Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Это точно, нам нужно выяснить, что вызывает проблему, мне нужно будет дополнительно исследовать свои андрогены (гонадные и надпочечники), чтобы узнать, как действовать.
I think I will no longer visit this forum here no one listens to my recommendations that I showed on myself,I have nothing to do here


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I will solve this problem!!! I need to control my DHEA-S and my adrenal androgen, then, the next step is bica and the other stuff, but first I need to solve rhat problem.


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I know this might not be most scientific thing, but maybe try to look at this diffrently. Think about 100 guys in your school. Do you think you are in the worst 5 of them when it comes to hair? If not the chances of weaker treatments like dutas + oral minoxidil 2.5mg not working out for you are very small.
This seriously is a good point. I do acknowledge that we are all unique and respond to things differently, but generally this won't make your hair worse. OM works for EVERYONE IMO, it's just a matter if you want to deal with its sides. I say it works for everyone because it does address the issue most directly, contrary to popular belief. Yes, hormones are absolutely key and where it all starts, but it all ends at the site of blood flow at the follicle. If you can get more blood to the follicle then you can stimulate regrowth. So anyone who takes it should see at least SOME improvement or at the very least a slowing down of loss and increased anagen.


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You all discuss some biki, fins and such nonsense ,it will not help,you all go against nature, against what nature has given you so that you do not go bald!


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This seriously is a good point. I do acknowledge that we are all unique and respond to things differently, but generally this won't make your hair worse. OM works for EVERYONE IMO, it's just a matter if you want to deal with its sides. I say it works for everyone because it does address the issue most directly, contrary to popular belief. Yes, hormones are absolutely key and where it all starts, but it all ends at the site of blood flow at the follicle. If you can get more blood to the follicle then you can stimulate regrowth. So anyone who takes it should see at least SOME improvement or at the very least a slowing down of loss and increased anagen.
By OM you mean oral minoxidil. Right?