Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Yar, I would love to hear your hair loss journey and your story.
My journey started like everyone else with finasteride,it didn't give me any results for several months,even the temples began to leave.I am a supporter of the fact that if I drink the drug, it should show a result in a week,but the weeks went by and there was no result and there were even deterioration.Then I switched to ciproterone 12.5-25 and 2-4mg of estrophem alternating doses of 2/4, this brought results my temples began to show results but still remained insignificant.I was faced with the fact that my hair began to get greasy.And my seborrhea at that time worsened.Seborrheic fat flowed out of my head.I stopped taking ciproterone because I came to the conclusion that it lowers the liver shbg and there are more free androgens.I switched to spironolactone and started taking it at a dose of 50 / 100mg per day,this showed a very good result and my seborrhea disappeared as free androgens became scarce due to an increase in liver shbg.I have overgrown my temples a little.I was happy with my result.Then I came across information about progesterone, in addition to this, I learned information about progesterone from a knowledgeable person and switched to progesterone.I don't take Spironolactone anymore.It made me lose weight quickly, and my wrinkles sharpened and became clearer.And so I started using progesterone and it gives me great results.All the side effects that I earned I experienced before taking progesterone namely this small breast.If I had started taking it initially, I wouldn't have had such small breasts.But it does not prevent me from living, since at any time I can switch to testosterone to experience the growth of muscles in my chest and it will be a normal male breast, of course I will stop taking progesterone and start taking testosterone in gel.


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My journey started like everyone else with finasteride,it didn't give me any results for several months,even the temples began to leave.I am a supporter of the fact that if I drink the drug, it should show a result in a week,but the weeks went by and there was no result and there were even deterioration.Then I switched to ciproterone 12.5-25 and 2-4mg of estrophem alternating doses of 2/4, this brought results my temples began to show results but still remained insignificant.I was faced with the fact that my hair began to get greasy.And my seborrhea at that time worsened.Seborrheic fat flowed out of my head.I stopped taking ciproterone because I came to the conclusion that it lowers the liver shbg and there are more free androgens.I switched to spironolactone and started taking it at a dose of 50 / 100mg per day,this showed a very good result and my seborrhea disappeared as free androgens became scarce due to an increase in liver shbg.I have overgrown my temples a little.I was happy with my result.Then I came across information about progesterone, in addition to this, I learned information about progesterone from a knowledgeable person and switched to progesterone.I don't take Spironolactone anymore.It made me lose weight quickly, and my wrinkles sharpened and became clearer.And so I started using progesterone and it gives me great results.All the side effects that I earned I experienced before taking progesterone namely this small breast.If I had started taking it initially, I wouldn't have had such small breasts.But it does not prevent me from living, since at any time I can switch to testosterone to experience the growth of muscles in my chest and it will be a normal male breast, of course I will stop taking progesterone and start taking testosterone in gel.
You are not transgender, right?

I really like your story! But don't you think taking Testosterone again might hurt your hair?? What's your plan?

And how can I increase liver SHBG without using Spironolactone. Does Eplerenone raise SHBG levels as well?


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Яр, я хотел бы услышать ваше путешествие по выпадению волос и вашу историю.
P/s. I will not stop taking progesterone ,but I will connect testosterone in a gel to test whether it is possible to take only progesterone and testosterone not to earn side effects and return the growth of hair on the head, the perfect hairstyle as in my youth.


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You are not transgender, right?

I really like your story! But don't you think taking Testosterone again might hurt your hair?? What's your plan?

And how can I increase liver SHBG without using Spironolactone. Does Eplerenone raise SHBG levels as well?
No I'm not afraid the testosterone will destroy my hair is,they will be under the protection of progesterone.I don't know the medicines except spironolactone and oral estradiol, which is able to increase SHBG in the liver.


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You are not transgender, right?

I really like your story! But don't you think taking Testosterone again might hurt your hair?? What's your plan?

And how can I increase liver SHBG without using Spironolactone. Does Eplerenone raise SHBG levels as
No I'm not transgender


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im thinking of giving pharmacy estriol a shot. cream wise specifically that could replace bi-estro cream.

because bi-estro is far lower in dosage...but applied on the scalp it doesnt produce any systemic effect. So I'm wondering if this could be the same for estriol cream from pharma?
Only problem with estriol by itself is that it has a weak binding affinity for ER. It is much less likely to cause gyno though, which, it can probably only do that when taken orally. Janey would probably know more.


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@Yar How does progesterone work? What are the side effects, etc?

Edit: so far from what I'm reading, it's anti-DHT but also anti-aromatase/estrogen. So then it has to increase T. Likely it would prevent some of the aromatization benefits from fina/duta. Might work well in conjunction with other treatments though?
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Only problem with estriol by itself is that it has a weak binding affinity for ER. It is much less likely to cause gyno though, which, it can probably only do that when taken orally. Janey would probably know more.

yeah im thinking it might not have much of a difference between the bi esto.

Luckily in my genetics i'm immune to gyno.


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"Methods and study design

During the period from September 1998 to May 2001, 10 patients receiving hormone treatment for metastatic or inoperable prostatic cancer were selected for the study if they had breast pain and bilateral gynecomastia. Five of these patients had been offered prophylactic radiotherapy before treatment but refused, while the remaining five patients had refused radiotherapy after hormone treatment. These patients were therefore given the option of surgical treatment. Before surgery all patients underwent clinical and ultrasound examination of the breast. All surgical samples were examinated histopathologically. During follow-up clinical examinations were carried out one week, one month, six months, one year and two years after surgery.


The results were satisfactory in all patients especially from an aesthetic point of view. Moreover, breast pain disappeared about one week after surgery. After a follow-up of 6-36 months (average, 22.8 months) no recurrences were observed. Only a few immediate postoperative complications were recorded (hematoma in one case and seroma in another). Histological examination of the excised glands showed fibrosclerotic tissue and a small amount of fat.


Surgical liposuction can be considered an effective treatment for gynecomastia, in particular in the very early stages because the breast becomes irreversibly fibrous as the disease progresses. This surgical technique is simple and effective and is therefore to be considered favorable, especially because of the very short hospitalization and the absence of complications."

Seems like cancer patients got rid of it through surgery and it went away...


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[USER = 141950] @Yar [/ USER] Как работает прогестерон? Какие бывают побочные эффекты и т. Д.?

Изменить: пока что далеко от того, что я читаю, это анти-ДГТ, но также и антиароматаза / эстроген. Тогда он должен увеличить T. Вероятно, это предотвратит некоторые преимущества ароматизации от фина / дута. Но может ли хорошо работать в сочетании с другими методами лечения?

Progesterone is a natural inhibitor of 5ap ,it is present in both sexes, when the concentration of progesterone falls young people often experience problems with hair and acne, alopecia, baldness occurs!


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I can't find any anecdotal reports of using raloxifene for gyno while battling male pattern baldness.

Maave used it but don't know how it went.

@Hair attack uses a heavy protocol and says he doesnt loose any hair, even while taking steroids -> body building

Ein said you shouldn't take SERMs while combating male pattern baldness. He dropped after that his Tamoxifene.

Now I am not sure what to do.
I don’t want to live with b**ch tits and splashing milkers.


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I can't find any anecdotal reports of using raloxifene for gyno while battling male pattern baldness.

Maave used it but don't know how it went.

@Hair attack uses a heavy protocol and says he doesnt loose any hair, even while taking steroids -> body building

Ein said you shouldn't take SERMs while combating male pattern baldness. He dropped after that his Tamoxifene.

Now I am not sure what to do.
I don’t want to live with b**ch tits and splashing milkers.
Just save money for the operation and forget about it


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"I take Spironolactone because 50mg Bicalutamide is most likely insufficient to block androgens in non-castrated males, as in prostate cancer, Bicalutamide is always paired with castration. Spironolactone is meant to lower the levels of androgens to normal male levels because Bicalutamide increases the androgens levels to two or three times of normal levels. This lowering of the levels of androgens is meant to aid the working of Bicalutamide as it works entirely based on the concentration of itself and the androgens."

"For your question, I'd say that surgery definitely helps you get rid of gynecomastia permanently. And it is definitely possible to stay on treatment forever."

Sorry Ein for qouting you that much D:


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Just save money for the operation and forget about it
It will return always while taking medication aka bica. It will only be permanently away when whole breast is taken away -> deformity, sunken upper body.


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"I take Spironolactone because 50mg Bicalutamide is most likely insufficient to block androgens in non-castrated males, as in prostate cancer, Bicalutamide is always paired with castration. Spironolactone is meant to lower the levels of androgens to normal male levels because Bicalutamide increases the androgens levels to two or three times of normal levels. This lowering of the levels of androgens is meant to aid the working of Bicalutamide as it works entirely based on the concentration of itself and the androgens."

"For your question, I'd say that surgery definitely helps you get rid of gynecomastia permanently. And it is definitely possible to stay on treatment forever."

Sorry Ein for qouting you that much D:
This proves again that 50mg alone is insufficient.


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This proves again that 50mg alone is insufficient.
I should remind you that 50mg of Bicalutamide gave him results. We cannot yet say for sure whether this is enough. I can say for sure that 100mg is enough, it will completely block androgens. But maybe 50mg will stop baldness


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"50mg + Finasteride is guaranteed to stop the progression of Androgenic Alopecia in almost all cases, unless your genes are seriously messed up"