Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Anyone who is interested in restoring hair growth on the head, including temples and the crown, I strongly recommend using natural progesterone!It protects both women and men from baldness!It is a natural 5ar inhibitor!It passes through its metabolism through 5ar reductase turning into dihydroprogesterone thereby preventing testosterone from turning into dihydrotestosterone!


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Anyone who is interested in restoring hair growth on the head, including temples and the crown, I strongly recommend using natural progesterone!It protects both women and men from baldness!It is a natural 5ar inhibitor!It passes through its metabolism through 5ar reductase turning into dihydroprogesterone thereby preventing testosterone from turning into dihydrotestosterone!
I will surely get bigger breasts than my mother then.


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Anyone who is interested in restoring hair growth on the head, including temples and the crown, I strongly recommend using natural progesterone!It protects both women and men from baldness!It is a natural 5ar inhibitor!It passes through its metabolism through 5ar reductase turning into dihydroprogesterone thereby preventing testosterone from turning into dihydrotestosterone!
Neato. We can grow even bigger tits


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I will get in contact soon with a plastic surgeon, specialized on gynecomastia surgery.


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Anyone who is interested in restoring hair growth on the head, including temples and the crown, I strongly recommend using natural progesterone!It protects both women and men from baldness!It is a natural 5ar inhibitor!It passes through its metabolism through 5ar reductase turning into dihydroprogesterone thereby preventing testosterone from turning into dihydrotestosterone!
Currently on it, i'll report back when i have any temples regrowth


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Тогда у меня наверняка будет грудь больше, чем у мамы.
From progesterone there will be no breast development since the breast develops on estradiol since estradiol raises prolactin!Do not be afraid, there will be no breast development on progesterone!