Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I get mine from inhousepharmacy.vu it takes like 2.5 weeks to arrive, it cost me $34.90 USD per month

Estrofem actually costs around €4 in Portugal. It’s a cheaper medication, but everyone seems to overprice it... Where I live, it’s a similar price in regular pharmacies but you have to prove that you are on your menopause.


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Estrofem actually costs around €4 in Portugal. It’s a cheaper medication, but everyone seems to overprice it... Where I live, it’s a similar price in regular pharmacies but you have to prove that you are on your menopause.
I read a transforum, everybody misses estrus in Russia! He has long ceased to be delivered here. You can find it, but it's expensive!


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In the future, I might be able to! I will flash my big titties in hopes they sell it to me :cool:
You can live in Russia and get everything without a prescription! I freely buy estradiol and cyproterone, I just go to the pharmacy and get my order. But I would like good endogenous estradiol and not synthetics.


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Ok just checked myself in the mirror after a shower, definitely got gyno. Thinking of stopping spironolactone until i have lost some weight then start it up again so i can tell more easily how bad it is and not from me being overweight.


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Ok just checked myself in the mirror after a shower, definitely got gyno. Thinking of stopping spironolactone until i have lost some weight then start it up again so i can tell more easily how bad it is and not from me being overweight.
Can you post a photo of your gyno?


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You can live in Russia and get everything without a prescription! I freely buy estradiol and cyproterone, I just go to the pharmacy and get my order. But I would like good endogenous estradiol and not synthetics.

really cool :)

in AUSTRIA we get nothing .. not a prescription .. nothing


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I realise you use a lot of other things but how do you think it actually helps?
I think so, but I use so much other that Idk. doesn't seem to hurt anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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HRT got rid of my dandruff. I had alot before

Dandruff is due to an excessive amount of oil on the scalp, which explains why I notice more men experiencing dandruff compared to women. I originally recall the Head & Shoulders shampoo being directed towards men, since they’re the larger audience experiencing dandruff.

On HRT, I don’t produce scalp oil whatsoever. I do think the itching is due to my scalp being dry; I believe I am washing my hair too often. Currently, I wash my hair every other day but there’s no point because my scalp doesn’t produce as much oil anymore...


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I do think the itching is due to my scalp being dry; I believe I am washing my hair too often. Currently, I wash my hair every other day but there’s no point because my scalp doesn’t produce as much oil anymore...
ah probably thats it.. I no longer wash my scalp at all. I only condition.

I originally recall the Head & Shoulders shampoo being directed towards men, since they’re the larger audience experiencing dandruff.
Head and Shoulders didn't rid me of dandruff. nor did any acne treatments work much.. If only I had connected long ago that androgens were the source of my misery all along instead of assuming only lifestyle mattered.