Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Its just that the DHEA is tooo high and it can make any androgen it wants. If the AR is blocked the cells will say "oooh we get deprived of androgens", thus the DHEA-S comes to the cells and DHEA-S makes more androgens, especially DHT, in tissues.

Because of that I might experience hyperandrogenicity.

I have no clue... what to do... this battle will be REALLY hard for me.

I will be bald anyways in a few years, already have NW7 diffuse, guess the adrenals raped the follicles for a long time already.
I don't know much about this, but I think the only way to fight it is estrogen.


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I don't know much about this, but I think the only way to fight it is estrogen.
Estrogen does not adress DHEA-S. DHEA-S is for some a backdoor-pathway/phenomen. Some MtF can't stop their hair loss because of that.

The only way to combat it is to inhibit the synthesis of adrenal T as well, through eg.: Abiraterone Acetate, which we DO NOT want to take.

As Ein said; "If bica+finasteride fail you, you really have messed up genes." Lol

In paper it doesn't sound so good for me.


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I will try bica, it might be an overkill for me and lead to hyperandrogenicity because of DHEA-S.

DHEA'S creates more AR's and makes them more sensitive. SH*T


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My profile picture speaks for itself
I will most likely kill myself someday. Its not about hair loss, hormonal imbalance affects me from many angles.

It... sucks... to be such a genetical-hormonal-chemical defect.

I will NEVER have children to spread my disease further.


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I will get my DHT tested soon, but I assume the DHT gets formed from all the DHEA-s in the tissue.

I too assume the DHT isnt formed much from my T, as its already low lol.

I wish there was a magic acid etching all away these f*****g adrenal androgens lmaooo


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In other news: bluecyclone and his spawn are claiming they are half bald xD
... They don't know what half bald means. I think they would kill themselves being me.


And that was still good... few weeks ago.


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I'm starting to think I have problems with my kidneys, I have immense high stress hormone levels, cortisol and now... EXTREME high DHEA-S levels.

I even got all to most of the symptomes of an overactive adrenal gland.

"An overproduction of androgenic steroids, such as testosterone, can lead to exaggerated male characteristics in both men and women, such as hairiness of the face and body, baldness, acne, deeper voice, and more muscularity."

"high blood pressure and to those symptoms associated with low levels of potassium, such as weakness, muscle aches, spasms, and sometimes paralysis."

I wonder if my dizziness, I get really often, is related to anything of that.


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As I've mentioned before, I don't even think you may necessarily need to go the bica route. Maybe you will. Obv only time can tell. But I mean, you just started finasteride so at least give that a chance. Sure, it usually only maintains and slows things, but there are a few good responders out there who get good regrowth on it.

I'm just advocating that you give some "male" treatments a shot before jumping to bica. Needling, minoxidil, perhaps RU and etc. Oral minoxidil WILL grow hair in pretty much everyone. It's just a matter of how much it will grow back. If you've already have established maintenance I believe you can even just cycle it and maintain benefits without having to depend on it, because I know that the sides can be cosmetically annoying for some.

I just don't want to see you go from finasteride straight to the bica route and regret it. At least try duta/OM/RU and such before you go down the nuclear path.