Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Hi how are you doing ? on this website says that hormone replacement therapy does not recover hair .... you who think





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I admit that your mid-scalp and forelock are very strong and thick. However, I have doubt on your vertex and corner point of your hairline. Believe me, my forelock is stronger than yours but my vertex and corner of hairline are thinning very badly. My Thinning corners have met my thinning vertex which is the sign of advanced balding.
Up to a point, thicker does not equal stronger. Certain races/ethnicities have a variation in hair type. Asians for example have thicker individual hair follicles but with less hair density.

my vertex is the same as the top. Yes, my corners which were bare skin for about a decade are not thick.


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I'm not sure how I should take the 2MG of Estradiol... Should I just take one daily? Or should I take 1MG in the morning, and 1MG in the evening?


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@bridgeburn do u think lowering testosterone could halt hairloss or do u think once the gene is switched on any amount would cause hairloss?


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Hair loss always speaks of pancreas problems.
I read a lot about high sugar and insulin action and itchy scalp. even if TST / DHT is removed, androgen receptors may begin to respond to insulin. there will be a lot of hair on the body and there will be a very large potency even if TST / DHT is at zero level. who has a weak pancreas can not eat bread. need to eat more bitter, or drink, it is useful to reduce insulin. need to drink coffee without sugar and tea from the sagebrush. insulin boosts DHT, but even if DHT is removed, then insulin will connect to receptors and act in the same way. and the scalp will itch and potency will appear. and even 100 mg of androkur will not save.


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I was very impressed by the Australian film called 'sugar', it is everywhere, in all products and convenience foods. Those who watched it change their diet and world view forever.


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It turns out if you do not eat harmful food, you can safely refuse from estradiol and AA. but few will be able to give up the food that he has eaten all his life. Estradiol also normalizes the work of the pancreas and reduces the harm of insulin. but this is how to clean the reservoir and at the same time contaminate it. and so in a circle.
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nWo Wolfpac

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So it's become obvious to me now that my testosterone level is way to high. I smell like a man again, my hair is shedding and much more oily, I've been getting more acne and my libido is way too strong and has pretty much returned to what it used to be. I've been n denial for the past few weeks because I didn't want to up my cypro dose but it looks like I will have to. I'm going to go back to taking 25mg a day like I did in the beginning.

nWo Wolfpac

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Any of you guys taking estrogen noticed more prominent veins in top of hands or even on face around the eyes? I'm starting to see this and it does not look good. A quick google search:

Yes Ever since I started estrogen my veins are visible everywhere now. Under my eyes on my face It drive me crazy. I knew it was because of the e because it started right after. Ive resorted to wearing make up to cover it up but that only works a little bit. The thin skin combined with the water retention giving me a bloated face Estrogen has definitely mad me look worse.

So going by what that study says should we lower our estrogen? maybe it's all ready way too high for us. Bridgeburn I have been meaning to ask you abut this for a long time. Do you have any idea what we can do?
The only thing I can think of trying is upping my cypro and lowering my estradiol. Maybe taking some estriol would help?
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nWo Wolfpac

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I was looking around reddit a couple of weeks back and I found a trans woman complaining about the same thing. Here is her post.

"Hi everybody, I am a post-op MtF. I have been looking for transgendered forums in order to make sense of a very unpleasant situation regarding HRT.

I had SRS with Dr. Meltzer and I am very pleased with the results. My biggest problems is with HRT, though. I have been on HRT for years and have tried different combinations and approaches. I have also consulted with several endocrinologists who gave me conflicting opinions on HRT. My hope is that someone here can help me find a sweet spot with HRT.

Because I am post-op, I do not need antiandrogen but I do need estrogen. 15 days ago, I stopped taking estrogen all of a sudden and the changes I have seen in these 15 days are amazing. Without estrogen, my face looks less bloated and more attractive, my double chin is gone, I am starting to have a thigh gap again, my skin looks more radiant and thicker, my complexion is healthier (as opposed to the anemic complexion on HRT), my connetive tissue seems more elastic.My skin on HRT was too thin and the veins were showing. The cellulite and flabbiness have improved in 15 days. Keep in mind that while I was on HRT I was on diet and I exercised even twice a day, however, I didn't see any significant result. I stopped estrogen and bingo, I lost weight and water retention and cellulite. The reason why I stopped HRT is because I was frustrated and depressed that no matter how hard I worked out and no matter how much I watched what I ate, I still had cottage cheese butt and huge (I mean HUGE hips which are unattractive).

My question is: how can I find a sweet spot? Before you tell me to ask my doctor, I have already asked several doctors and they only confused me. I have to be my own doctor now. Plus, there is a conflict of interests and I am a source of income for them. I go to their office and pay money to check my hormones and get refills, so, of course they are not gonna tell me to stop HRT and lose a client. One endocrinologist told me that my weight, bloating, flabbiness and cellulite were due to low estrogen... another one told me it was that I had still testosterone circulating in my blood, since I had just had SRS... too many conflicting opinions. I want to stop HRT but I am afraid I will lose that "feminine halo" that HRT gives to your face and makes you pass at a quick glance from a casual observer on the street.

TLTR: stopped HRT and my body and face improved incredibly in 15 days. However, I am afraid to masculinize so I want to find a sweet spot.

as far as the gaunt look is concerned, I believe that a fat face on an already big, wide face (like mine) is worse. I don't know, I am torn, to be honest, because I don't want to lose femininity, but the hormones were doing more harm than good. Yes, I did check the values and these are the values from December

Testosterone, Total, LC/MS/MS 6ng/dl Free Testosterone 0.6 pg/ml

Estradiol 24 pg/ml

I also have to mention that when I went off on HRT in these 15 days I can concentrate much better and my mood has improved too. Shouldn't it be the opposite?"

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Esta es la primera vez que me veo detrás de la cabeza con el cabello mojado ... mi cabello es muy malo allí ... ¿me das tu opinión?
