Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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2017, hello muscles, acne, bye bye hairline
View attachment 124976
I looked alot older, and sex was all in my mind, partying drugs and steroid ruined me, my health was deteriorating, and I used muscles to hide my inner weakness and denial

2019 bye bye muscles, hello hair and clear skinView attachment 124977
I look younger and healthier, and finally happy, no more dysphoria and no more hiding

Woah, i wouldn't have been able to tell if those 2 pictures were the same person ever. that's really cool, and i'm glad you found your happiness ^_^


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I think its because DHEA is touted as anti-aging

i am now off of DHEA

i had 2018 a trial epsode and was on 50mg DHEA per day for 6 month .. this was too much

i was more "fat" / this looks good - the rounded smoothed face, more relaxed (because of antagonist to cortisol), i had a better shape (nearly ike progesterone can do)
my eyes was changed/i looked younger
the hairs was darker and the lashes fuller/longer
no hairloss/little regrow

am am on 50 to 200mg 7-Keto-DHEA now
this supports my thyroid and bring back my T3 and T4 on the top range
i look younger and have no problems with fatigue anymore


the fuller cheeks was an effect of DHEA on me
i never get it back like i had it in 2018

so, my next step is to take extra 10mg DHEA orally/sublingually per day from 1st august on

with Dutasteride, Finasteride, CPA, lot of E2
7-KETO-DHEA (50-200mg),
circle Progesterone
somedays 50mg Pregnonolone + 3 mg Melatonin


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Perfect example is the ancient Japanese people. What happened when the Westernized diet was introduced? The incidences of baldness skyrocketed.
do you have a source for this?
Another example. Greece is one of the baldest nations. Same with Czech Republic, UK, Spain, and U.S. The one striking commonality I see in such countries is, you named it: Dairy. Greece is know to thrive on dairy. They have tzatzkik sauce, greek yogurt, greek ice cream, feta cheese, etc. I won't be surprised if they bathed in dairy.
or maybe it's just because they are predominantly white?

in America, I rarely see balding Mexicans. (unless they are really old)

Sure there are extreme cases of an obese man having a full head of hair and a vegan man having no hair.
too much fiber speeds estrogen metabolism

What I am saying is diet and stress can cause Androgenetic Alopecia and other forms of hair loss.
it can possibly accelerate it, but if you have those genes it will still happen regardless.

It did plain and simple for me. Whey destroyed my life and hair. I am an ideal example of Androgenetic Alopecia kicking in at a young age because of diet-manipulation.
I took drugs and got results without changing my diet..

They must be doing something right in their lifestyle. Eating smaller portions, lots and lots of iodine, lots and lots of soy.... All these tiny changes accumulate over time and as result, because their androgens are low, they pass these good qualities to their offspring.

So their offspring now has almost Androgenetic Alopecia-proof genes thanks to their parents and grand parents and great grand parents.
Ok, sticking to a certain diet for thousands of years can certainly bring about a change in genetics which may be more hair favorable... But what about with one individual in a single lifetime??? we already have fucked up genes from our ancestors diets and they will remain fucked up until we avoid red meat and eat soy for 10,000 years.

Princessrambo (a legend in this forum) was a prime example of someone who went from a Norwood 7 to a Norwood 2 I believe via supplements and minoxidil. But all of us know minoxidil alone cannot restore a Norwood hairline in about 8-12 months.

Meanstick on the bodybuilding forum was also a prime example of reversing his Norwood 2 hairline via supplementation and NO drugs.
never heard of these cases, and I can't help but suspect scam.. when i took supplements, I also believed I was improving and took pictures and thought i saw a few more hairs.. none of it lasts without hormones. Initial results from anything that doesn't change hormones and destroy androgens will fade.. there's plenty of cases where people get excited and show off initial results then never post again and they likely lose ground again.

I also have some case studies from a well known doctor in India who's currently helping his patients reverse Androgenetic Alopecia via supplementation and a natural peptide cream.
you lost me at India.

(no offense but I have to be honest)

You are intelligent and the most logical person I know of. You kinda of remind me of myself. :) Plus you have hands-on favorable experience with your current regimen.
awww, I'm flattered

@bridgeburn and to all the experts on this forum. I wish there was a way for us to converse via VOIP.
I'm extremely shy

Ok, I'll tell some stuff I honestly think about diet.. Eating less I believe is good. Because caloric restriction (without malnutrition) is proven in multiple species to extend lifespan and it also reduces sex hormone production and increases SHBG (which prefers to bind to DHT over T and T over E) this is essentially a natural anti-androgen since it would make a man less androgenic compared to before.. Also, its important to restrict calories enough to enter this metabolic state. (certain biomarkers can be watched out for, ie. slowing down of metabolism and reduced body temperature) and this also doesn't work without restricting protein in particular.

- Soy contains phytoestrogens but are much much weaker compared to human estrogen and if they made any significant difference I imagine women in Japan would be missing their periods. They could possibly make a difference if you consume a Massive ton of soy such as in this case where this man increased his estradiol levels by drinking 3 quarts of soymilk per day:

also, soy MIGHT increase the production of Equol, which binds to DHT and adeactivates its bio-availability. The problem however is that we must have the right type of gut bacteria to produce Equol and not everybody does.. (If I'm remembering correctly, a study on Asians showed 30% of them has the right bacteria) so, who knows if eating soy is doing much good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

and before HRT, i took phytoestrogen supplements, didn't really feel anything

- from studies real licorice (not the red stuff) has been shown to reduce testosterone and white peony ( a Chinese herb) was shown to increase aromatase

- There was also a Turkish study which showed spearmint tea consumption reduced hirsutism in women

Other than that, i don't have much faith in anything diet related.


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i couldn't even get a dutasteride prescription after asking 4 doctors and spending $200 on each visit just to ask them lol
Hair loss, to me, is equal to that of having cancer, in sense of doom at least, and for those who feel like i did it wouldn't matter if it were hair loss or cancer, sure cancer is fatal and hair loss is not, but it might as well be if the person killed their self over it.
well, premature balding is linked to higher incidence of prostate cancer and heart disease.. It is unquestionably a serious matter!!

It is a male trait but not one which is considered attractive and I believe that's because it's an evolutionary signal of which men can't handle thier male hormones..
something @Sonolmn98 said before was that if you are balding prematurely it means that you are allergic to your male hormones and need to get rid of them before they eat you alive.

If you aren't born an alpha male, become a girl otherwise you'll be miserable Lol. or be a large framed, bald badass killing machine but even those men wish they had hair deep down ;)

if follicle cloning becomes a thing that would be great.
it will be expensive. I mean they could charge a million dollars that kind of thing and make plenty of business hahaha.


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@bridgeburn, some examples, (sorry if im spamming lol) quality is reduced so they will upload.
I believe there is no way to fool mother nature. One has to give up his masculinity to save hair. Hair loss is an issue which can ruin the future of some young men. In that case, the use of estrogen or anti-androgens is justified.


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not. animals are fed progesterone and estrogen and growth hormone. Testosterone is not used because it is expensive and not profitable. meat is full of estrogen. Especially since they sell only the meat of females. males before puberty are killed, because meat with testosterone is not tasty and smelly. there is a lot of estrogen in meat and it is good for hair and for youth. hair and nails from it grow faster. One thing that is harmful to hair is carbohydrates.
Yes, if the meat was full of estrogen, it would hardly be so much suffering from baldness.


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I believe there is no way to fool mother nature. One has to give up his masculinity to save hair. Hair loss is an issue which can ruin the future of a young man. In that
We are a rare case for most men, out of 100s of men in my family, no one was bothered about going bald, it comes with more issues than just hair, for me it was failing as a man in life idk about others, but hair is part of it


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@bridgeburn, some examples, (sorry if im spamming lol) quality is reduced so they will upload.
Hahaha!!! Awesome :) you remind me of myself ^.^

321418_518441268187085_1234269095_n.jpg 0509122005.jpg IMG955797_01.jpg (not photoshop, friend is shining powerful laser on a glass ball i'm holding)


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well, premature balding is linked to higher incidence of prostate cancer and heart disease.. It is unquestionably a serious matter!!

I know, i always feared it to be the case with me, i have had issues with my heart since i was 14, where it beats irregularly,,, heart palpitations, beat..beat..beat..pause.....hard beat.. beat, every so often, and heart pains, but doctors said my heart was perfectly fine in 2015 when i went to find out what was going on, and then 15 months or so later, hair loss started and so began the nightmare lol. Might be related, might be coincidence.


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I know, i always feared it to be the case with me, i have had issues with my heart since i was 14, where it beats irregularly,,, heart palpitations, beat..beat..beat..pause.....hard beat.. beat, every so often, and heart pains, but doctors said my heart was perfectly fine in 2015 when i went to find out what was going on, and then 15 months or so later, hair loss started and so began the nightmare lol. Might be related, might be coincidence.
It was probably puberty f*****g up your heart. hope its better now


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Hahaha!!! Awesome :) you remind me of myself ^.^

View attachment 124980 View attachment 124981 View attachment 124982 (not photoshop, friend is shining powerful laser on a glass ball i'm holding)

Haha art is so cool, i used to draw people on request, i had a list of 1000s of people in a waiting list, on art Facebook pages waiting for me to finish their drawings i was doing for them 1 at a time. I would draw a different background for each person so no drawing was ever the same.


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Haha art is so cool, i used to draw people on request, i had a list of 1000s of people in a waiting list, on art Facebook pages waiting for me to finish their drawings i was doing for them 1 at a time. I would draw a different background for each person so no drawing was ever the same.
damn dude, that's cool. you must have been busy

I guess I'm narcissistic cause I mainly focused on myself (or drew monsters and demons). I didn't show many people my art either.


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damn dude, that's cool. you must have been busy

I guess I'm narcissistic cause I mainly focused on myself (or drew monsters and demons). I didn't show many people my art either.
drawing was a big part of me when growing up, lol we share alot in common, we all draw , love hair ,and more emotional than our peers f*** i dnt feel like a belong anywhere out there,i feel lost but this threads keep me going so thank you @bridgeburn