
Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Don’t you lads worry about osteoporosis? You’re running towards it.
Speaking for myself I want to try it to see what kind of results I might get, then see if it's maintainable going off and staying on an AA.
I don't plan long term, or if I see any sign of gyno I'm done with it.
Plus I'm just exploring the herbal route for a few months first. Crossing my fingers for black cohosh and soy isoflavinoids. And maybe this blood cleaner might do something too:



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Excuse me, they don’t say what you say in the slightest. You’re estrogen dominant, your testosterone is depleted. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have such regrowth to begin with. So yes, you do have high estrogen way above normal range and yes, you’re on your way to osteoporosis. It’s no coincidence that trans develop significant curvature either. I don’t wanna be a dick here but please don’t claim things that may endanger a new user. Claiming your penis is “fine” and that you’re “still a man” without showing a single blood test result is as good to me as me claiming something without twenty ncbi rat studies is to you.
Bridges baldness was very aggressive at a young age, maybe for others half that stuff over 3-7 months might be enough to stimulate the growth then just stay on the basic AA's.

You'd have to be on this stuff for years to mess yourself up, like body builders using performance enhancing drugs.


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Excuse me, they don’t say what you say in the slightest. You’re estrogen dominant, your testosterone is depleted. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have such regrowth to begin with. So yes, you do have high estrogen way above normal range and yes, you’re on your way to osteoporosis. It’s no coincidence that trans develop significant curvature either. I don’t wanna be a dick here but please don’t claim things that may endanger a new user. Claiming your penis is “fine” and that you’re “still a man” without showing a single blood test result is as good to me as me claiming something without twenty ncbi rat studies is to you.
I know of no evidence that testosterone is necessary to prevent osteoporosis If one has high levels of estradiol.

as far as claiming my dick is fine. I have every right to say that because it is the truth and I am sharing my experience. I am Not saying that others will be fine. I have stated in the past that I may just be a rare one to not experience penile functionality issues.

and with every side effects, I have been totally honest. I never said I'm still manly with no extreme body changes.

Jesse Navarro

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With half of what he is doing, youd still get gyno; i'm trying lower than that, i thing a little less than 1/3, but i'm skeptical if i'm going to see benefits with that dosage


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Blood tests. Do them, post them, shut us all up. Or don’t pretend to know about the drugs you take off of some ridiculous ncbi articles. Simple as that. And yes you have no sides at all, take a look at your face before and now and spot the difference(s).
This is just it, people spend thousands on plastic surgery to roll the clock back a decade and bridge is done it with a few chemicals.

His skin looks smoother I don't think the face has changed, he just had the scruffy look in his first pic.


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Unfortunately, there is much more that’s being altered with his chemical “sides-free” cocktail. I don’t know if the dude is financially okay but a full blood test, similar to those habitual steroid users take, will show us the truth. It rubs me wrong when this passes as “normal” and “ok” when in fact it’s beyons nuts. Don’t get me wrong, the dude sounds like a really nice guy.
Bridge is bringing people to the promised land



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Unfortunately, there is much more that’s being altered with his chemical “sides-free” cocktail. I don’t know if the dude is financially okay but a full blood test, similar to those habitual steroid users take, will show us the truth. It rubs me wrong when this passes as “normal” and “ok” when in fact it’s beyons nuts. Don’t get me wrong, the dude sounds like a really nice guy.
A blood test will not prove what sides I have or that my dick works. Yes, this is nuts. or I could say... anti nuts. Lol


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eventually, your erection will stop working its just basic biology

It just takes time for the smooth muscle in your penis to atrophy to the point where you can no longer sustain erections easily. Thats why this side effect often happens after years of therapy. Like me for example, I didnt get ED until about 2.5 years into treatment.

Im going to be trying 50 micrograms of estradiol and up to 2mg of Darolutamdie topically in hopes for some slight regrwoth of my density and thickening of the hairline. Your regiment is inspiring but taking these drugs orally is a bad move.


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eventually, your erection will stop working its just basic biology

It just takes time for the smooth muscle in your penis to atrophy to the point where you can no longer sustain erections easily. Thats why this side effect often happens after years of therapy. Like me for example, I didnt get ED until about 2.5 years into treatment.

Im going to be trying 50 micrograms of estradiol and up to 2mg of Darolutamdie topically in hopes for some slight regrwoth of my density and thickening of the hairline. Your regiment is inspiring but taking these drugs orally is a bad move.
Would your dick work again if you got off the stuff and just tried maintaining on something conservative like finasteride or dutasteride?


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Would your dick work again if you got off the stuff and just tried maintaining on something conservative like finasteride or dutasteride?

It would be hard. Your dick needs dht so that the smooth muscle can hyperrophy back to regular size. Testosterone does not nearly stimulate it on the sane level.

Once the smooth muscle is gone the only thing that can get it back is strong androgens like dht

Anyone looking for regrowth in a more sustainable way should look at my thread in the anti androgens section


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Would his natural T work if was taking exogenous testosterone for two-three years non stop?
I'm no expert but we're talking about estro, so that would suppress T, which would shoot back hard if you took E out, no?
Or if you went off it gradually and stayed on finasteride or dutasteride then maybe follicle damage might be minimal I'm thinking.

But ya I've heard of guys needing HRT after using roids for many years.


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It would be hard. Your dick needs dht so that the smooth muscle can hyperrophy back to regular size. Testosterone does not nearly stimulate it on the sane level.

Once the smooth muscle is gone the only thing that can get it back is strong androgens like dht

Anyone looking for regrowth in a more sustainable way should look at my thread in the anti androgens section
Well we seem to be on the same wave length of using only small dosages of E. In your thread you say you got good results from barilutimide (however you spell that) - did you have any pics?

Then why do bodybuilders on roids get shrunk dicks, you'd think it should have the opposite effect. Maybe the right chemistry with E might be needed.
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you mean it wouldn't be hard :) lol
Bridge what does the E products look like, sounds like there is estrogel and estrodiol - these are both in gel form to rub on scalp?

Undecided if I'll try these, as I want to give some of the other stuff I'm trying a couple months to gauge early signs of effectiveness.


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Well we seem to be on the same wave length of using only small dosages of E. In your thread you say you got good results from barilutimide (however you spell that) - did you have any pics?

Then why do bodybuilders on roids get shrunk dicks, you'd think it should have the opposite effect. Maybe the right chemistry with E might be needed.

bodybuilders are running many compounds, and some of them are progestrone like molecules, some of them increase prolactin etc.

their dicks never shrink, it can become difficult to have enough blood to hold an erection when your 300lb of muscle combined with the factors above

using moderate dosages of testosterone you erection qualitiy will only go up, especially if you add a DHT to that like proviron. This is really overkill tho, your body was designed to have enough testosterone and DHT to be able to get perfect erections on demand so long as your diet is decent

When you mess with your hormones tho, the side effects are just waiting to happen