Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Estriol is increased in pregnancy which is when women get thicker hair.. there might be something to it, estriol has ERbeta preference plus is bound more weakly to SHBG than estradiol and estrone
Howly sh*t is that you on your photo? What the f*** happened to you ahahhahaha.

Jonny Craig

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this method doesn’t work, there is a lot of 5par in the scalp. Estradiol against it is powerless. You need an antiandrogen that can compete with DHT. It could be spironolactone, which is similar to progesterone. During this inhibition, you take estradiol. Gradually, the estrogen in the receptor will be estrogen

Are you sure?

I am using 40mg prog on balls daily, 20mg morning, 20mg night.



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coming up on 6 months.


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More on bi-estro care cream, for those in doubt, and may want to purchase OTC estrogen cream, from Amazon:

I am amazed as you at how well this BioEstro-Care cream is working - something amazing and crazy is happening to me as well - my hair on my head has become fuller and healthier, and I have noticed that I have new dark hairs showing up on my head and where I was bald I have new hair growth - I feel my hormone imbalance issue has reversed itself and I feel almost like a teenager again. So many other wonderful perks of using this cream, that I know there is active Estrogen and Estriol in the cream. I would recommend this product to any post menopausal woman who has issues with hormone imbalances. (Please, talk with your doctor before using this cream if you have any health issues that would interfere with the application of this cream, or the cream would interfere with the effectiveness of any medication you may be on - this is serious) - I also use this cream on my face and neck to make wrinkles vanish before my eyes - when I wake up in the morning - before applying the cream, I look in the mirror and there is no signs of aging, even though I am going to be 65 end of September - I had a complete hysterectomy in Oct 1996, yet since the application of this duo estrogen cream product, BioEstro-Care - formulated by a doctor himself, my biological clock seems to be going in reverse.

P.S. I showed this bottle of BioEstro-Care cream to my gynecologist and she is amazed that this is a real estrogen product, and was astonished that this real estrogen product is being sold without a prescription - her only advice against me using this product was that I should discontinue the BioEstro-Care cream while using the Rx vaginal cream because she stated that I am receiving too much estrogen via both creams - so after my visit with her I concluded that I would stop the Rx cream, which caused me much discomfort, and stayed with the BioEstro-Care cream - good choice for me and it works better than the Rx.

Image of what this lady looks like: View attachment 130403

Maybe it does work but im from the uk and just searched for it, costs more than prescription strength stuff so is heavy on the wallet.


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Yo whats up guys, im an 18 year old and my current regimen is topical 5% spironolactone and diane 35 alchohol solution mixed with a mousturizer. I use it for my my acne and oily skin.


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Results looking Awesome!! Did you ever think about using Bicaultumide or just stay on the cypro.Looking good congrats!!

I am considering it, Bicaludamide is best taken with a GnRH medication, like lupron injections to suppress the production of testosterone while Bicaludamide blocks the receptors. CPA or Estrogen works like a GnRH too so those can be used.

~some useful info about the use of Bicaludamide~

"Bicalutamide given alone increases testosterone levels in gonadally intact men and transgender women. This is due to loss of negative feedback by androgens via the androgen receptor on the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis and hence on the testes. The body attempts to upregulate testosterone production to compensate for the low androgen receptor signaling. Bicalutamide maximally increases testosterone levels by about 1.5- to 2-fold at sufficiently high doses. However, the increase in testosterone levels caused by bicalutamide does not occur in natal women, in men and transgender women who have undergone an orchiectomy, in those taking a GnRH agonist or antagonist, or in those taking a sufficient dosage of an estrogen and/or progestogen. The reason for this in the case of GnRH modulators, estrogens, and progestogens is because they're antigonadotropins and substitute for androgens in maintaining negative feedback on the HPG axis. Since most transgender women take an estrogen, increased testosterone levels with bicalutamide will not occur and should not be of concern (it only takes a small amount of estrogen to maintain negative feedback on the HPG axis)."


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Congrats man. Always looking forward to hearing about your progess.

What do you plan on doing after you experience full regrowth? Stop all meds? Go on a maintenance program? Eat more soy?

thank you, I'll continue HRT for the rest of my lifespan, i have no plans of quitting, I'm taking B12 and 5-HTP (a legal serotonin agonist in the U.S.) to counter depression caused by CPA and it's working so i think ive found a way to keep going indefinitely without neurological issues.
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