Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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do you smear estrogel on hair and how many doses?


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nWo Wolfpac

I have the same thing, as if testosterone increased when I increased the dose of CYPRO. m potency has become big on increasing the dose of CYPRO ... how is this possible?

nWo Wolfpac

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nWo Wolfpac

I have the same thing, as if testosterone increased when I increased the dose of CYPRO. m potency has become big on increasing the dose of CYPRO ... how is this possible?

Well mine seemed to increase after lowering my dose so if i were you i would keep taking the higher dose it should even out eventually.


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this is strange. but when I increased to 50 mg it only got worse.


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nWo Wolfpac

I have the same thing, as if testosterone increased when I increased the dose of CYPRO. m potency has become big on increasing the dose of CYPRO ... how is this possible?
How can you make that assumption- did you get blood work?


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How can you make that assumption- did you get blood work?

I did not do the analysis. but when I took a lot of cyproterone, like 50 mg, potency increased, and the skin became oily. I do not understand what is happening ..


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Mostly forehead. Also along hairline and temples, just going about 1/2 centimeter into the hairline. I stopped all estro three days ago so we'll see what happens...

as I understand from estrogel gyno not get?


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I did not do the analysis. but when I took a lot of cyproterone, like 50 mg, potency increased, and the skin became oily. I do not understand what is happening ..
Lucky you, not only does a small does nuke my dick, make me lose sleep and initiate shedding - I notice the opposite, my hair gets dry which means scalp does not produce enough oil.
Anyway it's why I cycle it and you have to know your body. I think cypro gives the others a exponential boost making them more effective including M, E, D.


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No gyno but I'm getting a blue vein under one of my eyes and veins in back of hands and legs getting more noticeable. @nWo Wolfpac Wolfpack notices vein changes too.

veins from estrone. better to use estriol spray. but he is dear.


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Lucky you, not only does a small does nuke my dick, make me lose sleep and initiate shedding - I notice the opposite, my hair gets dry which means scalp does not produce enough oil.
Anyway it's why I cycle it and you have to know your body. I think cypro gives the others a exponential boost making them more effective including M, E, D.

I also have trouble sleeping with cyproterone. and now began to hurt chest. I probably will change the scheme. I will smear very very very much Estrogel on the head and use Finasteride. I did not try this.


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I heard a lot from women who know better about these issues. there is an opinion that estriol is the best estrogen. estradiol normal or medium. and bad estrone, in the people it is also called ugly estrogen.


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I heard a lot from women who know better about these issues. there is an opinion that estriol is the best estrogen. estradiol normal or medium. and bad estrone, in the people it is also called ugly estrogen.
I cannot find any scientific articles to support that. Please let me know. Everyone says estrone is bad but where is the evidence?


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crees que pelos finos son cabellos que murieron o pelos en desarrollo


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Hair loss always speaks of pancreas problems.
I read a lot about high sugar and insulin action and itchy scalp. even if TST / DHT is removed, androgen receptors may begin to respond to insulin. there will be a lot of hair on the body and there will be a very large potency even if TST / DHT is at zero level. who has a weak pancreas can not eat bread. need to eat more bitter, or drink, it is useful to reduce insulin. need to drink coffee without sugar and tea from the sagebrush. insulin boosts DHT, but even if DHT is removed, then insulin will connect to receptors and act in the same way. and the scalp will itch and potency will appear. and even 100 mg of androkur will not save.

Interesting because I’ve never had positive results from finasteride/dutasteride and now Cypro. Any time I have a soda my scalp itches within 2 minutes. Guess I’ll never find solace in treatments.

Also, Cypro isn’t helping me either dude. I would have thought it would. Goodluckkkk


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I cannot find any scientific articles to support that. Please let me know. Everyone says estrone is bad but where is the evidence?
I think if everyone says it is worth listening. Bridgeburn laid out research about all three hormones of estrogen. estriol gives almost no gino. and estrone has a lot of it in old women and there are a lot of veins and breast cancer from it.