Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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This might break it down easier, note that anyone who is chemically castrated before 21 yo, might notice changes in bone structure such as increased in height, hips growth and limbs extensions, it is happening to me and it is kinda cool, ignore the man Pic on this Pic, because being a man for us means a bald head and a hairy body but this what chemical castration can do the body in the long-run (5+ years), welcome to the second puberty, @Ikarus, you are starting young like me, and this regimen can bring up more changes, so you have to be okay with the changes so you won't regret itView attachment 113701

The male with hair is still the best ...

Or you can be an eunuch like him (one of the last eunuchs of the former Imperial Palace) :



Are there real pictures of really handsome eunuchs ? Except you, of course :D
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Having your testicles removed is equivalent to taking 200mg of spironolactone and finestride a day, remember that eunuchs in ancient time were never given estrogen, they were left to die with severe osteoporosis and health consequences, estrogen nourishs the body, thats why taking spironolactone and finestride without taking estrogen is not worth it,the human body needs sex hormones if not testosterone then estrogen


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Having your testicles removed is equivalent to taking 200mg of spironolactone and finestride a day, remember that eunuchs in ancient time were never given estrogen, they were left to die with severe osteoporosis and health consequences, estrogen nourishs the body, thats why taking spironolactone and finestride without taking estrogen is not worth it,the human body needs sex hormones if not testosterone then estrogen

That's weird, it's bad for health to have no hormones but still eunuchs have a longer lifespan.
I read some studies on rats, same conclusion.


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That's weird, it's bad for health to have no hormones but still eunuchs have a longer lifespan.
I read some studies on rats, same conclusion.
Women generally live longer than men, and eunuchs or transgenders have a similar testosterone level of a woman, I think it has to do with androgens, high T makes you go to war then die, or testosterone increases the appetite and makes you eat more food which is unhealthy, or maybe the stress from finding a partner or getting in fights .. Etc

Seeñor Pelitos

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Not sure how you make those assumptions from the angle of his head. Plus the fact he has a beard in his before pic is going to throw off the whole comparison. And a male pattern baldness head vs a full head of curls will easily give the illusion of a feminine look.
I’m not sure how you can’t see it but there’s definitely a change. He may have probably gained a little bit of weight which makes his face a little more round but is most likely due to dutasteride and other hormone altering chemicals he used. I’m a very lean guy with good muscle mass and had a six pack during most of my 20s until I tried dutasteride 0.5mg for 5 months. Gained weight and got soft all over, no more 6 pack, chest began to grow and sag, my face looked fluffy and that was only with a low dose of dutasteride and nothing else. Got off of it and 3-4 months later I returned to my normal weight but my chest took maybe about 6 months to tighten up with the help of exercise. That’s the first thing I notice on before and after pics of people on aggressive anti androgen or hormone altering plans. It sucks how that’s the only thing that gives great results.


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But are we sure eunuchs do have problem of osteoporosis, more than males or females population ?
Yea many scientific reports shows that eunuchs who don't take sex hormones have a much lower bone density than average people, eunuchs in ancient time were'nt bald many shaved their heads because they were slaves.

Shaving the head was a sign of celibacy
This is Varys from game of thrones
the media wants us to think that androgens are good for your hair but it's not. Eunuchs were beautiful creatures.


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the media wants us to think that androgens are good for your hair but it's not. Eunuchs were beautiful creatures.

I lost your here ...

The media want us to think your apparence is the top priority, that's why we're here now ... :/ and being a male, especially a white male, it a bit more complicated than before hm hm hm ...


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I lost your here ...

The media want us to think your apparence is the top priority, that's why we're here now ... :/
True, that is because of the advertisement and movies, if you look at men 100 years ago they were bald and proud, no one took estrogen to regrow his hair, this is now, because the ideal male image is someone with muscles and thick hair, that's why we are fucked in the first place


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Eunuch is a gender? Last time I checked there were females and males only...

Yep ! Eunuch are just males without balls, not a third gender.


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True, that is because of the advertisement and movies, if you look at men 100 years ago they were bald and proud, no one took estrogen to regrow his hair, this is now, because the ideal male image is someone with muscles and thick hair, that's why we are fucked in the first place

Yeah ... but you're lucky, you will regrowth all your hair, the cost was your balls, but its worth it.
I have no testosterone, high estrogen, and still losing my hair (and maybe something else).
Enjoy your new life.


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I had a cat, a nice grey loving cat, he was a male, I ... no a vet removed the balls, and ... he was still called "He".
You're not an eunuch if you take estradiol ... you're a female transgenre, but still not a female (I will have dislikes for that lol).
If you are on this regimen you can call yourself anything but not a man, we are not men, we are hairoholics, who love their hair more than their dicks and balls, a eunuch is a man who had his balls removed(like myself) or his ball deactivated and disabled by chemicals, so yeah @bridgeburn is a eunuch


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If you are on this regimen you can call yourself anything but not a man, we are not men, we are hairoholics, who love their hair more than their dicks and balls

I'm a man ... because I still present as a man :( ... but I was supposed to be on my way to become a female (transgenre). It's a fail.


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It is not a fail, you are just on your way finding an effective protocol that works for your body

No, it won't work. I won't stop, but I'm sure I will lose my hair anyway. And I'm sure something bad will happen because of it (androgen receptors upregulation).
And, my protocol is almost the best : lupron + estradiol injection. Surgical castration is the last step, but it won't be a game changer.


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If you are on this regimen you can call yourself anything but not a man, we are not men, we are hairoholics, who love their hair more than their dicks and balls, a eunuch is a man who had his balls removed(like myself) or his ball deactivated and disabled by chemicals, so yeah @bridgeburn is a eunuch

I'm still a man ... I just hate my virility because I'm disturbed.
And even if I looked like a female my y chromosome tells the truth.


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I know eh. I went from using dutasteride once a week thinking i'm dropping a nuclear bomb in my body. Then bridge comes along and shows what a nuclear bomb drop really is. Or maybe hydrogen bomb in his case.
ohh, I can still go harder >)


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Was your dad bald?
yeah my dad is bald, not slick but fuzzy thin hair all over the top and a receeding hairline. He didn't lose it as fast as me. but about as long as I remember hes had that receeding hairline, but gradually got worse over the years.. his recession isnt the same pattern, his middle hair sticks up and makes him look like a shark. and my recession was more of a deep crescent moon shape.. his is more triangle pointed shape.

You look like a real trooper in that first pic. Did you have a pic between that one and the others you posted just before HRT?
in that pic I was 19; heres another trooper pic a few years later:
FB_IMG_1549635303855.jpg Im 22 here

heres me at 24:

25? i think:

right before HRT:


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This might break it down easier, note that anyone who is chemically castrated before 21 yo, might notice changes in bone structure such as increased in height, hips growth and limbs extensions, it is happening to me and it is kinda cool, ignore the man Pic on this Pic, because being a man for us means a bald head and a hairy body but this what chemical castration can do the body in the long-run (5+ years), welcome to the second puberty, @Ikarus, you are starting young like me, and this regimen can bring up more changes, so you have to be okay with the changes so you won't regret itView attachment 113701

It would be a dream if my height increased; I'm only 5'6 and I hate it! Hips growth I don't mind, and I'm not sure what limbs extensions mean. That Eunuch is mesmerisingly beautiful; he looks unworldly.

I found something quite interesting when I was on a pharmaceutical website: "When a woman’s body produces too many androgens or is overly sensitive to the effects of androgens, however, it can lead to problems such as hirsutism (excess hair growth), severe acne, oily skin, hair loss on the head and amenorrhoea (having no periods)."

If this is the case with women, it should be the same case with men and this idea should be promoted more widespread... Since men naturally have more androgens, we are more prone to an androgen sensitivity which explains why baldness, acne, oily skin and premature hairiness is more prominent in males. Destroying androgens most likely the only way to combat hair loss permanently, which is unfortunate for many people because the majority of males don't want to risk their masculinity...

Sometimes I feel like scientists do know what causes hair loss for sure and has a cure but they don't want us to know because it would diminish pharmaceutical brands which sell the current hair loss treatments (e.g. Finasteride, Dutasteride, Minoxidil) which means they won't produce the mass amount of money they currently earn.