Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Guys i know that you are experts here i wanted to ask the following question: Why dutasteride decreases dht pruduction 93-95 % and then i have seen comments that it decreases only 55% dht in the scalp!! How do you decrease dht 95% everywhere?? enlightened me to destroy this poisonous substance!
Produced DHT and scalp DHT are two different things. Reducing production will not fully reduce saturation in the blood and skin. If you want to decrease DHT everywhere then you need to nuke your testosterone levels. So for example CPA and/or Estradiol.


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7 weeks of HRT tomorrow, crown has recovered by I'd say 95%. No minoxidil, just Fina and Estrogen. I am not counting Bica or CPA as I've only been on Cypro since 4 days, and I had to stop Bica after 1.5 weeks.

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Rejoice man. You're gonna get it all back. These drastic decisions really do pay off in the end. In a year you can enjoy styling your thick hair again.


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Rejoice man. You're gonna get it all back. These drastic decisions really do pay off in the end. In a year you can enjoy styling your thick hair again.
Thanks, it really is incredible how fast this is going. Although I wouldn't call myself a man anymore lol. Biologically I might have a male body, but I suffer from dysphoria so to stay sane I have to change a few more things then just hair to a more feminine or at the least androgynous look.


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Thanks, it really is incredible how fast this is going. Although I wouldn't call myself a man anymore lol. Biologically I might have a male body, but I suffer from dysphoria so to stay sane I have to change a few more things then just hair to a more feminine or at the least androgynous look.
Please don't take a photo with a maid outfit and a lollipop in your mouth.

Trafalgar Law

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Thanks, it really is incredible how fast this is going. Although I wouldn't call myself a man anymore lol. Biologically I might have a male body, but I suffer from dysphoria so to stay sane I have to change a few more things then just hair to a more feminine or at the least androgynous look.
Did you suffer from dysphoria before starting your treatment? Or is it something you observed after starting? If so, do you think it was possibly caused by the meds you are using?


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Please don't take a photo with a maid outfit and a lollipop in your mouth.
Don't worry about that lol. Janey was a mentally ill fetishist. I don't see myself going down her route of femininity as it was a grotesque parody. Plus I'm going to be boymoding for quite some time before I can sort out things like facial hair removal etc. It also depends how people see me, I wouldn't present female while still looking masculine.

Did you suffer from dysphoria before starting your treatment? Or is it something you observed after starting? If so, do you think it was possibly caused by the meds you are using?
I became noticeably dysphoric as soon as puberty started, I hated the changes. I didn't even know it was called dysphoria till my late teens. Then when I found out, due to my conservative town, family and "friends" I became what the trans community calls a repressor. I tried to live as a masculine man despite my dysphoria. It was a dark period of self hatred, drinking and suicidal thoughts. And I kept failing at being masculine, as my personality is not manly at all.

When I joined this forum I was still afraid to admit to my dysphoria, but I slowly opened up. I was afraid of being associated with the term "trans", not anymore tho. Repression left a lot of scars on my mind.

Balding is one of my main dysphoria triggers, that's why I'm so determined to fight it.
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Don't worry about that lol. Janey was a mentally ill fetishist. I don't see myself going down her route of femininity as it was a grotesque parody. Plus I'm going to be boymoding for quite some time before I can sort out things like facial hair removal etc. It also depends how people see me, I wouldn't present female while still looking masculine.

I became noticeably dysphoric as soon as puberty started, I hated the changes. I didn't even know it was called dysphoria till my late teens. Then when I found out, due to my conservative town, family and "friends" I became what the trans community calls a repressor. I tried to live as a masculine man despite my dysphoria. It was a dark period of self hatred, drinking and suicidal thoughts. And I kept failing at being masculine, as my personality is not manly at all.

When I joined this forum I was still afraid to admit to my dysphoria, but I slowly opened up. I was afraid of being associated with the term "trans", not anymore tho. Repression left a lot of scars on my mind.

Balding is one of my main dysphoria triggers, that's why I'm so determined to fight it.
Same here, don't they call autogynephillia? I never felt like a woman however used to enjoy backhanded complements that were supposed to be demeaning about my appearance. Stuff like eh, skinny or chicken legs. Even developed an ED because of it an became emaciated because I thought it made me more attractive. I suppose my "dysphoria" renders as a need to be youthful since my own warped perception perceives that as what men think is attractive. So shocker when hairloss became a factor, thats when i got bitten by the trans bug.

I took a shotgun approach to hairloss, still losing ground.
Why did god gift me these genes? My androgen receptors are so potent even estrogen agonizes them.
I'm screwed.


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Same here, don't they call autogynephillia? I never felt like a woman however used to enjoy backhanded complements that were supposed to be demeaning about my appearance. Stuff like eh, skinny or chicken legs. Even developed an ED because of it an became emaciated because I thought it made me more attractive. I suppose my "dysphoria" renders as a need to be youthful since my own warped perception perceives that as what men think is attractive. So shocker when hairloss became a factor, thats when i got bitten by the trans bug.

I took a shotgun approach to hairloss, still losing ground.
Why did god gift me these genes? My androgen receptors are so potent even estrogen agonizes them.
I'm screwed.
I don't really believe in Blanchard's AGP vs HSTS typology of transfeminine people. I'm not AGP as there is nothing sexual to it, I'm asexual. And I'm not HSTS as again I'm asexual and don't care about attracting others. If this typology is true people like me should not exist, yet here I am. My dysphoria is mostly over secondary male body features, and turning into a ugly grown man, If I could have avoided puberty I'd be happy lol. The feminine thing comes into play more due to my personality, the fact I behave more like a girl and get along with girls better. Why not try to become more like one then? If I can pass I'll give in a shot. From a strictly medical point of view I could take HRT and boymode till the end of my days, but most people still see me as trans, so why not just embrace it and go all the way. Plus I do have a small amount of social dysphoria due to male gender roles. This is my reasoning for embracing the trans term.

But beside that I feel we have some things in common, especially the youthfulness thing. And please don't say you are screwed, there is always a way. You could try going all nuclear, high dose Estradiol injections, maybe add CPA instead of spironolactone.


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I don't really believe in Blanchard's AGP vs HSTS typology of transfeminine people. I'm not AGP as there is nothing sexual to it, I'm asexual. And I'm not HSTS as again I'm asexual and don't care about attracting others. If this typology is true people like me should not exist, yet here I am. My dysphoria is mostly over secondary male body features, and turning into a ugly grown man, If I could have avoided puberty I'd be happy lol. The feminine thing comes into play more due to my personality, the fact I behave more like a girl and get along with girls better. Why not try to become more like one then? If I can pass I'll give in a shot. From a strictly medical point of view I could take HRT and boymode till the end of my days, but most people still see me as trans, so why not just embrace it and go all the way. Plus I do have a small amount of social dysphoria due to male gender roles. This is my reasoning for embracing the trans term.

But beside that I feel we have some things in common, especially the youthfulness thing. And please don't say you are screwed, there is always a way. You could try going all nuclear, high dose Estradiol injections, maybe add CPA instead of spironolactone.
I suppose I should go even further beyond. I should try adding injections for definite at a later date, a blood test would be useful. I do agree with you, virilization ruined my mental health beyond devastation. I think a more feminine gender role could be attributed with aspergers and a dislike of a "male" personality. Personally, I hated my unstable mood and aggression in my youth; which caused me to resent my past actions and behaviour. Then in part, was because I desired a basal level of stability and asexuality; since aggression and how I felt really clashed with the idealized person I wanted to be. I am somewhat there now, but I feel like a parody of myself.

My hairloss could be attributed to dutasteride since i heard it can be particularly rough like finasteride with a shedding phase, as i heard it takes up to a year to see full results. It could be my current regiment is too aggressive and is causing an immune response that is triggering a chronic form of telogen effluvium. Perhaps I ought to make my regimen a little less aggressive. Minoxidil is no solution I want, I have a hard enough time dealing with body hair as is. I should check my ferritin an thyroid. Else, I dunno what more I can do.


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I suppose I should go even further beyond. I should try adding injections for definite at a later date, a blood test would be useful. I do agree with you, virilization ruined my mental health beyond devastation. I think a more feminine gender role could be attributed with aspergers and a dislike of a "male" personality. Personally, I hated my unstable mood and aggression in my youth; which caused me to resent my past actions and behaviour. Then in part, was because I desired a basal level of stability and asexuality; since aggression and how I felt really clashed with the idealized person I wanted to be. I am somewhat there now, but I feel like a parody of myself.

My hairloss could be attributed to dutasteride since i heard it can be particularly rough like finasteride with a shedding phase, as i heard it takes up to a year to see full results. It could be my current regiment is too aggressive and is causing an immune response that is triggering a chronic form of telogen effluvium. Perhaps I ought to make my regimen a little less aggressive. Minoxidil is no solution I want, I have a hard enough time dealing with body hair as is. I should check my ferritin an thyroid. Else, I dunno what more I can do.
Interesting thoughts you got about dysphoria, pretty similar to mine in some aspects. Also please don't consider yourself a parody, when I look back at the person I used to be that is what you can really call a parody. Maybe I was more accepted by peers, but what good did that do when I hated myself and every other human being. Be true to the person you are, not the person society wants you to be.

As for your hair situation, I think injections with something stronger then spironolactone is the way to go in your case. Only then can you be sure if HRT can help your hair. Also 5-ARI is not that important when you have your Testosterone nuked, so I just went with Fina. And finally, I get the Minoxidil thing. I might use topical if my progress slows, but I can't convince myself to use oral. Body hair growth would make me depressed as f***.


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I didn't imply that hair regeneration within 2 weeks is possible. Also I am not saying that everybody who is shedding on Finasteride/Dutasteride/others can't recover, I am just saying that it can be possible that you don't and that for whatever reason your hairloss kept progressing. For someone who cares as much about my hair as I do, I would never risk it, I would continue trying to find something else that has higher possibilities to give me results. Waiting long periods of time with such uncertainty would be a gumble to compromise my mental health... however I can understand that someone who cares less about their hair is willing to proceed at a different pace.

Also I have the feeling that there is not consistency on the forum when we talk about shedding. There is a number of necessary pre requisites for a hair to stop being in anagen phase and fall... those pre-requisites are present during the "hormonal flux" that causes telogen and effectively can stop the anagen... so why is this viewed as a good sign?
It's possible to progress, but it's not that common on finasteride and definitely not on dutasteride. I don't really understand your question in the second paragraph. Hair cycles are obviously very complex, but sudden changes in any hormone axis can induce catagen without causing the hair follicle to shrink. The alternative name for Telogen Effluvium is "shock loss" which is quite applicable here. Changes in hormone levels are quite a shock for the body, and can cause hundreds of pathways to alter or reset. It can be viewed as good solely because it's a sign the body is transitioning to a more hair favorable hormonal profile (in the case of, for example, finasteride or dutasteride. If you start a cycle of Trenbolone the shedding can be viewed as bad, because your body enters a less favorable hormonal profile. But the shedding does not alter the hair follicle). The shedding intrinsically is not good or bad for hair. It's just a response to the (local) environment of the follicle.


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Since im getting practically no sides on 1mg progynova im going to increase to 2mg. I think that will be the max im comfortable using.


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Correct. Or, for the less nuclear inclined, use topical Dutasteride.
Yeah, that's true. I'm a bit biased in the direction of HRT tho so I forgot about topical 5-ARIs lol.

Since im getting practically no sides on 1mg progynova im going to increase to 2mg. I think that will be the max im comfortable using.
2mg should be ok, it's still a small dose.


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Bluepill people with good genetics will tell you that your skin will get better if you take care of it with moisturizers, masks and other nonsense. But in fact, with poor genetics, only the fight against androgen receptors is effective. Only this reduced the oily skin, pores, removed blackheads. Even though I stopped applying moisturizer
For people without even hair loss, but with terrible skin, it makes sense to try Bicalutamide, in small doses, because living with very oily skin is very difficult, and nothing will help you
Reducing the oiliness of my skin has greatly improved my quality of life.

But Bicalutamide will never be approved for treating skin conditions in men because people in this crazy world believe that libido is the most important thing a man needs. It amazes me how all doctors and nutritionists are concerned about libido/sperm quality in men. As if the male needs to fertilize the female every day.
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Bluepill people with good genetics will tell you that your skin will get better if you take care of it with moisturizers, masks and other nonsense. But in fact, with poor genetics, only the fight against androgen receptors is effective. Only this reduced the oily skin, pores, removed blackheads. Even though I stopped applying moisturizer
For people without even hair loss, but with terrible skin, it makes sense to try Bicalutamide, in small doses, because living with very oily skin is very difficult, and nothing will help you
Reducing the oiliness of my skin has greatly improved my quality of life.

But Bicalutamide will never be approved for treating skin conditions in men because people in this crazy world believe that libido is the most important thing a man needs. It amazes me how all doctors and nutritionists are concerned about libido/sperm quality in men. As if the male needs to fertilize the female every day.

It all boils down to gender roles and sexism if you ask me. Men are supposed to be libido obsessed ugly orcs who show no emotions. Any male person who wants to deviate from this role is viewed with hostility. Most people don't understand why a biological male might want to have good skin, great hair and generally be cute. It's a cruel and regressive view. Not every biological male has to be masculine. That's why I consider Femboys and MTF trans people to be very courageous for standing up to these toxic expectations. Estrogen, AAs etc. should be freely available to any person who is sure they want to use this medication, it should not be gatekept as it is now.


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the autor of this topic is a MTN or not with this regimen ?
He is a girl or a boy ?
could him get a child with a women or not ?


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Bluepill people with good genetics will tell you that your skin will get better if you take care of it with moisturizers, masks and other nonsense. But in fact, with poor genetics, only the fight against androgen receptors is effective. Only this reduced the oily skin, pores, removed blackheads. Even though I stopped applying moisturizer
For people without even hair loss, but with terrible skin, it makes sense to try Bicalutamide, in small doses, because living with very oily skin is very difficult, and nothing will help you
Reducing the oiliness of my skin has greatly improved my quality of life.

But Bicalutamide will never be approved for treating skin conditions in men because people in this crazy world believe that libido is the most important thing a man needs. It amazes me how all doctors and nutritionists are concerned about libido/sperm quality in men. As if the male needs to fertilize the female every day.
Well, Bicalutamide is not very kind to the liver on long-term protocols. There are many other (safer) options available to get great looking skin i.e. vitamin A (Accutane), Progesterone, DHEA, Pregnenolone or even E2 if one desires to use it.


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the autor of this topic is a MTN or not with this regimen ?
He is a girl or a boy ?
could him get a child with a women or not ?
Bridgeburn is a guy. And yes, you can regain fertility after being on HRT and then stopping. But still banking sperm would be a good idea of you intend to have children and want to start Estrogen. Just to be safe.