Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Yeah, my point is we have no real understanding on how much can we really achieve with drugs like that. Even inviduals that get regrowth to their baseline, use so many drugs that we cant really say which one did it, or maybe the whole cocktail was effective.
From many months of research and rereading stuff, I personally think that rhis protocl should surely reverse male pattern baldness at best:

50mg Bica
1mg finasteride
2mg E2
5mg minoxidil

Maybe changing the finasteride with 0,5mg Duta out.

But this cocktail will give you PLENTY of side effects.


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From many months of research and rereading stuff, I personally think that rhis protocl should surely reverse male pattern baldness at best:

50mg Bica
1mg finasteride
2mg E2
5mg minoxidil

Maybe changing the finasteride with 0,5mg Duta out.

But this cocktail will give you PLENTY of side effects.
Bicalutamide 50-100mg + 1mg finasteride more optimal


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This was the document i mentioned earlier, i couldn't find it:D


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There's someone who's already pretty much done what you're describing

Yeah, know him already. Tho his protocol might not work for us. But we can clearly see here the effect of bica systemically. The dude went from a rough and aggressive 19-year old boy to a cute 12 yo femboy lol


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Bicalutamide 50-100mg + 1mg finasteride more optimal
I would prefer this then:
100mg Bicalutamide
1mg Finasteride
+optional 5mg Minoxidl


Edit: I dont think 50mg Bica will be sufficient enough.


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If 50mg has even a tiny effect, I'll switch to 75mg. If they don't change anything at all, I'll jump to 100mg right away.


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im thinking of giving pharmacy estriol a shot. cream wise specifically that could replace bi-estro cream.

because bi-estro is far lower in dosage...but applied on the scalp it doesnt produce any systemic effect. So I'm wondering if this could be the same for estriol cream from pharma?


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im thinking of giving pharmacy estriol a shot. cream wise specifically that could replace bi-estro cream.

because bi-estro is far lower in dosage...but applied on the scalp it doesnt produce any systemic effect. So I'm wondering if this could be the same for estriol cream from pharma?
Many on this thread rated Estriol as pretty much; pregnant horse-piss.

Hope this clarifies, I think you would do much better on the bi-estro cream.


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There's someone who's already pretty much done what you're describing

CPA + BICALUTAMIDA is the most fucked up nuclear bomb it has, along with raloxifene yet.

Come on let's analyze.

CPA in addition to antiandrogen is an LH / FSH inhibitor.

In some cases bicalutamide is prescribed with LH / FSH inhibitors most of the time in fact to prevent peak testosterone in patients with prostate cancer.

However, the list of side effects would give 3 pages here including I don’t know, urinating blood, failure of several organs, all drugs that will f*** your liver in 4 will be in the scheme .

There was no hormonal response without T without E

And CPA will block ER too.

He didn't use any estrogen, but the photos are terrible too, you can't see how bad his baldness was before.

But here's another example of a therapeutic scheme imprababily of regrowth , the guy suppressed everything in his body and grew hair

placebo effect?
Androgenic alopecia?
Who knows ?


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CPA + BICALUTAMIDA is the most fucked up nuclear bomb it has, along with raloxifene yet.

Come on let's analyze.

CPA in addition to antiandrogen is an LH / FSH inhibitor.

In some cases bicalutamide is prescribed with LH / FSH inhibitors most of the time in fact to prevent peak testosterone in patients with prostate cancer.

However, the list of side effects would give 3 pages here including I don’t know, urinating blood, failure of several organs, all drugs that will f*** your liver in 4 will be in the scheme .

There was no hormonal response without T without E

And CPA will block ER too.

He didn't use any estrogen, but the photos are terrible too, you can't see how bad his baldness was before.

But here's another example of a therapeutic scheme imprababily of regrowth , the guy suppressed everything in his body and grew hair

placebo effect?
Androgenic alopecia?
Who knows ?
It wasn't even meant for hair. He now takes Bica + E injections. He's non-binary I think, and he dropped Ralox and is growing now huge milker-tittieesss.


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My best bet is to take bica 100mg + finasteride 1mg. If regrowth does not happen, but halt, then minoxidil, and if still unhappy, try cycling in E for a period of time, if you are willing all its effects.

I still try to find some infos on Eplerenone.


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"However, the role of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) signaling is now known to extend beyond the kidney, with human skin, including the hair follicle (HF), expressing the MR. Using microdissected female HFs treated ex vivo with MR agonists and antagonists, we sought to determine the effects of MR-mediated signaling in the cutaneous context. Indeed, not only did the skin and HF epithelium express the MR at both the gene and protein level, but its expression was hair cycle dependent. Moreover, the selective MR antagonist eplerenone promoted hair shaft elongation and hair matrix keratinocyte proliferation whilst delaying catagen (HF regression)."


MCR antagonists elongate anagen phase and prevent/reverse fibrosis.

Spironolactone inhibits MCR as a side effect as well, this might explain why spironolactone is sometimes for some people even more effective than Bicalutamide. I think we should combine Eplerenone to our cocktail.

I will research about this drug even more; effectivness, hepatotoxicity, side effects, interactions.


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"Eplerenone (e pler' e none) is a competitive antagonist of aldosterone at the mineralocorticoid receptor. The aldosterone receptor in the late distal tubules and collecting ducts of the kidneys induces sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion in the distal tubule. Inhibition of this receptor promotes a sodium diuresis, but maintains body potassium levels. Eplerenone has a higher affinity for the aldosterone receptor than spironolactone and is claimed to have fewer anti-androgenic effects (gynecomastia, hair loss). However, the two molecules are structurally quite similar."


clinically apparent liver injury from eplerenone has yet to be reported. The similarity in structure to spironolactone suggests that it may share susceptibility to the acute liver injury reported rarely with that agent.

Likelihood score: E* (unproven but suspect rare cause of clinically apparent liver injury).

Cool drug, a shame I didn’t knew earlier. Works like spironolactone without AA properties. In combo with bica, this would be cool, ngl.


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If someone wants to restore hair growth welcome to contact me in private messages


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