Folexen: New Hair Loss Treatment based on S-Equol


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In my teens it was a lot worse and was on accutane for a year. It cleared up 90%+ nicely.

My acne isn't that bad if I was 16 but im 32. It's still not awful.

I think my skin is really sensitive I've stopped shaving 3 times a week and my acne is a lot better around the beard area.

I currently use clearasil when it's really bad and cetaphil when i shower.

I've given up trying to clear it 100% up, if accutane didn't do it clearasil and the likes won't.

- - - Updated - - -

My GP recommended a cream but it was expensive and didn't buy it.


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Antibiotics. You can get them for nothing on prescription (at least in the UK) but you need to ask your GP for them. It was the only thing that worked for him... He looked like a totally different person afterwards.


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I'm on antibiotics for a viral infection. I presume it's the same thing?


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Dunno... Maybe not. You have to be on them for quite a while I think. Ask your GP specifically. It did make a massive difference to my friends quality of life, I know that.


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So after emailing Folexen and asking where they are located their rep told me they were in Sydney in the Australian Technology Park. I browsed the Australian Technology Park's (ATP) website and did not see Eclipse Nutraceuticals listed under their resident companies. I then emailed the ATP under their "Contact Us" section of their website and asked whether they could verify for me if a company by the name of Eclipse Nutraceuticals was in any way affiliated with them. I also let them know the company could go by the name of Eclipse Global Logistics as this is the name the Folexen rep provided in page 10 of this thread.

As of right now I have not received a response from the Australian Technology Park verifying whether Folexen's facilities are located there. I am not saying Folexen is a scam but if I could get verification that they at least have a physical location I would feel much more confident about ordering from them.


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I'm on antibiotics for a viral infection. I presume it's the same thing?

ummmm....what the hell are you doing on anti-biotics for a viral infection??

I haven't taken an anti-biotic in years, and I was always on them....a person has to get off them and fight off infections on their own as much as possible....if it's life threatening then for sure...but there are alternatives to pX antibiotics that do work...see a naturo-path...


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If my GP was happy to prescribe it to me I see no danger in taking them. Besides this might be the first time in over 2 years I've taken them.


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If my GP was happy to prescribe it to me I see no danger in taking them. Besides this might be the first time in over 2 years I've taken them.

but anti-biotics don't kill must have a bacterial infection, not a virus..


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Yeah you are likely right. I can't remember if he said viral or bacterial now that you mention that.
Lux let us know how you get on asking them about Eclipse.


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So if you read my previous post on this page of the thread (page 44), i just received a response from the Australian Technology Park. Their rep told me that there is no company by the name of Eclipse Nutraceuticals or Eclipse Global Logistics located at the ATP.

If you do a google search of "Eclipse Global Logistics Australia" (I included Australia as there is also an unrelated company by this name in Texas) you will find a few business listing websites such as this one with an Eclipse Global Logistics in a Arncliffe NSW Australia registered to a Mr. Andrew. The address given looks to be that of a residential house if you look it up on google maps.

Obviously Folexen is producing and shipping out a product but their lack of formal location and incorrect claims of where they are located are definitely unnerving.


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Yeah I still have a problem with this company having inconsistencies.

First they never agreed to send tablets to the mods or 'lifetime' members to try and confirm the value against hair loss that they claim. Any product worth it's salt would do so without hesitation if not for just 1 or 2 mods just knowing they'd convince a site full of hungry wolves for this stuff. That would be alot A-LOT of money. And they don't want to do that? MAJOR red flag for me.

Also I don't like this deal about sorry packaging, that's just basic business. Another red flag.

So if they are that sloppy with the packaging my gosh what havent they done with the product? Seriously. A MAJOR red flag once I think about it.

Now we are waiting just to confirm a physical address? Man we shouldn't even be on this type of conversation. That alone makes me suspicious. Yeah you're right, red flag.

Not mention no one of our regular members are getting results on this stuff with now around 2 mos usage? Everything that's worked for me had worked before then or by then.


I think I'll stop following for a while.

It's lost my interest.

alec baldwin

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I think they are themselves not sure that this stuff works but decided to give us an option which is not that bad. Until there are clinical studies or at least reports from long-term users everything is hypothetical. That said I don't justify their style of doing business. I'm not super savvy entrepreneur but If I were to sell supplements I would order something from for example swansons to get an insight into the way it should be done. Basic things: decent packaging, a shipment notification email etc

Mr Blonde

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Nature Made® will have their S-equol out in a spell. Hopefully, sooner than later.

I sure hate to read about supplements arriving in strange containers, without a list of ingredients. I mean, in this day and age, what kind of company does that...other than this one. Anyway, thanks for all the feedback guys.

Any date and price information about S-equol from Nature Made®? Do you think this a good product Natural


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TheNatural and Jacob :mrgreen:
Seriously guys, why do you spend so much time on this thread if you think that Folexen is a fraud or isn't working?
You successfully got the guy from the company banned, now you accuse someone who has positive things to say about Folexen (indirectly) to be affiliated with Folexen.
What's your mission here?

It's good to be critical and all but don't you want this to work? I don't want people to waste their money either if something doesn't work but I sure want to find out if this thing works and I am happy if there are people trying it.


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So if you read my previous post on this page of the thread (page 44), i just received a response from the Australian Technology Park. Their rep told me that there is no company by the name of Eclipse Nutraceuticals or Eclipse Global Logistics located at the ATP.

If you do a google search of "Eclipse Global Logistics Australia" (I included Australia as there is also an unrelated company by this name in Texas) you will find a few business listing websites such as this one with an Eclipse Global Logistics in a Arncliffe NSW Australia registered to a Mr. Andrew. The address given looks to be that of a residential house if you look it up on google maps.

Obviously Folexen is producing and shipping out a product but their lack of formal location and incorrect claims of where they are located are definitely unnerving.

Eclipse in Aus has nothing to do with the US business.

Eclipse in Aus has an Australian Business Number which is a required by law for a commercial company to have here.

However everything else you posted about is a bad sign.


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Right then - one last stab at seeing if Folexen is a miracle cure or a load of old balls:

I've asked Andrew directly about his physical location. I'll paraphrase his response when I receive it (as it's now the w/end in Oz it won't be for a couple of days I expect).

After that I'll have contributed all I'm able to this discussion... And I think 7 emails from one customer is a bit much - he must be sick of the sight of my email address by now! The only thing I won't then know is "Does the bloody stuff work?" - which is - of course - the most important thing.

I'll be true to my word and report back periodically with photos.



The Natural

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Any date and price information about S-equol from Nature Made®? Do you think this a good product Natural

I have no idea. But we do know of this company. They make reasonably priced (cheap?) supplements sold all over the planet.


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I have no idea. But we do know of this company. They make reasonably priced (cheap?) supplements sold all over the planet.

I emailed Nature Made asking when they think their supplement should be available and their rep by the name of Lora said they are hoping for the second quarter of next year.

The Natural

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WNLIH, I merely asked the representative to offer free samples of his product to moderators or some regulars here - a reasonable request of someone with so much confidence in his product. Surely, his unwillingness to do so has made some here wary.

You need to understand the history of marketers, and why some (like me) are suspicious of 1-2 post newbies with glowing testimonials. Regulars here are stating, for example, one thing about packaging and emails, then (as if on que) a 1-2 post newbie "appears" bearing experiences to the contrary, contradicting pages worth of testimonials. C'mon man.

Sure, I hope Folexen works. Why wouldn't I? But my, your, our hope that Folexen works is irrelevant to whether it actually does. We can hope all we want. Doesn't mean that this product will regrow hair. Doesn't mean that there is actually 2.5 mg. of S-equol in each capsule either.

I have already expressed my appreciation for/to those who have chosen to try this product.


Senior Member
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Right then - one last stab at seeing if Folexen is a miracle cure or a load of old balls:

I've asked Andrew directly about his physical location. I'll paraphrase his response when I receive it (as it's now the w/end in Oz it won't be for a couple of days I expect).

After that I'll have contributed all I'm able to this discussion... And I think 7 emails from one customer is a bit much - he must be sick of the sight of my email address by now! The only thing I won't then know is "Does the bloody stuff work?" - which is - of course - the most important thing.

I'll be true to my word and report back periodically with photos.


Gee's not whether Folexen works but rather if Equol works....The research and tests show that Equol is very good at binding to DHT...but how much to we need for the effect to work is the unknown...The stuff is so goddamn expensive you can't load up on it, which is the way you would need to do it... far as Folexen goes, I have severe doubts as to how much Equol is in each capsule...I believe there is equol in there, but I doubt it's as stated...
