Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I love reading that kind of comments ... sometimes you sound extremists, even for me, but obviously you have common sense and are able to be objective about what we are doing.


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I don't understand gender dysphoria to be honest. I know a man on quora who turned transgender in his late 40s. Can you imagine it? Where were his problems with gender before it? Don't tell me he would have been afraid to come out - he is in the US and himself said that he was in relationship w an Indian girl for years.

How about explaining those women who turn into man, but do detransition when hair fall/male pattern baldness starts.
How would you explain those imbeciles who have transitioned, detransitioned and again retransitioned.

See I understand it might be real, but the level to which the left wingers and SJWs have taken is despicable and disgusting.

Moreover, allowing biological male who transitioned into sports is beyond my comprehension. How can these leftists dumbasses with their PhD can be so endrenched into ideology that they are blind to realities.

Gender dysphoria is a genuine medical condition, and there is more and more information coming out about it. If he is in his late forties, I am guessing he would have still suffered with gender dysphoria in the 80s and 90s; homosexuality was barely accepted back then. I do understand where he is coming from, since it would have been scary, especially since he's in a relationship. When it comes to females transitioning, I find it a tricky situation since testosterone seemingly has the largest changes on the body which are irreversible. They are making permanent changes such as facial hair and voice deepening - voice deepening is the worst effect.

In regards to SJWs and left-wingers, they have taken the idea of transgenderism and ran with it to continue and build up their game of the oppression olympics. I find it insanely stupid, especially since there are legitimate issues regarding equal rights within the world, especially within the Middle East. I find it ridiculously selfish that those in westernised countries have the audacity to complain about equal rights, yet within islamic countries the death penalty for homosexuality is still prevalent.


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it is not us, i consider myself transphobic, i think @bridgeburn holds the same view, we have proved that hrt doesnt change your gender no matter what, and the idea of a man becoming a woman is ridiculous and relies on cosmetic, and the toxicity of this ideology is unacceptable and it is the biggest form of child abuse and no one should be quite about it, sorry but no amount of estrogen and make up can changes these rules as you can be a male and not consider yourself a man
I somewhat agree. HRT will never be able to change your biology; being transgender is an imitation of the gender you desire to be, as your current gender is causing dysphoria. It’s undeniable that gender dysphoria is a genuine medical condition, in which the only treatment for it is transitioning. However, that doesn’t mean that they can act as if they are a biological woman, believing they can change in female changing rooms (especially when they’re early in their transition) or become pregnant, or menstruate. Estrogen can only lead to de-masculinisation in appearance, and a change in your hormonal profile. Everything else has to be done cosmetically, and even then you have to hope that you don’t get clocked. I definitely respect those who want to be referred to as a woman, and that’s okay (especially those who actually put effort into transitioning). But I refuse to call people such as Jessica Yaniv a woman, when he looks like a burly man wearing makeup and is abusing the position to peruse his vile fantasies.
The current scientific consensus is that hormonal fluctuations in the womb at certain times will cause permanent changes to the primary sexual characteristics such as the genitals and the brain.. Hormones after birth can change secondary sexual characteristics, and the effectiveness of which is influenced by Age, length of exposure and genetic sensitivity. Chromosomes are snippets of code which tell to release certain hormones at certain times and the combination of functional receptors with those hormones create sex/gender but things often don't go completely right or stay in consistent hormonal state while different attributes or parts are developing at different times ultimately putting gender on a spectrum and prone to mixed matches. I highly doubt anybody is 100% anything.

I believe what transgender people are claiming when they claim to be a different gender, is not about the physical body but about the brain. If the brain/consciousness is female they can say " 'I' am female" cause that's the "I" they are talking about. I'm pretty sure they know that they cannot be fully the same as if they were born bio female even if many might try to deny that. But certainly refusing to accept the cards given and taking whatever steps possible to be closer to what is desired is commendable.


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Gender dysphoria is a genuine medical condition, and there is more and more information coming out about it. If he is in his late forties, I am guessing he would have still suffered with gender dysphoria in the 80s and 90s; homosexuality was barely accepted back then. I do understand where he is coming from, since it would have been scary, especially since he's in a relationship. When it comes to females transitioning, I find it a tricky situation since testosterone seemingly has the largest changes on the body which are irreversible. They are making permanent changes such as facial hair and voice deepening - voice deepening is the worst effect.

In regards to SJWs and left-wingers, they have taken the idea of transgenderism and ran with it to continue and build up their game of the oppression olympics. I find it insanely stupid, especially since there are legitimate issues regarding equal rights within the world, especially within the Middle East. I find it ridiculously selfish that those in westernised countries have the audacity to complain about equal rights, yet within islamic countries the death penalty for homosexuality is still prevalent.
And these leftists and SJWs literally worship Islam. I feel bad for Christopher Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris etc, they have completely been ostracised from their left community when they saw Islam with same lens they would view Christianity and other religions.

Re whole transgender thing, you may be correct. I don't know much about the subject therefore I don't speak much about it. Some aspects of it though are truly baffling.


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How about explaining those women who turn into man, but do detransition when hair fall/male pattern baldness starts.
they were hoping to turn into hot men.. but its the luck of the draw, especially with androgens which f*** the skin and hair except maybe for a very few


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i neither identify as male or female, people can call me what they like, but i always disliked my masculinity and hoped for more feminine traits during puberty, but i wouldn't say i thought i was a girl because that thought never crossed my mind, i'm not sure of the term used to describe this, i guess i somewhat suffered from dysphoria because masculinity was 1 cause of my depressed self hatred,i could never feel comfortable in my own body because it never felt like me, it felt like the inside and outside didn't match.


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And these leftists and SJWs literally worship Islam. I feel bad for Christopher Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris etc, they have completely been ostracised from their left community when they saw Islam with same lens they would view Christianity and other religions.

Re whole transgender thing, you may be correct. I don't know much about the subject therefore I don't speak much about it. Some aspects of it though are truly baffling.

I have done a lot of research about Islam, Christianity and LGBT kinda stuff. It's my main points of strength within debating. However, transgenderism is hard to debate nowadays since it's not just one thing. It's now turned into transitioning into non-binary, or one of the genders on Tumblr. I just avoid debating about transgenderism and gender identity nowadays.


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i neither identify as male or female, people can call me what they like, but i always disliked my masculinity and hoped for more feminine traits during puberty, but i wouldn't say i thought i was a girl because that thought never crossed my mind, i'm not sure of the term used to describe this, i guess i somewhat suffered from dysphoria because masculinity was 1 cause of my depressed self hatred,i could never feel comfortable in my own body because it never felt like me, it felt like the inside and outside didn't match.
Most men who can think of this this way don't feel comfortable.
As I've said this before, in most countries, being a man is tough, especially if you're not a top-tier man. Most men don't fall in top tier, so they're not really happy with their lives. Being High in T when everything you have is average or below average only causes suffering.
This phenomenon has given rise to incels.


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i neither identify as male or female, people can call me what they like, but i always disliked my masculinity and hoped for more feminine traits during puberty, but i wouldn't say i thought i was a girl because that thought never crossed my mind, i'm not sure of the term used to describe this, i guess i somewhat suffered from dysphoria because masculinity was 1 cause of my depressed self hatred,i could never feel comfortable in my own body because it never felt like me, it felt like the inside and outside didn't match.

That's one of the reasons why people believe non-binary exists. With me, I just strive for perfection and I am willing to do whatever it takes to become comfortable with my appearance. I am naturally a perfectionist, and if things don't reach my standards it makes me feel depressed and leads me into a hole of self-doubt and lack of self-esteem. It's not just with my appearance, though...


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Most men who can think of this this way don't feel comfortable.
As I've said this before, in most countries, being a man is tough, especially if you're not a top-tier man. Most men don't fall in top tier, so they're not really happy with their lives. Being High in T when everything you have is average or below average only causes suffering.
This phenomenon has given rise to incels.

Being a man legitimately is tough. I get stared at constantly for being my truest self, and constantly overhear snarky comments referring to me. I don't mean to generalise, but around 60% of those who stare at me are Muslims. When you hear these comments as a kid, it leads to it sticking subconsciously. If I walk a certain way, I start to think 'stop walking like a girl' since someone told my mother that I should stop walking like that. In regards to the whole 'top tier' thing, I'm not sure what I fall into.


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i neither identify as male or female, people can call me what they like, but i always disliked my masculinity and hoped for more feminine traits during puberty, but i wouldn't say i thought i was a girl because that thought never crossed my mind, i'm not sure of the term used to describe this, i guess i somewhat suffered from dysphoria because masculinity was 1 cause of my depressed self hatred,i could never feel comfortable in my own body because it never felt like me, it felt like the inside and outside didn't match.
That is exactly me, until one day...... Snip snip, stitch stitch and bye bye balls, although I had no problem with the parts themselves, I f*****g hate testosterone and the way it makes me feel and behave


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It's why i am so comfortable taking this regimen despite knowing the risks of it, it does 2 things for me, it allows me to keep my hair, and it makes me feel good about myself which i have discovered to be more important to me, my body is changing to match how i feel inside, i'm also going through mental changes that make me feel more like "me", thus my dysphoria is gone, it could just be chopped up to insecurities but it was much more.
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Being a man legitimately is tough. I get stared at constantly for being my truest self, and constantly overhear snarky comments referring to me. I don't mean to generalise, but around 60% of those who stare at me are Muslims. When you hear these comments as a kid, it leads to it sticking subconsciously. If I walk a certain way, I start to think 'stop walking like a girl' since someone told my mother that I should stop walking like that. In regards to the whole 'top tier' thing, I'm not sure what I fall into.

Religious groups have always been the most discriminatory towards people like us, they will say all kinds of nonsense like "you're going to hell", or "god doesn't approve of this" etc, when in reality it has nothing to do with god, and everything to do with the fact that they are just rude, selfish, inconsiderate people who use their religion to justify being assholes.
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Being a man legitimately is tough. I get stared at constantly for being my truest self, and constantly overhear snarky comments referring to me. I don't mean to generalise, but around 60% of those who stare at me are Muslims. When you hear these comments as a kid, it leads to it sticking subconsciously. If I walk a certain way, I start to think 'stop walking like a girl' since someone told my mother that I should stop walking like that. In regards to the whole 'top tier' thing, I'm not sure what I fall into.
Top tier men are those who are tall, masculine, extremely handsome, with loads of money, and status.
For them, life is amazing. They get praised by fellow men, women and society alike.
I used to be ugly before puberty hit me. Extremely brown, short like 4'10 with extremely ugly facial features. And life was grim. If I had brains back then, I would feel piece of sh*t. Fortunately for me, everything changed after puberty - moderately handsome, Taller than average (5'7 v 5'4), (light wheatish color which I love), great facial features (except nose). And I can really see difference in my life. It all went back to zero when I started losing hair.

I don't agree with incels on like 80% of things, but they do have a point. Looks have only become more important with the advent of social media. And this looks theory hurts 60-70% of men badly.

That's what I meant by top tier men thing.


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Top tier men are those who are tall, masculine, extremely handsome, with loads of money, and status.
For them, life is amazing. They get praised by fellow men, women and society alike.
I used to be ugly before puberty hit me. Extremely brown, short like 4'10 with extremely ugly facial features. And life was grim. If I had brains back then, I would feel piece of sh*t. Fortunately for me, everything changed after puberty - moderately handsome, Taller than average (5'7 v 5'4), (light wheatish color which I love), great facial features (except nose). And I can really see difference in my life. It all went back to zero when I started losing hair.

I don't agree with incels on like 80% of things, but they do have a point. Looks have only become more important with the advent of social media. And this looks theory hurts 60-70% of men badly.

That's what I meant by top tier men thing.

Social media has damaged a lot of people, even people who don't realize that it is damaging them, we look at everyone else's lives through a screen comparing it to our own which results in higher rates of depression, anxiety and instability.

incels are often characterized by resentment, misanthropy,[1] self-pity,[4] self-loathing,[5] misogyny,[6] racism,[6] a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against sexually active people.

i don't know about anyone else but i am not an incel like the crazy rant man says, and i am not self-obsessed, ii simply only want to feel good about my self and be able to live life with enjoyment. If i should be denied the simple pleasure of being comfortable in my own body, then what reason would i have to continue on living a life that i cannot enjoy.
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Social media has damaged a lot of people, even people who don't realize that it is damaging them, we look at everyone else's lives through a screen comparing it to our own which results in higher rates of depression, anxiety and instability.

incels are often characterized by resentment, misanthropy,[1] self-pity,[4] self-loathing,[5] misogyny,[6] racism,[6] a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against sexually active people.

i don't know about anyone else but i am not an incel like the crazy rant man says, and i am not self-obsessed, ii simply only want to feel good about my self and be able to live life with enjoyment.
LOL no. Incels are definitely on another level. I'm not an incel as I'm voluntarily single, but that doesn't mean I would join all the normal populace and start criticising, condemning them w/o knowing much about them. That also doesn't take away the fact that what they say may be true. They sure are misogynist, but not more than some 3rd gen feminists. One thing about them is they're truly and completely honest, as against feminists and people on left. Common people and ideologues m are still telling men that being good and studying, having good personality, high confidence would get you any girl, which not only is untrue but completely balderdash.


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Top tier men are those who are tall, masculine, extremely handsome, with loads of money, and status.
For them, life is amazing. They get praised by fellow men, women and society alike.
I used to be ugly before puberty hit me. Extremely brown, short like 4'10 with extremely ugly facial features. And life was grim. If I had brains back then, I would feel piece of sh*t. Fortunately for me, everything changed after puberty - moderately handsome, Taller than average (5'7 v 5'4), (light wheatish color which I love), great facial features (except nose). And I can really see difference in my life. It all went back to zero when I started losing hair.

I don't agree with incels on like 80% of things, but they do have a point. Looks have only become more important with the advent of social media. And this looks theory hurts 60-70% of men badly.

That's what I meant by top tier men thing.

I'm not sure what tier I would be... I am probably the lowest tier!


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Social media has damaged a lot of people, even people who don't realize that it is damaging them, we look at everyone else's lives through a screen comparing it to our own which results in higher rates of depression, anxiety and instability.

incels are often characterized by resentment, misanthropy,[1] self-pity,[4] self-loathing,[5] misogyny,[6] racism,[6] a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against sexually active people.

i don't know about anyone else but i am not an incel like the crazy rant man says, and i am not self-obsessed, ii simply only want to feel good about my self and be able to live life with enjoyment. If i should be denied the simple pleasure of being comfortable in my own body, then what reason would i have to continue on living a life that i cannot enjoy.

I'm definitely not an incel. I'm not a virgin (I wish I was...), but I don't care for sex whatsoever. I might be self-obsessed, but that's normal within men and women...


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Tiny hairs in temple seem to be getting darker
You can zoom in and see a bunch.
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