Folexen: New Hair Loss Treatment based on S-Equol


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Armando Jose, Good research. The link to the article I posted above is related to the research conducted in your of the main researchers/PHD's is Kenneth Setchell. I believe he is involved with a company called AusioPharma that has conducted clinical trials. I have not seen anything new regarding their research for about a year. It may be that Pharmavite is so close to release of their S-Equol product that Ausio has lost momentum. There is little doubt that S-Equol is a legitimate candidate for use in neutralizing DHT and the possible prevention of further hair loss. There are signs it may have other beneficial health effects such the mitigation of metabolic syndrome. A big open question would appear to be dosage and frequency. Personally, it is a little hard for me to believe a mom & pop operation like Folexen could actually produce S-Equol, at least at a consistent level of quality and consistency.

Ausiopharma is conducting clinical trials in India on a lot of BPH sufferers with results due by 2012 end. Came up on google.

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I think we need people to keep emailing Folexen it can't be good for Buisness to keep ignoring emails.

I mailed them a bunch of times 3-4 - they replied each time around. Last one was after a delay of a week or so though. I guess there are pretty few people involved with the company & hence the delays in responses which other folks are complaining about.

I really want to give this product another try. I have the bottle anyways..
Am thinking whether I can try Spex's gradual acceptance of medicine approach (he advocates taking finasteride gradually to ramp up to the correct dose)..
If I have the guts..

I really have had a lot of hopes from Neogenic, despite its expense, but its method of working seems scary (HIF1 Alpha increase)? Any of you guys planning on taking that?


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I am unable to purchase from the folexen website for some reason, keeps saying error processing payment,
anyone experience this and know what to do?


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I am on Toco8 at the moment, not a month in yet and am seeing no changes.

..and you won't see any changes...this won't do anything but aide in your overall health...I've been on Healthy Origins Toco coming up a year....did nothing for my hair...

Don't waste your money on this illusion about Vitamin E Tocotrienols aiding in hairloss...may help women who have nutritional deficiencies or other deficiencies -- but forget it

The Natural

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I was considering taking Folexen (S-equol) to stop my thinnning. I am on Toco8 at the moment, not a month in yet and am seeing no changes. Should I drop Toco8 if I take up Folexen? I know Toco8 rasies test levels and someone on this thread mentioned dropping it if you were taking this. Can someone explain why? I have read the thread but see any conclusive reasoning. Could both together be counter productive or are both together benefical? Or is it a case that nobody knows?

It depends on what you are using Toco-8 for: I found that it did increase my libido and evergy levels; Toco-8 probably helped to thicken my hair as well; It did not regrow any though.


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I was considering taking Folexen (S-equol) to stop my thinnning. I am on Toco8 at the moment, not a month in yet and am seeing no changes. Should I drop Toco8 if I take up Folexen? I know Toco8 rasies test levels and someone on this thread mentioned dropping it if you were taking this. Can someone explain why? I have read the thread but see any conclusive reasoning. Could both together be counter productive or are both together benefical? Or is it a case that nobody knows?

That was probably me, I dropped Toco8 because I didn't want to use both Toco8 and Equol. I still have 4 months of Toco8 left, if I do go back on it I will finish those 4 bottles then get SupraBio which is a lot cheaper and the same dosage as per the study.

I am not sure how much if any Toco8 helped, it seemed to have reduced my shedding pretty quickly. However that may have been due to dropping nizoral which I still maintain has done nothing but hurt my hair over a 12 month period. I think things have recovered since I have dropped nizoral.

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I am probably going to drop this product as its given me sides....
Unfortunate, but it seems that it does impact DHT heavily and that may be causing me issues..

I used it for some 3 days as a tablet...on the second day, I took a double dose...fourth day, I was down with a severe chest cold /viral infection. I think my immunity was lowered as my body was struggling to cope with a reduction in DHT. On day of double dose, I experienced frequent urination and discomfort "down there", it went away after 2-3 days but still..

Well I've just had my first viral infection (confirmed by a GP) in over 9 months. Probably a consciences. I've got a sore throat but not a cold, I don't think I've ever had a sore throat without a cold before. I'm taking antibiotics which should last a week and Paracetamol and Condeine to kill the virus.

I've had slight colds on and off the last 9 months which I have always killed with a couple of Aspirns, it didn't work this time :(

Mr Blonde

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[/QUOTE]Well I've just had my first viral infection (confirmed by a GP) in over 9 months. Probably a consciences. I've got a sore throat but not a cold, I don't think I've ever had a sore throat without a cold before. I'm taking antibiotics which should last a week and Paracetamol and Condeine to kill the virus.

I've had slight colds on and off the last 9 months which I have always killed with a couple of Aspirns, it didn't work this time :([/QUOTE]

What dosage are you taking? Youve had slight colds on and off the last 9 months, that seems oddly regular, have you ever considered another underlying medical condition? The equol wouldn't have helped but wasn't there a problem before that you should get looked at?


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I am taking 15mg a day.

I don't think it caused it but I remembered someone else mentioning it.

In the past when my throat starts acting up I would end up with the flu.

I am in better shape now days maybe that is why I only get slight colds. I am not concern about the slight colds in the past if someone had it I would catch it easily and end up with a flu.

My throat already feels 100% better but now I have a slight cold. I expect to be 90% by tomorrow. I've had way worse sore throats and colds in the past. This is really tame compared to what I have had in the past.

alec baldwin

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Add honey and/or bee pollen to your regimen. Not sure if they gonna help with hair but definitely gonna help with immunity. Btw I've been waiting for my folexen for 20 days already. Is it normal?


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Add honey and/or bee pollen to your regimen. Not sure if they gonna help with hair but definitely gonna help with immunity. Btw I've been waiting for my folexen for 20 days already. Is it normal?

It took me a month to get mine...

...are these guys filling these little blue capsules by hand one at a time??? And what is it with these blue capsules??

I think we've been duped...2.5g of S-Equol compared with 4.5g of Equol in EquolSlim -- the stuff in the Folexen is like ground up cereal or something whereas the EquolSlim is like finer ground stuff...

I don't like this at all


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yeah i mean theres a number of red flags that make them look very unprofessional. if they put brewers yeast flakes in the product instead of equol no one here would know the difference because getting a product tested for ingredients and such is expensive. oh well, i just got my equol from the chinese. heres to hoping its really 98.5% pure lol


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Folexen never responded to the email at all Jacob, and I have done a lot for their business by talking equol up as a treatment which I believe has strong merit, and by mentioning their product. Abysmal practices for a company trying to make a name for themselves. I guess the desperation of balding men is enough to ensure their success. Given their site says it takes 10 days to process the order upon receiving it, that means they are swamped with orders.

However, he prior said that they manufacture the equol at a plant that they have set up.

I bet they just get it from China or something. They may "manufacture" the end product- put the equol, if it is equol, in capsules..but making it themselves...:ermm: Same for the 10 day processing..I think that's just there to make it look like they're swamped..or an excuse for them not being very prompt.

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Well I've just had my first viral infection (confirmed by a GP) in over 9 months. Probably a consciences. I've got a sore throat but not a cold, I don't think I've ever had a sore throat without a cold before. I'm taking antibiotics which should last a week and Paracetamol and Condeine to kill the virus.

I've had slight colds on and off the last 9 months which I have always killed with a couple of Aspirns, it didn't work this time :(


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I am also interested in other's experience with equol slim as it is a more legitimate looking product and the only other one I can find containing equol

It has a lot of chromium in it...taking 4 capsules a day gives you like 600% of the recommended daily amount...

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yeah i mean theres a number of red flags that make them look very unprofessional. if they put brewers yeast flakes in the product instead of equol no one here would know the difference because getting a product tested for ingredients and such is expensive. oh well, i just got my equol from the chinese. heres to hoping its really 98.5% pure lol

What does the chinese stuff look like??

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Eclipse also sells another supplement through major web stores that target appetite control...if they were fraud's with Folexen, that would sink them...I'm pretty sure there is equol in the capsules, the question is how much...


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While it is also about questioning the company(that others are now doing that)..the :whistle: is also the- more interest in the other line now.
Notice I said they probably get the equol from china. Do you really think they manufacture each ingredient in the "appetite control" product as well?

One page I came across said there's 1 employee and they've been around for 1 year. Not sure how recent the page was.

BTW..companies all the time are "caught" with ingredients not being in a product as claimed...or worse. Just because something is sold doesn't make it legit.

Why isn't he responding to emails?


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While it is also about questioning the company(that others are now doing that)..the :whistle: is also the- more interest in the other line now.
Notice I said they probably get the equol from china. Do you really think they manufacture each ingredient in the "appetite control" product as well?

One page I came across said there's 1 employee and they've been around for 1 year. Not sure how recent the page was.

BTW..companies all the time are "caught" with ingredients not being in a product as claimed...or worse. Just because something is sold doesn't make it legit.

Why isn't he responding do emails?

Well, someone should go after this company and press them...I mean, they're making some pretty bold claims and taking a lot of money for it


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They are two different companies Jacob. The Folexen website belongs to the Australian Eclipse company.