Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I'm fucked no matter what I do. I feel like sh*t on Cypro, I feel like sh*t on spironolactone and I feel like sh*t on Estradiol. I don't know how much longer I can keep going like this. But I know if I stop I will probably jump right back on this crap once I see my hair falling out again. I think I will try spironolactone again since it makes me feel like crap but at least I won't get the depression and complete lack of motivation I get from Cypro. Time to piss and sweat all day again. Here comes an elevated heart beat and high cortisol. I can't wait. I haven't had a good night's sleep in months. Im damned if I do and damned if I don't. I guess I'd rather be damned with hair. f*** my life. I think im gonna have a nap. It's the only thing I'm good at right now.

Why does Spironolactone make you feel like sh*t?

Also, I think in my case the side effects of Spironolactone won't be as bad as when I was on Accutane. So, I think it might be bearable for me (I hope). On Accutane, the side effects which had the potential to cause a disturbance to my day was exacerbated depression; my depression was already severe but Accutane made me feel suicidal everyday.


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I'm hoping I will be able to take an anti-androgen all of my life... There are a significant amount of transgender women who do not get the surgery (Blaire White being an example) so I'm assuming they would have to rely on the use of an anti-androgens permanently.


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wow lots of updates since my nap. I feel slightly better now.

My hair is much improved since I started. It has regrown my temples in and thickened up all over but my hair is still thin. I have to comb my hair down so no one sees my scalp.

No minoxidil gave me really bad sides had to quit that years ago.

That might be part of the problem. maybe I should up my e dose. are you saying you only felt better once you upped your estradiol dose to 6 mg?

The thing is on lower doses of cypro my testosterone has been coming back.

I wish I could take minoxidil my hair would probably be way better right now if I did.

If you only tried topical with bad side effects, you could be a higher than normal absorber via scalp. You could get an accurate systemic dose with oral and dial up or down based on sides...but if you tried that already I will rest my case :)

Sorry, I sound like a minoxidil pusher

nWo Wolfpac

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Why does Spironolactone make you feel like sh*t?

Also, I think in my case the side effects of Spironolactone won't be as bad as when I was on Accutane. So, I think it might be bearable for me (I hope). On Accutane, the side effects which had the potential to cause a disturbance to my day was exacerbated depression; my depression was already severe but Accutane made me feel suicidal everyday.

spironolactone just made me feel tired from poor sleep quality and also stomach pains which can be really painful. It's bearable for most people I just seem to get bad sides from everything.

I'm hoping I will be able to take an anti-androgen all of my life... There are a significant amount of transgender women who do not get the surgery (Blaire White being an example) so I'm assuming they would have to rely on the use of an anti-androgens permanently.

I just looked up Blaire White and wow she looks amazing! its kind of shocking, I didn't believe she was trans so I wikid her and its true. Its crazy how much a person can change on high doses of this stuff. I actually used to look down on transgender people a little bit and I would refer to them as their original names and gender but now that I'm on these same drugs I've learned a lot about them and I really sympathise with them now. In a way I have a lot in common with them in that were both unhappy with our genetics and appearance and are trying to change it to improve our lives. And yeah for most trans people spironolactone and cypro aren't as terrible as I make them seem. Its just different for everyone so hopefully you will be fine.

If you only tried topical with bad side effects, you could be a higher than normal absorber via scalp. You could get an accurate systemic dose with oral and dial up or down based on sides...but if you tried that already I will rest my case :)

Sorry, I sound like a minoxidil pusher

lol I might try minoxidil again one day but it made me look really old. I was 24 at the timeand after 6 months of it I remember looking in the mirror one day and thinking jesus I look like i'm 36! It dried my skin out and gave me wrinkles on my forhead which will never go away. I used to let the liquid minoxidil drip down on my forhead because I didnt know anything about its bad effects on skin. My face Improved dramatically after stoping but those lines remain. Perhaps I was geneticaly predisposed to get them eventually but the minoxidil brought them on years earlier. I still look young If youv'e ever watched Downton Abby I look like Matthew Crawley who also had a couple lines in his mid 20s.

So maybe I would have got them any way at a young age like he did but over all I look much better off minoxidil so I dont think I will ever go back.


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spironolactone just made me feel tired from poor sleep quality and also stomach pains which can be really painful. It's bearable for most people I just seem to get bad sides from everything.

I just looked up Blaire White and wow she looks amazing! its kind of shocking, I didn't believe she was trans so I wikid her and its true. Its crazy how much a person can change on high doses of this stuff. I actually used to look down on transgender people a little bit and I would refer to them as their original names and gender but now that I'm on these same drugs I've learned a lot about them and I really sympathise with them now. In a way I have a lot in common with them in that were both unhappy with our genetics and appearance and are trying to change it to improve our lives. And yeah for most trans people spironolactone and cypro aren't as terrible as I make them seem. Its just different for everyone so hopefully you will be fine.

lol I might try minoxidil again one day but it made me look really old. I was 24 at the timeand after 6 months of it I remember looking in the mirror one day and thinking jesus I look like i'm 36! It dried my skin out and gave me wrinkles on my forhead which will never go away. I used to let the liquid minoxidil drip down on my forhead because I didnt know anything about its bad effects on skin. My face Improved dramatically after stoping but those lines remain. Perhaps I was geneticaly predisposed to get them eventually but the minoxidil brought them on years earlier. I still look young If youv'e ever watched Downton Abby I look like Matthew Crawley who also had a couple lines in his mid 20s. View attachment 114943

So maybe I would have got them any way at a young age like he did but over all I look much better off minoxidil so I dont think I will ever go back.

Blaire White is so beautiful! She's one of the rare logical minded conservative people within the LGBT community. I didn't know transgender people existed until I turned 16, which might be arrogant to say. Is Cypro a dangerous medication?


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I ordered my medications from pharmathailand.net yesterday, I am hoping to dear god that it wasn't a scam website... Lol :eek: Because suddenly, their website is down today... I contacted them and they said that they're just moving websites, but it all just seems kinda convenient!


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I ordered my medications from pharmathailand.net yesterday, I am hoping to dear god that it wasn't a scam website... Lol :eek: Because suddenly, their website is down today... I contacted them and they said that they're just moving websites, but it all just seems kinda convenient!
How long do u want hair for, using anti androgen in the very long term is not sustainable, you might build resistance to it too, if you travel to Detroit, USA, Thailand or Mexico, there are plenty of urologist who perform orchiectomy under the patient consent, orchiectomy destroy androgens naturally and for good, but you would still need to take estrogen for the rest of your life which is less harsh on the body, spironolactone is torturous to the kidneys, I hate drugs, that's why I chose the surgical path


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How long do u want hair for, using anti androgen in the very long term is not sustainable, you might build resistance to it too, if you travel to Detroit, USA, Thailand or Mexico, there are plenty of urologist who perform orchiectomy under the patient consent, orchiectomy destroy androgens naturally and for good, but you would still need to take estrogen for the rest of your life which is less harsh on the body, spironolactone is torturous to the kidneys, I hate drugs, that's why I chose the surgical path

Many transgender women use anti-androgens for the rest of their life, again Blaire White being an example. It depends on the transgender womens point of dysphoria; many don't get surgery on their genitals because that doesn't cause them dysphoria (I know Blaire hasn't had an orchiectomy because she stopped hormones recently to try to restore her sperm production).

I could get an orchiectomy in the future if it is more convenient, and I build resistance to anti-androgens because I don't ever want to lose my hair. But, something interesting I saw was that some transgender women stop using Cypro for a period of time and their testosterone levels still stay low which makes me question if using Cypro consistently would be necessary...


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*Sigh* something important to add is that Accutane has most likely given me liver damage after just one month of using it, lol... I have to see a liver specialist soon, I hope this doesn't mess up me using spironolactone... :(


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*Sigh* something important to add is that Accutane has most likely given me liver damage after just one month of using it, lol... I have to see a liver specialist soon, I hope this doesn't mess up me using spironolactone... :(
Spirolactone is safe for the liver, it only mess up with the kidneys and electrolyte balance so you are safe, but I wouldnt advice u to self medicate, see a specialist they know better


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Spirolactone is safe for the liver, it only mess up with the kidneys and electrolyte balance so you are safe, but I wouldnt advice u to self medicate, see a specialist they know better

I do see my dermatologist in less than two weeks, and she will give me an explanation on things but honestly I think an orchiectomy is probably the best option at this point... :( Spironolactone can be used to treat liver cirrhosis... Estrogen sublingually can bypass the liver so that could be an option, but I doubt they would take risks... Honestly though, I literally have 0 symptoms of liver issues so I'm so confused even more!!!!!!

nWo Wolfpac

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So Since I am going back on spironolactone I was doing some research, now I know that the main problem it gives people is raised cortisol levels so I found a supplement called phosphatidylserine. It turns out that it is incredibly effective at reducing cortisol levels. I was reading an account of one trans woman on spironolactone who had super high cortisol levels but reduced it back to normal from this stuff while still taking the spironolactone. I just ordered some from amazon and it should arrive on monday. I am also going to take some ashwaghanda pills which has also been proven to lower cortisol. I highly recommend to anyone on spironolactone to look into these as you might have high cortisol which is what causes the fatigue, insomnia, thin skin and increased heart beat etc. I really needed some good news because I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with all this so hopefully this will work for me and I'll let you guys know if it does.

Obsessive you should know that estrogen alone can raise cortisol levels which can cause thin skin which causes the vein problem. I suggest you try these supplements and then try taking the estradiol again and see if the problem disappears.


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So Since I am going back on spironolactone I was doing some research, now I know that the main problem it gives people is raised cortisol levels so I found a supplement called phosphatidylserine. It turns out that it is incredibly effective at reducing cortisol levels. I was reading an account of one trans woman on spironolactone who had super high cortisol levels but reduced it back to normal from this stuff while still taking the spironolactone. I just ordered some from amazon and it should arrive on monday. I am also going to take some ashwaghanda pills which has also been proven to lower cortisol. I highly recommend to anyone on spironolactone to look into these as you might have high cortisol which is what causes the fatigue, insomnia, thin skin and increased heart beat etc. I really needed some good news because I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with all this so hopefully this will work for me and I'll let you guys know if it does.

Obsessive you should know that estrogen alone can raise cortisol levels which can cause thin skin which causes the vein problem. I suggest you try these supplements and then try taking the estradiol again and see if the problem disappears.
I've used PS and ash before but I didn't know about the skin connection. What's one more supplement on top of the 13 I already take :)

Jonny Craig

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I'm fucked no matter what I do. I feel like sh*t on Cypro, I feel like sh*t on spironolactone and I feel like sh*t on Estradiol. I don't know how much longer I can keep going like this. But I know if I stop I will probably jump right back on this crap once I see my hair falling out again. I think I will try spironolactone again since it makes me feel like crap but at least I won't get the depression and complete lack of motivation I get from Cypro. Time to piss and sweat all day again. Here comes an elevated heart beat and high cortisol. I can't wait. I haven't had a good night's sleep in months. Im damned if I do and damned if I don't. I guess I'd rather be damned with hair. f*** my life. I think im gonna have a nap. It's the only thing I'm good at right now.

Hang in there buddy

Jonny Craig

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Interesting because I’ve never had positive results from finasteride/dutasteride and now Cypro. Any time I have a soda my scalp itches within 2 minutes. Guess I’ll never find solace in treatments.

Also, Cypro isn’t helping me either dude. I would have thought it would. Goodluckkkk

Ziggy! What's up.

Did you ever pull the trigger on a FUT/FUE?

What are you using these days for hair? I remember you were using dutasteride and had no results, but you finally stopped using it?

Jonny Craig

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I believe estriol binds alpha preferentially, while beta binds both a and b. I've learned a lot lately: the dark side of taking beta estradiol is that it can form lot of estrone. Get your blood levels checked!! Estriol cannot turn into estrone.

Perhaps, bi-estro is another alternative, as you get 80% estriol, 20% estradiol, so you're not solely relying on estriol but NOT flooding your body with estradiol either..
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Perhaps, bi-estro is another alternative, as you get 80% estriol, 20% estradiol, so you're not solely relying on estriol but now flooding your body with estradiol etther..
Oh yea, it’s on my hairline as I write this. But I’m keeping dose very low as I recover from the estrone-estradiol craziness!
Appreciate the recommendation; in theory, a mix of the two should give the best results.


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I should post a photo of my medicine cabinet: I have Estrogel, Divigel, Bi-Estro, Estro-Life, Propecia, dexamethasone, and minoxidil. It’s quite a sight!!
My chosen username is quite accurate

Jonny Craig

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Oh yea, it’s on my hairline as I write this. But I’m keeping dose very low as I recover from the estrone-estradiol craziness!
Appreciate the recommendation; in theory, a mix of the two should give the best results.

How much are you using and frequency?

I started back up, on 1 pump daily on hairline, before bed.

But this morning I decided to do 1 pump on hair, and will do before bed as well, so 2 pumps day.

I think 2 pumps per day is a good dosage (2mg estriol, 0.50mg estradiol)

What will you be doing?

Is there any merit in adding Castor Oil daily topically? I know people say it doesn't penetrate without DMSO, etc, however there's a guy who had great results with it on this site, and finasteride didn't do anything for him. Worked for his diffuse loss and hairline, he just applied a sh*t ton nightly and washed it out in the morning.
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How much are you using and frequency?

I started back up, on 1 pump daily on hairline, before bed.

But this morning I decided to do 1 pump on hair, and will do before bed as well, so 2 pumps day.

I think 2 pumps per day is a good dosage (2mg estriol, 0.50mg estradiol)

What will you be doing?

Is there any merit in adding Castor Oil daily topically? I know people say it doesn't penetrate without DMSO, etc, however there's a guy who had great results with it on this site, and finasteride didn't do anything for him. Worked for his diffuse loss and hairline, he just applied a sh*t ton nightly and washed it out in the morning.
I’m going very light atm, fraction of a dose once a day. But I was hitting the estradiol hard for last few months. Don’t want boobs right before summer
Once I feel my sex drive ramps up I’ll prob increase to one full dose a day, maybe even two. As long as I don’t see signs of thinning skin or increased vasculariy, I’ll continue. Have ralox but haven’t used it