For those who think they will never get a decent looking girlfriend


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I can tell you from experience that indeed while balding you can have stories. I have had them, as you.
However, there is a growing problem (here I will be a little philosophical and/or psychologist) related to an aspect of baldness that makes it more and more difficult to have fun.

The aspect is: we live in a society where choice is king, and dictator. We are bombarded with info and we cannot decide. We stall.
Women, compared to 50 years ago, have much more freedom of choice when it comes to the bed. I think a cute girl receives... 10 whatsapp messages a day with a sexual subtext? 20? 100?

Women are at a loss when they have to chose who to bed. Choice brings anxiety. How to diminish anxiety? Reducing the choices. How to reduce the choices? Take away from the panel the obviously different people.
The fat.
The short.
The bald.

This is a theory, of course. But it is known that information surcharge leads people to simplification as a defense.


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Too bad that the "real life examples" fall in the categories mentioned by Fred and FWIW.

Yeah because two depressive individuals on a hair loss forum have accurately assessed the relationships of the whole world. Do yourself a favour and step outside your doorestep/meet people.

- - - Updated - - -

Whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm actually a very pleasant person in real life, people like me for my humor and my optimism.

You can write what you like, it doesn't make it true. I've seen and read enough to know that you're not in any way, shape or form a pleasant person.


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LOL Yeah, as if i'm a recluse. I have a social life, since I study and work a lot. And guess what? Women always rejected me for my appearence, a few of them even told me that to my face. Oh, right, I'm not confident enough.

These girls are SHALLOW ))))))))))


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Whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm actually a very pleasant person in real life, people like me for my humor and my optimism.

These girls uttered some BS about not wanting anyone right now. Then I saw them a few weeks later in the arms of a tall thick NW1, either on Facebook or on the street.

One of them was honest and said she couldn't be with a bald guy.

If there is one area in my life where I thrive, it's my social skills. So you can remove that from the equation. I don't have much problems anymore thanks to my hair transplant.

90% of the girls I meet want to stay with me.

How can you call yourself optimistic? that's a big contradiction to 90% of your posts on this section of the forum, you are not optimistic.
I find it hard to believe that the only reasons girls in your life left you is because your lack of hair, sorry, it's too convenient to blame everything on your baldness.
and if 90% of the girls want to stay with you now, how come you're not with someone?

You seem to ignore all of my messages, maybe you blocked me from being butthurt from when I first joined the forum and started answering your posts, but it's like you live in a deluded world where all NW1 guys are immune from to cheated on and being left by girls for whatever reasons, being NW1 will not guarantee you that your spouse will stay with you forever.
I will not deny there are girls who lack of hair will bother them enough to leave a guy, but you claiming that ALL of the girls who left you did so only because your lack of hair is complete BS and just an excuse.

just because their next guy was someone with NW1 doesn't mean they left YOU because the lack of it, if I date a girl that have medium size boobs, for example, and I love her and attracted to her, but personally I prefer bigger boobs, and then we break up for some reason, naturally the next girl I will search for will be with bigger boobs, just because it's my personal preference, doesn't mean I left my former spouse because she had smaller boobs.


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where do you take them? a bar?

Also, I know not everyone is getting laid on first date, never believed such a fantasy, but after I've seen several experiments people did, making a fake profile of a hot/ model looking guy on tinder and others apps, and then seeing how girls interact with them and how they turn into super easy sl*ts that are basically falling to their feet, and on the other hand playing hard to get and claiming to have self respect- only to the average looking guy.

so I do know that if someone is hot enough they will have no problem getting laid on first dates the majority of times. in fact from what I saw there is no need for a date, just to ask for a number and set a time.

Lol it doesn't translate to anything. Just text on a Chat.

Excited over a hot guy. A lot of chicks never even meet up.m and that's something to be expected. A lot bail..but lately I have found semi full proof ways to enage a women and keep in her in line
However your aesthetics will determine how attentive she is to your desires. 100%

I usually do a pub/lounge ..

Club is a bad idea unless you have it in the bag already. Need to be able to talk.


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Lol. Too many guys think hair is what keeps them from getting girls. Most of you would pull plain janes even with hair, beacuse most of you are avarage. Yes, hair is important, but so is everything else in your appearance. If hair is the only thing draging you down, get a hair system and bring a girl home every night. Fake it till you make it, no matter what.

Edit: Why did i get all this -rep? Proves my point.


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Fred- first of all, I'm not good looking and I still have good amount of hair on my head yet you were doing better than I ever did even when you had no hair, so please, don't throw the "good looking guys/ guys with NW3's or below opinions do not count" at me.

secondly, you said one girl told you that the problem one your baldness- ok, I said so as well, I agree that for some girls lack of hair can be a deal breaker, but you claim ALL of them left you because of your lack of hair, to that I cannot agree and I simply do not believe, you don't fully know for sure yourself, you just like to blame everything on the hair, and you like to generalize because it's easier to cope with it that way, "if one clearly left me because of my hair since she said so, then all of them did because of my hair". doesn't mean it's true.

and you said girls don't want to leave you anymore now that you have hair, but you're not even in a relationship yet, how does that even make sense? for girls to leave you or not leave you, you first have to be in a relationship with them, from what you're saying you haven't been in a relationship since your hair transplant, so you don't know what will happen after you go into one.


you say it's just a chat on text and doesn't necessarily means actions- could be to some, but not to most from what I saw, not to mention the conversations were something of this sort:
*first message from the fake profile- "I want to c*m all over your face, number?"
and the girl literally gave the number without saying anything, and I swear this was not fake, they screened chats from at least 10 different girls
and they said how it was funny that after the girls gave the number, but the fake guys did not call them, about 30 minutes later the girls messaged on being pissed off why they are not calling them to set up a meeting.

so clearly the girls intended to hook up immediately.

the point of the experiment wasn't that girls are cheap and sl*ts, because if I got a message from a model looking girl saying she wants to fk me (and turned up being real) I'd run to her place like the fk*ing flash, so it's pretty obvious girls would do the same.

the point was that to the average guy they play hard to get, want them to try hard and court, claiming they have self respect and do not give in easy, but to a hot guy they turn full sl*t mode.
they have double standards that men do not, that's the sad difference.


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You must be new here Hairon? I've been in two relationships since my hair transplant. 5 months and 1 year and a half. The last one left me because she had an abortion.

You don't get it, do you? They didn't leave me because I was bald, but because there were other men with hair.

Let that sink in.

you said it was after the hair transplant, so you did have hair during those two relationships, the last one left you because she had an abortion, you didn't mention why the first one left you

plus, you see, this is what I don't get by your logic, if all women don't want to be with bald guys and will always leave them for men with hair, why to go into a relationship with a bald/balding person to begin with? if they only prefer men with hair, why to go for a balding/bald one? how does that make sense?
even if the girl is ugly, there are many ugly guys with hair


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Here's a question:

How can someone love you for who you are when you hate yourself for who you are (once you're bald) ?


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Here's a question:

How can someone love you for who you are when you hate yourself for who you are (once you're bald) ?

loving you for who you are doesn't matter anyway, loving someone for who they are is something that always ends after sometime, routine, boredom, sht starting up.
most important thing in a relationship is physical attraction, core physical attraction, that doesn't really end ever, it's the greatest mistake ever to go into a relationship with someone who likes you and attracted to you for who you are but has no physical attraction to you, the two lines can easily mix together and blur so it's not easy to tell.

the person itself could not realize it, classic example of that are all those girls who say "I didn't want him at first but it grew on me" or "I wasn't really into him but I fell in love with his character", that means she wasn't physically attracted to the person, but she started liking him (for who he is/ for his character) and then she starts feeling attraction to the person, but that's because she is attracted to their character/nature, and not physically attracted to them. that kind of attraction to character/nature always ends after time passes, at first you think the person is amazing, you admire them, all that bs, then after some times and good old routine things get boring, you're tired of their sht and you see that they are nothing special, and then that attraction to their character ends.

but, if you were physically attracted to that girl from day one (you can clearly feel attraction after like 30 minutes of being around the person, it's either you want to f*ck them or not) that attraction doesn't end, unless they physically change.


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loving you for who you are doesn't matter anyway, loving someone for who they are is something that always ends after sometime, routine, boredom, sht starting up.
most important thing in a relationship is physical attraction, core physical attraction, that doesn't really end ever, it's the greatest mistake ever to go into a relationship with someone who likes you and attracted to you for who you are but has no physical attraction to you, the two lines can easily mix together and blur so it's not easy to tell.

the person itself could not realize it, classic example of that are all those girls who say "I didn't want him at first but it grew on me" or "I wasn't really into him but I fell in love with his character", that means she wasn't physically attracted to the person, but she started liking him (for who he is/ for his character) and then she starts feeling attraction to the person, but that's because she is attracted to their character/nature, and not physically attracted to them. that kind of attraction to character/nature always ends after time passes, at first you think the person is amazing, you admire them, all that bs, then after some times and good old routine things get boring, you're tired of their sht and you see that they are nothing special, and then that attraction to their character ends.

but, if you were physically attracted to that girl from day one (you can clearly feel attraction after like 30 minutes of being around the person, it's either you want to f*ck them or not) that attraction doesn't end, unless they physically change.

I was already sort of assuming that the person was at least physically attracted to you, which let's face it can happen even when you're bald although much rarer, but how can you be in a relationship with someone who is going to constantly be miserable about their looks and feel like their life isn't worth living?

It's kinda like you have a girl who has a couple pounds extra but they look good on her. You tell her she looks really sexy but she feels fat and hates herself all the time. Eventually you'd get tired of that **** and look for someone with more self-confidence? What I'm saying is that even IF you pull off the bald look and other people think you look good, if you don't feel like yourself anymore and hate the way you look and can't accept yourself that way, then you are going to be off-putting to even those people who are otherwise going to be attracted to you. That's the awful thing about baldness. To even stand a chance you have to first accept yourself and not many people can do that.


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Lol dammn Fred you better watch out



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Because they're lucky enough to be good looking even if they're bald/balding? Because they've got money and/or status?

This is not "his logic", this is the way things are.

I can easily counter what you said here because even if you're a good looking guy with a bald/balding head, there are still many other good looking guys with hair, so again, why would any girl pick you?
And not all bald guys who date girls have money or status, yet they still date.

so to my question again, if by fred's logic, girls always prefer men with hair, and will always leave bald guys for men with hair, why to go into a relationship or date a bald/balding guy to begin with? there are always many options, there are all type of guys, ugly, rich, status, good looking hot, that all have hair, so why to go for a bald guy ever?
makes no sense to me, yet it's happening, so either it just does not make sense, or fred's point of view on this thing simply isn't 100% accurate.

whatever- I completely agree with what you said.

fred- damn man, 23 love letters? god damn, you didn't know you were dating a psycho before that vacation? it just exploded out of nowhere?


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Best thing about physical attraction is it cannot be defined.

I can like some special particular girl and i will juat ignore all other beaitiful girls,even better than one what i may like.

I have seen girls like crappy guys without flaws


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Best thing about physical attraction is it cannot be defined.

I can like some special particular girl and i will juat ignore all other beaitiful girls,even better than one what i may like.

I have seen girls like crappy guys without flaws

Wrong, you said it yourself "I can like some special particular girl and I will just ignore all other beautiful girls, even better than one what I may like"
that's because you like her, so you're physically attracted to her and you also like her, so there is also attraction to who she is, then obviously you'd ignore other beautiful girls, even more beautiful than her, because you like her, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't be more physically attracted to those girls you ignored.

physical attraction is easy to define, as I said, all you need is like 20-30 minutes around the person and you already know if you want to **** them, you feel it by their smell, touch, and look.
hell most people know it by just seeing a picture of the person, it's simply, it's like when you see a hot model on tv or a magazine, you already know if you want to fck her or not, you might not like her, but you'd still fck her if you could, that's physical attraction, simple.


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I mean to say that phyical attraction not = good looks.

I want to say that good looks will not physically attract every girl.

As world believes good looks= easy to attract girls.
And down rates average guys saying you will not get a good looking girl.

Still there is chance that any average x can physically attract a beautiful girl for some particular reasons.
Some may like voice,some may like nose,some may like eyebrows,some one may like smile.

So ita hard to define according to world accepted theory about looks.


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What is your Norwood?

Do you have a girlfriend?

Are you subjectively handsome? (Do women message, and match up with you frequently on dating applications. Do women frquentely call you handsome in real life?) It's not hard to know if you are good looking.

This may be the deciding factor in your relevance. (be honest)

If your handsome getting women of all types will be easy. I get told I am a lot and have no problem getting women, in fact I have to turn down some as I can't deal with lots of hassle. To b bald/balding and get hot women you need to be very handsome, good headshape and have another quality like height or money etc.


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If a guy is good looking atleast 5/6 girls will be actively trying to get him.
I know one guy who is too handsome,
So he have 6 girls on him.

If looks aren't all,why does some one like him so lucky,while any other person do not have such luck.

If a girl can spend hours trying to buy the best looking dress for her,
She will almost 100% will be having ultra super high standards for her future husband.

My funda now is pretty simple.

Never like a girl who is hifi (mod)..
Have high no of stylish friends.
Have beautiful close friend circle.

There was one meme on facebook in facebook india which tells like this.

"You started falling for a girl who is too Beautiful.
You imagined her as a life partner,
You opened her facebook account.
Opened her Facebook profile pic.
Saw 100 likes(in year 2011)..
You blocked her saying it in your heart..
If the girl has so much fb likes,it will be impossible to get that girl.
Your dream crushed..


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90% of the girls I meet want to stay with me.

90% of none? I guess you could argue that in a way, I suppose. It's as close as we'll get to truthfulness about Fred's real life.

She wrote 23 love letters did she? Do you think the fact you pretend to remember a specific number gives a degree of certainty that you're telling the truth?

Was she your 42nd first date as well? Or the 19th girl you met after only 2 texts?

I just want to hear more percentile bull**** about your life too! It's endearing!