Girls don't want me anymore


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Put this picture as my display pic in MSN and enjoyed reactions I got from people. Though, they weren't very encouraging. I constantly received messages from girls that they couldn't stand seeing me and talking to me anymore.
Anyway, what do you think of this all and mainly my looks? This picture is of course photoshoped, if I managed to fool one of us :D -- I still have hair.

For comparing:


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Some girls just don't like baldies. On the other hand, there are those who do. I see plenty of shaven headed fellows with hot chicks. I won't deny that having a full head of hair is an advantage when it comes to getting women, though. If it wasn't an issue, this board and the entire hair loss industry wouldn't exist.


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Of course it's an issue, but it isn't the death sentence that people make it out to be.

Let's say being bald means HALF the number of chicks that used to like you would like you. You've lost literally 50% of your entire market. Now, you could sit around thinking the world was over. Or, you could simply approach twice as many women.

Alternatively, you could work on other aspects of yourself - your body, your style, your job, your social skills - and decrease the odds against you further.

As always, once you're convinced something is true, you'll find the evidence to back it up yourself. Once you start believing you can't get girls anymore, that becomes your reality.


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You have a decent head shape I think.

Due to the expression you have, and the fact that it's a 'shop, it looks wierd.


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A lot of women are not into bald guys plain and simple. And when they get older, that doesn't change - they become 30 or 40 somethings who don't date bald guys. That is, if they're not married by then.

Funny story that goes along with that. A friend of my mother recently divorced her husband for several reasons, her biggest reason is that his hair has started to thin and she's not attracted to him anymore. She finds no hypocrisy in that she's ~40lbs overweight and hagard looking from smoking. They are both in their mid 40s. He's not even a bad looking guy and his hairloss is minimal and early. He'll have his hair into his 70s.

The funny part is this. She can't find a guy her own age with a perfect head of hair, and guys with half decent hair won't take her. She begged her ex-husband to take her back but he's now shacked up with their old neighbor, a super hot divorcee.

Most inspirational story ever.


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Of course, because it's a photoshop. Post the real picture up and see what happens.


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Having a photo shopped pic with the clean lex luther style, and not having any facial hair coupled with the fact that you're scowling rather than smiling and you're also not wearing a shirt may have something to do with the reactions.


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You look like an internet stalker in that picture. Completely bald head, strange-looking ears, weird stare, marks on your nose (from glasses), no shirt, and no smile. You're also staring straight into the lense with an intense, in-your-face close-up. Even if you had hair you'd still look strange, deranged in that picture. Try taking another one, but this time with an attempt to look normal.


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Personally I think that's bollocks. I've seen too many receding men, bald men, and thin-on-top men with great looking women to believe you lose 90% of your appeal when you lose your hair.

Of course it's harder when you're NW4 or above. Of course, some men look better bald than others do.

But what makes the biggest impact when you're balding is the way you let it affect you when it happens. Look at this dude's picture. He looks miserable, down and out, and like he can't be arsed to do anything in life. A lot of people with hair loss get like that. They lose the will to try and look their best, they slouch, they ooze low self-confidence, and then as soon as they stop getting attention they declare: "I told you, going bald DOES mean nobody likes me anymore!"

It's a big, frosty mug of bullshit, seasoned with a couple of spoonfuls of self-fulfilling prophecy. Bald and receding people still get women. Fact. There are tons of examples of it happening, all of which you guys can magically explain away if you want to, I'm sure.

And if you've lost a bit of your appeal, then there are ways to deal with it:
--- Work on other areas of your life
--- Approach more women, increase your options
--- Or - shock horror - date a slightly less good looking type of girl for a few years until you get your transplant/hair multiplication, or whatever sorts it out for you.

It's all about your mindset. You can tell yourself it's not the end of the world, or you can tell yourself you're utterly unattractive and don't deserve any women in your life. Either way, you'll be right.


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dudemon said:

Although there is no way to tell for sure what the actual % is (because women lie), I'd say when you hit NW4+ you will lose about 75% of your trim market.

And that's being conservative. It's probably more like 80 to 90%.

Even on a worse case scenario of 10% of female population in world like bald guys... that still leaves me with over 300 million to choose from! :woot: :devil:


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if you ever do go fully bald, then you would have ages abit in the face and it won't look so alien like and weird. Plus you can tell its fake which adds weirdness...


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-- this is okay?
Anyway, somehow I'm smiling, when I'm reading and discussing this depressing topic in this forum with you :D. (I know I shouldn't be :p)


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That's a smile?

uncomfortable man

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To be fair, that was not a very flattering picture with hair or not but you can still tell that having hair takes away that unsettling oddness factor pretty significantly. What I want to know is who are these women you spoke of? Are they your friends, in which case they would know you aren't really bald, right? Are these women wanting to delete you from their friends list just because of that picture? Sorry, just a little foggy on that part.


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Avery said:
A lot of women are not into bald guys plain and simple. And when they get older, that doesn't change - they become 30 or 40 somethings who don't date bald guys. That is, if they're not married by then.

Funny story that goes along with that. A friend of my mother recently divorced her husband for several reasons, her biggest reason is that his hair has started to thin and she's not attracted to him anymore. She finds no hypocrisy in that she's ~40lbs overweight and hagard looking from smoking. They are both in their mid 40s. He's not even a bad looking guy and his hairloss is minimal and early. He'll have his hair into his 70s.

The funny part is this. She can't find a guy her own age with a perfect head of hair, and guys with half decent hair won't take her. She begged her ex-husband to take her back but he's now shacked up with their old neighbor, a super hot divorcee.

Most inspirational story ever.

Thats f*****g funny.
Did she actually tell your mom she got divorced over thinning hair?


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Boondock said:
--- Or - shock horror - date a slightly less good looking type of girl for a few years until you get your transplant/hair multiplication, or whatever sorts it out for you.

You got it right, SHOCK and HORROR... That's the stupidest thing ever!!!

You could say bang a few less good looking girls for a few years, but being together with someone for a few years is just stupid. There are two types of relationships, short term and long term. With the short term, you go into them knowing that in a month you'd be moving on. If you don't move on, you are in a long-term relationship and you have to start respecting the partner. Upgrading her a few years later is not exactly respecting her.

Relationships just don't work like that.


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ClayShaw said:
Avery said:
A lot of women are not into bald guys plain and simple. And when they get older, that doesn't change - they become 30 or 40 somethings who don't date bald guys. That is, if they're not married by then.

Funny story that goes along with that. A friend of my mother recently divorced her husband for several reasons, her biggest reason is that his hair has started to thin and she's not attracted to him anymore. She finds no hypocrisy in that she's ~40lbs overweight and hagard looking from smoking. They are both in their mid 40s. He's not even a bad looking guy and his hairloss is minimal and early. He'll have his hair into his 70s.

The funny part is this. She can't find a guy her own age with a perfect head of hair, and guys with half decent hair won't take her. She begged her ex-husband to take her back but he's now shacked up with their old neighbor, a super hot divorcee.

Most inspirational story ever.

Thats f****ing funny.
Did she actually tell your mom she got divorced over thinning hair?

I bet they weren't getting on, and the hair was an excuse. Or, she has some sort of fetish about hair, and the thinning hair was getting too much for her....

The moral of the story is, some women do not know their real market value. Obviously, the women in question has very low market value, but she thought she could do better :hump:

uncomfortable man

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Fanjeera said:
Friends, yes.
Yeah, great. Nice friends you got there... :shakehead: