This was a well written response. I guess what I meant by sides is noticeable sides. Advil has sided, an egg I eat has sides. Everything has sides, I get that your taking that route. I meant most people will not notice anything negative that they can attribute to finasteride, and if they do, it will most likely go away when they stop taking it. You’ve been on for 16 years, what has your experience been?
As stated in my post, I have been great. I may not be a great example as I do fall into the minority of men in North America with great health. Which is one of the things that pisses me off about these forums. It cannot be that these sub population of men who are on hair loss forum or subreddit seems to all be below 15% body fat, do weekly strenuous exercise, eat a micronutrient dense diet, and take care of vitamin deficiency as well as compensate for finasteride effects on the body.
40% of American are OBESE with the number of men overweight, being extremely height in adult hood
20% of the population get the “recommend” amount of exercise.
Sever vitamin deficiency and poor diet are also a play a huge play in health
it cannot be that every man of these forums are these epitome of health. Now I am not saying that doing the things I state above will GUARANTEE you do not have severe side effects, however any intelligent person will definitely agree it minimizes it. Bad health is typically a a combination of multiple things going wrong not just one. Cognition and well-being is multivariable not specific things, majority of the time.
A important thing to mention though, your interpretation on my finasteride post is incorrect. This comparison of “eggs” to finasteride is getting into a territory of use thinking like computers, everything it 1’s and 0’s. Maybe my post seems to positive but, finasteride as stated is not somthing to be taken lightly, and if society did not view baldness so negatively I actually would see no point unless in using finasteride unless for enlarged prostate.
Now that does not mean I think finasteride is poison, like almost everything in life it’s a pros to cons on a personal level, based on the research given. My main concern 18 years ago, when I started considering finasteride was cognition, being there was very little research on that area and Finasteride in general. I would say me staying on the drug is a testament to how big of an effect it has, which is minimal especially with compensating in other areas. The issues with liver, diabetes, insulin resistance and etc never bothered me due to my extreme diligence in maintaining good health and at minimum 2 blood tests a year, covered by insurance of coarse.
Anyways, I would say that is something I agree with Pigeon, that exact statement of “Eggs gives you sides” is completely downplaying what finasteride is. Again in a perfect world we would not inhibit 5AR and be able to keep our hair but, unfortunately not the case. You young guys though in 2020 are extremely lucky with the information you have at hand. So funny watching More plates more dates as he has to me the most middle ground view point on it, basically emphasizing it’s only optimal for hair and prostate. Although I think he also understands his lifestyle helps drastically minimize the effects of inhibiting 5AR, along with actually being knowledgeable on the topic unlike 99% of people who post on forums.