Finasteride cause DNA damage . new study in vivo


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so are you thinking topical E combined with an ai inhibitor some time later? shouldn't that theoretically work without making you a woman

I may not need it if I do my dosing correctly, the only way that will be a necessity is if I feel like I need more site applied E2 to my scalp and what estrogen is being made from my testosterone is causing problems by means of side effects.

We'll see though, I will keep the forum apprised of how it goes and what I do in order to avoid side effects. I'm going to start off with a low concentration mixture and record my mixtures and side effects (if any) and progress. I can afford to do this more slowly so that I get the best results.

I am actually quite confident that I will be able to strike that balance and that contrary to having to take high amounts of oral E2, that it being site applied will result in respectable regrowth with the ability to manage anything I don't want, within reason. Understand though I don't have any extremely visible thinning anymore. You really have to dig through my hair to see the weak spots, but at least it will be a metric by which others who have hair loss can make the decision for themselves as to whether going a similar path is actually worth it.

I'm not going to wake up shredded after eating junk food the night before as I can now because my testosterone is higher, but I would really like my hair density to go up from "ok" to the way it was 10 years ago.

I'll let you guys know how it goes, I may have to start it in the new year as my doctor is taking very few appointments this november and december because of the holiday season and covid.
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Bodybuilders are injecting more serious stuff for even longer and they are fine. You're saying 'I know that these studies are invalid, but finasteride must still be horrible!'. Doesn't that sound emotional? If I remember correctly, asians had their own studies for finasteride, dutasteride.
I'm not saying that it's completely safe to take finasteride, but there isnt' any proof that it's very risky either except from these PFS forums guys and few guys here. People claim all kind of sh*t on the internet - for example gyno from minoxidil, PFS from minoxidil, PFS from keto shampoo and some other stuff...

Damn, sounds like someone has developed Propecia Pu55y... How does it feel to be chemically casterated? You can justify it anyway you want, but youve essentially began your transition into a trans... not judging by any means... you do you sweetie...


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Damn, sounds like someone has developed Propecia Pu55y... How does it feel to be chemically casterated? You can justify it anyway you want, but youve essentially began your transition into a trans... not judging by any means... you do you sweetie...
So I’m assuming Dereck form MPMD and Kevin Mann are “tranny”. I no fan of Kevin Mann but I don’t get this logic. Why is there this persona that everyone that gets on propecia is built like a twig and dosent look or act masculine. Like the two guys I stated above, would you be saying any of this stuff to there face...No. I’m fine with people puting out research that shows the harms that finasteride can do. However this BS tranny stuff seems so internet geeky. Again I can list numerous men far more masuculine looking then anyone on this forum. Just today that video Dereck did on Habi, that guy stands next to anyone on this forum, ask people on the street who is the purported “tranny”.

Again I’m not some “pop it like a asprin” guy who think propecia is this all safe drug. I’m also all for people posting studies that show the downsides of inhibiting 5AR. However this weird troll thing that you and pigeon do seems extremely immature. Again though I ask would you say any of this to the guys I stated and if you do what do you think would happen???


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So I’m assuming Dereck form MPMD and Kevin Mann are “tranny”. I no fan of Kevin Mann but I don’t get this logic. Why is there this persona that everyone that gets on propecia is built like a twig and dosent look or act masculine. Like the two guys I stated above, would you be saying any of this stuff to there face...No. I’m fine with people puting out research that shows the harms that finasteride can do. However this BS tranny stuff seems so internet geeky. Again I can list numerous men far more masuculine looking then anyone on this forum. Just today that video Dereck did on Habi, that guy stands next to anyone on this forum, ask people on the street who is the purported “tranny”.

Again I’m not some “pop it like a asprin” guy who think propecia is this all safe drug. I’m also all for people posting studies that show the downsides of inhibiting 5AR. However this weird troll thing that you and pigeon do seems extremely immature. Again though I ask would you say any of this to the guys I stated and if you do what do you think would happen???
LMAO you know both of those guys are on exogenous TESTOSTERONE aka TRT right??

Please tell me you know they are on TEST??

Sure if you run heavy loads of exongenous T with finasteride youll be fine... If youre natty then goooood luck. You will lose strength blocking DHT. Lose strength = lose muscle over time. Fact. If youre not moving the same amount of load and resistance you will lose your muscle. Fact.

DHT is highly androgenic and signals neurological firing in the CNS and Cerebral Spinal Fluid that gives you strength and a sense of well being. 99% of life is confidence.

You could have all the hair in the world and still be beta asf cux you have no confidence. You could be bald asf and swing your dick and better results in life. Sure 1 girl might not like you, you says its cuz ur bald, Id say its cuz ur insecure... what makes you think she'd look at you if you had hair? Maybe its cuz ur face is ugly, you dress whack, you have a gut, youre hairy as an ape, your teeth are fucked, youre poor? Did any of those cross your mind? Nope baldies love using baldness as their cop-out in every siutation in life. Fact.

Yes, if we can fix this shitty situtaion without compromising things we should all regard as more important (Manhood) then sure. But f*****g up essentially the most important aspect of being a man for your hair imho is just ret@rded unless you are more concerned with being a pretty boy > man.

At the end of the day we all die. Everything ends. Stop worrying and start living. Hope for the best, make the best of the worst, and keep it moving. If you had 1 week left to live you would give exactly 0 fux about your hair and unless you have a crystal ball..... get to living.


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LMAO you know both of those guys are on exogenous TESTOSTERONE aka TRT right??

Please tell me you know they are on TEST??

Sure if you run heavy loads of exongenous T with finasteride youll be fine... If youre natty then goooood luck. You will lose strength blocking DHT. Lose strength = lose muscle over time. Fact. If youre not moving the same amount of load and resistance you will lose your muscle. Fact.

DHT is highly androgenic and signals neurological firing in the CNS and Cerebral Spinal Fluid that gives you strength and a sense of well being. 99% of life is confidence.

You could have all the hair in the world and still be beta asf cux you have no confidence. You could be bald asf and swing your dick and better results in life. Sure 1 girl might not like you, you says its cuz ur bald, Id say its cuz ur insecure... what makes you think she'd look at you if you had hair? Maybe its cuz ur face is ugly, you dress whack, you have a gut, youre hairy as an ape, your teeth are fucked, youre poor? Did any of those cross your mind? Nope baldies love using baldness as their cop-out in every siutation in life. Fact.

Yes, if we can fix this shitty situtaion without compromising things we should all regard as more important (Manhood) then sure. But f*****g up essentially the most important aspect of being a man for your hair imho is just ret@rded unless you are more concerned with being a pretty boy > man.

At the end of the day we all die. Everything ends. Stop worrying and start living. Hope for the best, make the best of the worst, and keep it moving. If you had 1 week left to live you would give exactly 0 fux about your hair and unless you have a crystal ball..... get to living.
A lot what you said is opinionated and wrong. Funny enough the only thing you actually stated that was a fact was

“DHT is highly androgenic and signals neurological firing in the CNS and Cerebral Spinal Fluid”

Again one guy is on TRT at natural dosages although, they are steady throughout the day. The other has stated he has not but if you choose to believe he is, no point in arguing. As for the muscle in DHT we have studies going to the extreme demonstrating no difference in muscle and strength in placebo vs groups using Dutasteride. If you actually wanna learn about neuroscience and how the body works my friend I suggest you check out

Leo and Longevity. He although a fanatic about brain function takes finasteride for his prostate, and discuss finasteride in detail on his blog and in YouTube videos. Of course other information can be found on MPMD channel.

I’m not gonna go to the grave with this. My original statement was only about the tranny stuff. Good night


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Finasteride messes with my DNA?

Sweet, can't wait to get my Spiderman costume ready, been waiting for this.


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Is there a simple conclusion to this thread? Or is finasteride good and bad? In doses of one mg a day for instance it's so small how could it have any affect that's extreme in either way?


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Is there a simple conclusion to this thread? Or is finasteride good and bad? In doses of one mg a day for instance it's so small how could it have any affect that's extreme in either way?
It can have “bad” effects at any dose above I believe 0.05mg. Again questions like these fuel these guys, lumping everyone who takes finasteride as oblivious to the harm which it can do. Do your research, don’t just go on forum and ask people “hey should I like get on finasteride” and they go “pop it like a Advil”. Research and come to a conclusion. End of the day it ain’t life or death whether or not you get on finasteride.


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finasteride inhibits 5ar
Not just dht

This basic understanding most people already lack


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Damn, sounds like someone has developed Propecia Pu55y... How does it feel to be chemically casterated? You can justify it anyway you want, but youve essentially began your transition into a trans... not judging by any means... you do you sweetie...
I’ve been on finasteride for over a year. Have a thick beard, can still bench 225 for 15, don’t take steroids and my libido is the same. You sound like you have aspergers tbh. Dht isn’t even a little Anabolic. It can improve strength through cns, but I’ve noticed no difference in any of my lifts