Just FYI, I am am on finasteride... but,
it was not flawed for the 1 years results, however the original trials long term results were flawed simply due to not taking into account people dropping out of the study, which slightly skews the results.
What I do base my decision is multiple other studies through the years, including the one you just mention on GSK along with the long term studies done for hair, sperm, prostate, and comparing to other hair loss drugs.
Let me make this clear though, 100% of men get “side effects”. Now I understand that many will throw a hissy fit over this but, it’s a fact. Although based on Pigeon previous post history I must say he did alarm me with his sadistic posts on wishing death on others and hoping they get terrible side effects, he is correct in the sense that decreasing 70% of dht mainly coming from 5AR2 inhibition is not “healthy” or somthing that can be done with no sides.
The real factor however is noticeable sides, which is most important. If by taking finasteride my refractory period goes from 15-25 minutes, somthing I will not be able to notice unless actually tested, will I take that with the benefit of me keeping my hair unchanged for 10 years plus. Yes I would and I have. In scientific and literal terms yes, finasteride does cause side effects but, majority of the time in clinical studies we see that majority do not get side effects that are noticeable or extremely harmful to ones health.
As for the effect on cognition and neurosteriods, which is often the topic that freaks individuals out the most. This is my view based on what we have today. No study other then the one linked below did took men who never took finasteride before, had a one group take nothing and the other take finasteride for one year and compared cognitive testing scores. To no surprise test results were pretty much the same with the control group having slightly better spatial scores and the finasteride group better verbal memory testing. They hypothesize that this may be due to finasteride lack of 5AR1 inhibition, the main 5AR found in the brain, however to men this study clearly demonstrates what’s the last 20 years of research has shown, the incredible neuroprotective and enhancing properties that estrogen has.
Serum concentrations of neuroactive androgens decline in older men and, in some studies, low testosterone is associated with decreased cognitive function and incidence of depression. Existing studies evaluating the effect of testosterone ...
Estrogen is the main component to women’s better memory and academic scoring compared to men. It’s the reason scientist have been doing very diligent research on creating selective estrogen modulators, which can give the beneficial effects estrogen has, without some of the risks and feminizing effects. Progesterone is right behind estrogen as well.
Again as quickly discussed all research on finasteride main benefit over Dutasteride is its lack of inhibition of 5AR1. 5AR1 which is most present in the brain and based on many research paper the main 5AR that is used to convert ALLOPREG. 5AR2 deficient men demonstrate no signs of mental retardation or an expontential increase in cognitive decline. The difficulty with using the CSF levels in finasteride users is explained...
It is common practice in the medical field to use CSF as a proxy on the bodies level of neurosteriods, reason being is we cannot directly measure levels in the brain. This is typically a good way of predicting what levels are like the brain, as the correlation are strong of low CSF neurosteriods and there negative effects. However finasteride users are a strange case, specifically because it is inhibiting 5AR2, with minimal 5AR1 inhibition. Also this has been demonstrated in the Italian study on PFS patients
Post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) occurs in patients with androgenic alopecia after suspension of the finasteride treatment, leading to a large variety of persistent side effects. Despite the severity of the clinical picture, the mechanism underlying ...
(This study to me somewhat had an opposite effect, demonstrates no correlation with only 50% of the PFS patients having altered 5AR2 methylation. Also comparing it to healthy individuals. The study should have taken people who never took finasteride and are healthy, take finasteride for a period of time, and measure levels after 1-3 months of discontinued use)
CSF seems to be comprised of mainly 5AR2. In people not on finasteride, low 5AR is going to be evenly low in terms of 5AR1 and 5AR2. So using CSF measurement is a great idea for non-finasteride users, however becomes highly complicated for finasteride users with uneven levels of inhibition. Still though in no way am I saying that finasteride cannot lower neurosteriods, just making an analysis and demstroting that it’s reduction may not as severe, specifically in the brain.

basically most people who do there actual research on finasteride will typically have a view point somewhere in the middle not falling into the extremist groups of
Pro-Finasteride- “DHT is a trash hormone”
“just take it like a Advil and forget about it”
“it’s all the nocebo effect”
Anti-Finasteride - “Have fun being a tranny”
“Wait till the side effects hit you, then talk to me”
“Finasteride is straight poison”
In my humble opinion both camps are driven by bias and a mixture of stupidity. In reality it comes down to doing the proper research and actual analyzing your personal chances of risks, and how important your hair is to you. This stuff is not life or death, it’s merely for cosmetics. Many young men though do become depressed with hair loss and it can be extremely harmful to there mental health.
For YouTube videos anyone besides More plates more dates and Leo and longevity, either have very little knowledge or biased (Almost always Pro-finasteride) or both.
Anyways I can personally report I have been on finasteride for 16 years now with “side effects” that are not noticeable. My hair is still above baseline, in addition with minoxidil and microneedling. My 20s and entire 30s I have had hair, which I probably wouldn’t and that has drastically helped my confidence. Probably gonna start TRT sometime next year, just due to wanting to be at the higher range and just overall well-being, test levels sit at 450-550 the last 5 years on blood test.
Works both ways in life Pigeon is probably saving some dumbass kid who was gonna do zero research on finasteride, and f*** him in the head with years on worry about finasteride but, like John said fear people away from finasteride who were gonna be fine. Anyways besides the sadistic and psycho stuff Pigeon says, it’s somewhat good to have someone demonstrate the cons once in a while.