obviously I think that advertising hormones and arguing which is better is pointless. I personally think that the only time you may consider suppressing testosterone / taking estrogen is:

- When you actually crave a feminine body and you are not built too manly with broad shoulders and wide ribcage
- You cannot deal with your urges and want to calm down
- You live in a very liberal area


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It's been a week since I reduced the oestrogel from 3mg to 0.75mg and I must say that I already feel better... Unfortunately that's the truth of the matter... I'm not one to get too conditioned and I resist the oestrogen therapy well. I used from 1.5mg to 3mg of estrogel together with bicalutamide for more than a year without it affecting my gym workout or sex... no side effects apart from gynecomastia which is inevitable and smaller testicles... but I had to fight with masturbation every two days and Cialis to avoid shrinkage... how long can a man go on like this? I'll tell you... if you're straight you'll quit... like many here have done... I'm now taking fina 2.5mg, two days a week dutasteride, cyproterone 12.5mg, minoxidil 10mg, and topical dutasteride... And I don't notice any difference... at hair level... in fact since I replaced bica with Cipro my hair loss has decreased a lot... no more scalp and face with excess sebum... I'm still taking 0.75 mg of oestrogen because I wouldn't give it up all at once... I would like to avoid copious hair loss as happened in the past. I just wanted to give my testimony, I hope it will help someone to think about it.... PS. Greetings to that a**h** @losingbattle88
As i said before once the initial obsession lessens and the mentality "whatever it takes" for hair don't feel rational any more, and you are a male. you have to be very sick to keep taking female hormones for hair ,it will backfire in the future with a huge toll to your body.


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I'll try to actually reason with you on this and hope the pointless insults can stop. I don't care if you are gay, trans, straight on hormones or just want to have breasts or anything, so I'll try to keep this universal:

1) If it is "Head > Body" for you, then you also need to keep in mind that head consists of many other things: facial fat distribution, skin, facial hair, bone structure. Some of these are affected by estrogen and some are permanent. You may be an exception to this, but "manly facial structure + smooth soft skin" is uncanny. People who switch s*x hormones later in life can easily have a very weird look. Again, you may look great and cute and all, but I bet the majority of the men cannot pull it off.

2) Looks are not everything. Hair is important and all, but I very much hope that the people you are in contact with in your life is not entirely because of their hair follicles on their head. Of course, initially when getting to know someone it may be important, but everyone is judged much more by their actions. As a man, this even influences your attractiveness more. You wouldn't like to be surrounded with superficial people whose only topic is plastic surgery, right?

3) It is not just "switching hormones". You have a default hormone. You can mess up really bad your hormone production and you will be on your own. Most doctors don't have a clue how to help you out. Are you ready to explain your hormone regimen for each cardiologist / surgeon / endocrinologist ... you will have to visit? (You have to live in a very liberal area for that.) Saying that you know how to handle your hormones is very risky, not to mention potential supply chain issues.

4) Even if your head will look absolutely cute, you may gain fat you don't want. And yes, your figure is visible through the clothes. If you have muscles, they will show through. You even walk entirely differently if you are muscular compared to having gained fat on your a**. Your "male body" can only possibly be maintained if you are eating at a women's calorie deficit (as others said), which is just not sustainable.

So obviously I think that advertising hormones and arguing which is better is pointless. I personally think that the only time you may consider suppressing testosterone / taking estrogen is:

- When you actually crave a feminine body and you are not built too manly with broad shoulders and wide ribcage
- You cannot deal with your urges and want to calm down
- You live in a very liberal area
tldr dawg


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Can you briefly review your treatment history? Were you on HRT?
dawg never HRT are you serious? CPA bicalutamide finasteride dutasteride oral and topical minoxidil in the past. Bicalutamide is the worst drug for hair doen't help at all and gives you painful gynecomastia and you hold more water and to ur stomach (no weight gain)CPA works! A good rule of thumb is that if CPA dutasteride and oral minoxidil all taken together fail then nothing will help you.My current regimen you can see on My regimen

Mr. Slap Head

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dawg never HRT are you serious? CPA bicalutamide finasteride dutasteride oral and topical minoxidil in the past. Bicalutamide is the worst drug for hair doen't help at all and gives you painful gynecomastia and you hold more water and to ur stomach (no weight gain)CPA works! A good rule of thumb is that if CPA dutasteride and oral minoxidil all taken together fail then nothing will help you.My current regimen you can see on My regimen
I feel like CPA would make you feel terrible since you wouldn’t have a dominant sex hormone though


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facial fat distribution, skin, facial hair, bone structure. Some of these are affected by estrogen and some are permanent. You may be an exception to this, but "manly facial structure + smooth soft skin" is uncanny. People who switch s*x hormones later in life can easily have a very weird look.
I remembered all the people in this thread, including Bridgeburn, who have tried HRT. I can't remember a single time where this made a guy look worse. I recently rewatched Bridgeburn's transformation and thought, "Damn, this is real looksmaxxing."
2) Looks are not everything. Hair is important and all, but I very much hope that the people you are in contact with in your life is not entirely because of their hair follicles on their head. Of course, initially when getting to know someone it may be important, but everyone is judged much more by their actions. As a man, this even influences your attractiveness more. You wouldn't like to be surrounded with superficial people whose only topic is plastic surgery, right?
God, what a shitty bluepill. Yes, actions are important, but how does this negate the importance of a person's external attractiveness and how much it improves life?
Hormones do not affect health in such a way that those diseases that are treated with T are not treated with E. In addition, we have women who live happily with E as the main hormone.
4) Even if your head will look absolutely cute, you may gain fat you don't want.
This is true. And this is why I am trying to find a way to treat baldness without resorting to HRT. I'm currently trying RU, but I'm pretty sure it won't work.
I personally think that the only time you may consider suppressing testosterone / taking estrogen is:

- When you actually crave a feminine body and you are not built too manly with broad shoulders and wide ribcage
- You cannot deal with your urges and want to calm down
- You live in a very liberal area
The last point doesn't matter. If you don't take HRT for your trans transition, no one will know.
It makes sense to take HRT if you are going bald, there is no other way to treat it and you cannot come to terms with it because hair is very important to you. No one can tell you what you need except yourself.