Hair is actually an overrated trait


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Was out with three women and a man for dinner tonight. Discussed a lot of things. I did ask what they type was.

The first one said she likes height, broad shoulders, a toned build, every man she dated from 18 to 25 was 6'3 and had very broad shoulders AS. SHE GOT OLDER SHE STARTED TO CARE MORE ABOUT BRAINS..

Was that a hint for you David? ;)


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Was that a hint for you David? ;)


She's dating my friend, that's how I know them. He's my best friend at my work. He's actually quite short (1.70 m), very different from the men she dated when she was 18-25.


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He's fortunate to have earned your friendship.


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The tall handsome men she dated between 18 and 25 would not stay with her, but your smart (?) beta friend will. Because he has no other option.

Ah women, they are smart.

I actually knew as soon as he wrote that, Fred would be all over it. What right do you feel you have to write such an intrusive thing?


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The tall handsome men she dated between 18 and 25 would not stay with her, but your smart (?) beta friend will. Because he has no other option.

Ah women, they are smart.

take it from a 34 year old man who's continuously dated f monogamously for the past 17 years, this is TRUE. What happens imo is this.

age 18-30 - majority of women are looking for their dream man physically. this is 5'11 or above, tone, NW1, broad shoulders, strong jaw line, etc... the major issue that arises, is that the majority of these men either a) have so many other options and are picky or b) don't end up meeting their needs on an emotional or mental level.. then they complain about this and that and how they will never find a man, blah blah.

age 32+ women start to panic and worry about having a family, social status, etc and their priorities drastically change. Some get stuck in that 20 year old phase, where they want it all, and will only date super attractive men, most settle and marry the "beta" looking male. balding, shorter, weak physical features, etc.

This being said, I need to add to every post that I am slightly biased. I live in a suburban type area. Out in California, I have noticed that people marry and settle down much less often and looks are always priority number one.


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Baldness is not overrated. It negatively affects every man's appearance. Nothing more hideous than a short, balding, fat ***.

Only baldcels in denial try to discount the sexual power of having a full thick head of luscious locks.


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Nothing is more hideous than a short, balding, skinny guy. They look at me as if I'm a living corpse.

Just shave it off, get on steroids, get tanned, jacked, and tatted up. There are plenty of average looking chicks who are into that look. You got nothing to lose, as cliche as it sounds you only live once.



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So now some women would rather be the girl number 3 of a tall handsome NW1 than to be the only girl of an above average guy.

And then of course as you say, they'll complain that he's a liar, a cheater, that men are pig (while talking to a nice guy who's done none of this).

How about leaving him and settling for a guy who wouldn't do that? That doesn't seem to be an option for some women, their narcissism is out of control.

However, some women will finally get real and lower their standards, but what good will it do to that "lucky" guy? She will be like "meh, I remember the time when I had way better, when I had studs in my bed, who made me c*m just by starring into my eyes!"

She will end up becoming bitchy, despising, doing things she'd never have done with the studs she dated when she was more attractive.

why as a balding man, I have decided to settle for average looking women, of course with fit bodies. I think as the points go down the scale, the more real the women tend to be. I know I will be criticized for being this judgemental, but really, it's true. For anyone that will dispute this, do you really think super hot women aren't jaded in their perception of what they "want". I am friends with several model looking women, 50% of which I have slept with. They still whine and b**ch all the time about how their perfect NW1 boy toys are lacking in other departments. It is not entirely their fault. They are used to model looking men coming on to them. Imagine if your entire life, super hot women were interested in you. Then one day, you realized that looks are not everything to a relationship. Would it be easy for you to start dating "4's and 5's"? No. Even if they were perfect in every other department, you're going to yearn for the time you had a toned, gorgeous woman in your bed.


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Just shave it off, get on steroids, get tanned, jacked, and tatted up. There are plenty of average looking chicks who are into that look. You got nothing to lose, as cliche as it sounds you only live once.


why is your avatar of a young Hitler? am I missing something? Are you being ironic, because he has a full head of hair?


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why is your avatar of a young Hitler? am I missing something? Are you being ironic, because he has a full head of hair?
OMG is that really Hitler? @mitch1211 may I ask you to change your avatar? It can be very offensive.


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Another incel with the 'just get jacked and go on roids' type Dellude.

Like wig preachers they have no idea.

None of this sh*t is magic. Both take lots of effort and comittment. The amount of clowns I know on steroids who don't even look like they lift makes it even more funnier.


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Another incel with the 'just get jacked and go on roids' type Dellude.

Like wig preachers they have no idea.

None of this sh*t is magic. Both take lots of effort and comittment. The amount of clowns I know on steroids who don't even look like they lift makes it even more funnier.

Look retard. I never said it was magic. But if you do it right, you can look aesthetic as f*** with the bald jacked look.

Exhibit A:

Of course, if you're a low IQ mongoloid like yourself and don't know proper dieting or training, then steroids won't work like they're supposed to. You don't even have to take anything other than high doses of testosterone to get a good body anyways. Testosterone + proper diet + proper training = aesthetics.

Fortunately for me I am still at a NW1 and only experience significant hair loss at extremely high doses of test.


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ahhhh... another one of these guys. Hate to tell you, but it's usually the people that make jabs like this that have the low IQ. I think most of us educated people here feel that neo nazis are the low IQ mongoloids.


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ahhhh... another one of these guys. Hate to tell you, but it's usually the people that make jabs like this that have the low IQ. I think most of us educated people here feel that neo nazis are the low IQ mongoloids.

awe sh*t is that you swiss temples??? How is your failed experiment going? still have a few whispy pubic hairs growing out of your temples??


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Jesus what a trainwreck thread.

To get back at the OP: body hair might be overrated because it does barely anything for your looks. Hair on head? Not so much. It's rated, and overrated, for a reason. Might as well say: "the human face / entire body is overrated". It all forms a picture together.


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Good luck getting hired after that.

Why would someone who is bald, jacked, tatted, and tanned not be hirable? I didn't say to get face tattoos with 20 different facial piercings. Look at exhibit A for reference.

In fact I know a few guys who work in successful fields and make $100k+ that are bald, jacked, tatted, and tanned. Don't go overboard and get freakishly jacked/tatted/tanned. It's all about balance. Just like life, moderation is key.