Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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So do u really think that what u grew back with cypro and estrogen would be maintainable on dutas and finasteride?
I think so. However, I'm dramatically altered at this point and I doubt my T production would raise back to the same level as it was pre-treatment even if I dropped everything. It will also take a few months for the testicles to come alive again.. So, this also gives me some security.


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ah probably thats it.. I no longer wash my scalp at all. I only condition.

Head and Shoulders didn't rid me of dandruff. nor did any acne treatments work much.. If only I had connected long ago that androgens were the source of my misery all along instead of assuming only lifestyle mattered.

I spent five years testing out products to clear my acne, spending thousands upon thousands on preposterously expensive skincare. But anti-androgens are the only solution for clearing my skin... Androgens are evil! :mad:


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I think so. However, I'm dramatically altered at this point and I doubt my T production would raise back to the same level as it was pre-treatment even if I dropped everything. It will also take a few months for the testicles to come alive again.. So, this also gives me some security.

But would you want to give up the effects of anti-androgens and estrogen? It has given you such great fat redistribution, along with such beautifully clear skin!

(In the future, when I have sufficient funds, I might switch to a GnRH agonist... Along with estrogen)


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It has given you such great fat redistribution, along with such beautifully clear skin!
my figure is like that of a women, it can be noticeable especially if the wind blows on me. I got a couple comments on it


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My regimen :
- oral minoxidil 10mg in the morning and topical minoxidil the evening
- avodart duta 0.5 mg / day
- cyproterone acetate 50mg every day
- oestrogel 2.25 mg everyday
- Diane 35 1 pill / week
that's alot of minoxidil dude, I don't use quite that much. Be very careful!


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I think so, but I use so much other that Idk. doesn't seem to hurt anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How are you using it? I’ve seen it needs to be added to another vehicle for penetration. I literally just put it in my minoxidil...


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so i reduced it to once a day, which is not very effective for sh*t but idk. i should be getting the HRT drugs in the mail today so im hoping that will save me from having to use minoxidil lol.
I used minoxidil only once a day in the beginning months and was getting great results. So, Im sure it would do sh*t when combined with HRT drugs, however if a normal dose such as that fucked you up so bad then stay away from min, it could be dangerous.


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How are you using it? I’ve seen it needs to be added to another vehicle for penetration. I literally just put it in my minoxidil...
I put 2 to 3 drops onto temple and then apply minoxidil or estrogel about 2 seconds afterwards


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Concerning estrofem and estrogel, I don't yet know the exact doses I should take....
Trans level doses are typically from 4mg to 8mg. But many here just trying to get some hair use 1mg to 3.5mg. and a few crazy hair addicts on here will use trans level doses anyway..


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i have a super high metabolism, i always have been able to eat any and everything with no limit and gain not even an ounce of weight.
I was totally the same. I have always hovered around 130lbs. I also remember trying hard to gain a decent healthy amount of fat and failing. Haha

And i was wondering if my metabolism was the reason for my skin looking prematurely aged with wrinkles at 22 years old.
Some things that can help you make more collagen/ fight wrinkles:

wearing sunscreen everyday(even when cloudy)

Did estrogen make you appear younger, like did it change the quality of your skin to where signs of aging became less or went away?
it definitely improved my skin. I believe its helped me age well:


A couple days ago I went to hang out with a group of people, there was one girl there I didn't know and after introductions she asked if I was a young one. But actually I was the second oldest one there. She was surprised and said my "flawless skin" didn't show it.


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Im just going to continue spironolactone despite the gyno, desperate to get my hair back and im hoping some of the feminizing effects on the face might me make look slightly better, im pretty ugly lol

What is your current regimen?


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Cardiovascular mortality is the leading cause of death for women in Russia, especially in postmenopausal women.