Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Hi, everyone! Long time lurk here.
Thanks to all of you. This thread should be nominated for PhD degree!

I decided to start my HRT journey without any doubts and I saw some signs of regrowth finally.

So one question made me join this thread after reading few last pages is about taking bica along with other AAs like cpa.
I've noticed that each of you take either e.g. 100mg spironolactone+ 25mg cpa or 50mg bica. None of you mixed them in one regimen.
I've read what DHTcel told about SAA's and NSAA's.

But is there any strong 'No' becides that for not taking bica along with the spironolactone and cypro? Why not taking them all if overall effect may become stronger?
It’s important to sit on 1 AA and estradiol and not get in the way. You can achieve negative or no results. Each AA works differently. Bika lifts testosterone up, increasing estradiol, but your testosterone is extremely high. Spironolactone makes testosterone down and increases estradiol, 1-2 ml of estradiol can be taken on it. CPA makes testosterone down but raises prolactin, while at the initial dose of CPA 12.5 ml you need to consume 2-4 ml of estradiol, gradually increase estradiol to 6 ml after 2 months, otherwise CPA does not eat nly testosterone but estradiol.Imeet and anti-androgenic and anti-estrogenic effekt.Dumayu painted all clear


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Hi bridgeburn, I just wanted to say thankyou for being so open and honest during the documentation of your regime. Your results are amazing and you look amazing, i'm very happy for you. I just wanted to ask a few questions about the drugs you take, and If you or anyone else could help answer these questions I would be grateful.

From my understanding drugs like Spironolactone and Cyproterone acetate work to block out testosterone, and increase estrogen levels. But what i'm confuse about is that I thought dihydrotestosterone was the main culprit of male pattern baldness, but it would seem like these feminizing drugs work better over standerd anti-androgens like finasteride. Could someone explain to me why these feminizing drugs are more effective at combating hairloss?

Also, what are the main pros and cons between Cyproterone acetate and Spironolactone, and how would one go about obtaining them/similar drugs with/without a perscription. (uk btw)

If my hairloss gets any worse in the next few years I will definitely consider a regime similar to yours. I think I would honeslty rather die than lose my hair, so your post has given me hope. thankyou
Antiandrogens such as CPA, spironolactone reduce AR signaling way more than drugs like finasteride/dutasteride do.


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those parts of the body rely on ar activation, not ar signaling
I fail to see how you can have activation without signaling.. the word signal implies a message for something to happen or change.
thats why I haven't lost any muscle mass on bica, and the drug actually increases bone mineral density
It's probably cause you work out


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I fail to see how you can have activation without signaling.. the word signal implies a message for something to happen or change.

It's probably cause you work out
Well bicalutamide doesnt touch the androgen receptor, instead bicalutamide binds to the ligand-binding pocket of the AR.

We know this because in vitro a displacement of helix 12 and consequently a distortion of the coactivator platform were suggested by molecular dynamics-based simulations.

This is important because it leads to the assembly of a transcriptionally inactive complex due to the inability of the bic-bound AR to recruit coactivators: mainly SRC-1 and -2 and/or the preferential recruitment of corepressors silently, mainly: NCoR and SMRT.

By fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis with a GFP-tagged AR, the immobile fraction of nuclear AR disappeared when bicalutamide was present, meaning that the receptor was unable to bind DNA. Moreover, the AR was shown to be destabilized in the presence of bicalutamide as a result.

Those two case studies that explain how bicalutaide decreases androgen-induced gene expression and reduces the weight of rat ventral prostate and seminal vesicles after oral administration. No mention of AR blockage or disinhibition of androgen binding is mentioned, but that action itself would also reduce AR signaling via another antiandrogenic mechanism.

hope this helped! I see too many people writing how Bicalutamide just blocks the AR when the way the drug works is actually more complicated than that.


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Guys, do you still think that I am not balding?

Mate you aren’t doing yourself any favours taking these pictures. Your hair looks fine, you can tell by the thickness. Why the hell was you on 300mg of spironolactone? And 2.5mg of duta? You have given yourself gyno for no reason what so ever, and that is quite sad. You should be out enjoying yourself. Don’t stay here. If you are really concerned about your hair. Get a consultation with a hair specialist.


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Mate you aren’t doing yourself any favours taking these pictures. Your hair looks fine, you can tell by the thickness. Why the hell was you on 300mg of spironolactone? And 2.5mg of duta? You have given yourself gyno for no reason what so ever, and that is quite sad. You should be out enjoying yourself. Don’t stay here. If you are really concerned about your hair. Get a consultation with a hair specialist.
I have seen a doctor, and he said, ”based on the miniaturisation of your hair you would be norwood 5-6 in the next five years”. Please believe me when I tell you I am really balding. Spironolactone had only a marginal effect on my hair.


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I have seen a doctor, and he said, ”based on the miniaturisation of your hair you would be norwood 5-6 in the next five years”. Please believe me when I tell you I am really balding. Spironolactone had only a marginal effect on my hair.
Pretty sure that's a bogus guess. People bald at completely different rates. Not sure how he's able to make a prediction with that kind of specificity. Was he trying to push a product or prp?


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Pretty sure that's a bogus guess. People bald at completely different rates. Not sure how he's able to make a prediction with that kind of specificity. Was he trying to push a product or prp?
Not surprising tbh. My dermatologist didn't even prescribe me finasteride or minoxidil but asked me to do 7-9 PRP sessions. Needless to say, I haven't been been there after that consultation.


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How poor of me to take tamoxifen!! It raped my hair in 4 days - I know it is hardly believable. Dropping it now. Let me see what else can I do to reduce this/prevent further gyno.


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How poor of me to take tamoxifen!! It raped my hair in 4 days - I know it is hardly believable. Dropping it now. Let me see what else can I do to reduce this/prevent further gyno.
are you sure its tamoxifen? it takes 36 days for tamoxifen to reach stable blood levels man. It may just be placebo.


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are you sure its tamoxifen? it takes 36 days for tamoxifen to reach stable blood levels man. It may just be placebo.
Maybe? But I've had noticeable thinning when I dropped spironolactone (upon developing gyno in a nipple). Shall I continue it? I just woke up with this gland in left nipple and abso-f*****g-lutely nothing in right nipple.