Hair is actually an overrated trait


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I doubt they would be plain ugly they would lost some points as their looks are highly dependent on their hair which means they are not really that handsome. Like a women who looks great with tons of makeup and then average without, plenty of them in Hollywood.

There are actually pics of Hugh Jackman where he lost all his hair. He looked really ugly. I will be depressed if I looked like him.


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none of them will become ugly, it's as marco says, hair does not make you attractive if your face isn't attractive, if someone is ugly, they will stay ugly even with Norwood 0
Huge jackman will never be ugly, he will simply become less attractive without hair, but because his face is attractive, he will always be attractive.

it's simply, if your face is attractive, you'll always be attractive, if your face is ugly, you'll always be ugly, hair will not change that.
you'll never go from attractive to ugly because of no hair, you'll become less attractive, but not to the point of ugly


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none of them will become ugly, it's as marco says, hair does not make you attractive if your face isn't attractive, if someone is ugly, they will stay ugly even with Norwood 0
Huge jackman will never be ugly, he will simply become less attractive without hair, but because his face is attractive, he will always be attractive.

it's simply, if your face is attractive, you'll always be attractive, if your face is ugly, you'll always be ugly, hair will not change that.
you'll never go from attractive to ugly because of no hair, you'll become less attractive, but not to the point of ugly

It might be down to our perception of what constitutes ugly. I thought Hugh Jackman looked downright ugly when he lost all his hair. But I never thought much of him even when he had hair. Hairloss just took him from average to ugly.


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I first time read about his bald cut now.
He will look awesome in video.

Some guys don't look good in pic but will rock in video/real life.
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Patrick Dempsey had a hook nose before surgery, and he isn't really good looking, he benefits from the "frame" of a doctor, benefits from the "frame" of being an older fullhead with great veneers , but in a crowd, without makeup he wouldn't stand out as good looking.
Hugh jackman benefits from the steroid gains, height, and benefits from a great smile/ facial movement characteristics, overrated in the looks department.


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Take a look at the comments - many women seem to find Hugh Jackman even more attractive bald. Even now, I find it strange to see heteros*xual men assess how handsome other men are. Most of us have no f*cking idea. Plus everyone has different tastes. It's similar to when I hear women discuss which supermodels are the most beautiful etc.. they are never the ones which I as a man find the hottest. It's completely futile.


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Take a look at the comments - many women seem to find Hugh Jackman even more attractive bald. Even now, I find it strange to see heteros*xual men assess how handsome other men are. Most of us have no f*cking idea. Plus everyone has different tastes. It's similar to when I hear women discuss which supermodels are the most beautiful etc.. they are never the ones which I as a man find the hottest. It's completely futile.

I think there are cases where hetero males and females have different idea of beauty. I really do find bald Hugh Jackman ugly. I will be depressed if I looked like him. However, there are cases when both males and females agree. For example, I think Liam Hemsworth is a good looking guy and so do a lot of females.


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I think there are cases where hetero males and females have different idea of beauty. I really do find bald Hugh Jackman ugly. I will be depressed if I looked like him. However, there are cases when both males and females agree. For example, I think Liam Hemsworth is a good looking guy and so do a lot of females. and women do have different ideas of beauty. And even men disagree among themselves and women disagree among themselves too.

Haha...well Liam Hemsworth...I was thinking about this the other day. Sure, I know women go crazy for him, but to me he is a gormless looking guy...and of course, from the point of view that he could get near enough any woman I would like to look like him (it would be handy), but if I could choose to look like someone otherwise then it definitely wouldn't be him. I also judge men by their athleticism and I wouldn't want that tall/skinny body type for myself. Again, we all have our own tastes.


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So funny..
I visited one forum of India today that has about 20000 active visitors at any given time.
That forum is in top 500 most visited site of India
And within 5000 world ranking.

There.. One guy posted about male pattern baldness in life and advise section.

As it is a forum of all full of norwood zero guys..
One guy went on to tell OP balding guy..

"Hair loss has no cure..just like Aids "
STFcccUp response of a non bald guy.


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So funny..
I visited one forum of India today that has about 20000 active visitors at any given time.
That forum is in top 500 most visited site of India
And within 5000 world ranking.

There.. One guy posted about male pattern baldness in life and advise section.

As it is a forum of all full of norwood zero guys..
One guy went on to tell OP balding guy..

"Hair loss has no cure..just like Aids "
STFcccUp response of a non bald guy.

I thought Aids was treatable now? More like the common cold.


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All the game depends on CD4 count.

By the way..i am going to post
Post exposure prophylaxis of HIV notes in other section on this forum after accidental Hiv /Exposure..
So that one may be able to possible avoid HIV.
In july,rt now not enough time.


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If you have the face/height then just being lean is enough no need to look like the hulk. I think these guys look less approachable than your Leonardo Dicaprio tall handsome lean type. Like seeing the women with massive breast implants and lips jobs etc vs Emma Watson or whats her name....
why are you so upsest with height? it seems like youre ugly as hell and trying to tell people that being tall makes you good looking. you think if chris hemsworth was 5'7 he'd be unatractive? no he'd look exactly the same just smaller.


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why are you so upsest with height? it seems like youre ugly as hell and trying to tell people that being tall makes you good looking. you think if chris hemsworth was 5'7 he'd be unatractive? no he'd look exactly the same just smaller.

5'7 Chris Hemsworth, scaled down, would be substantially less attractive. Maybe a 7.5/10 rather than a 10/10.


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why are you so upsest with height? it seems like youre ugly as hell and trying to tell people that being tall makes you good looking. you think if chris hemsworth was 5'7 he'd be unatractive? no he'd look exactly the same just smaller.

Height is a very desirable trait in men. Being over 6ft adds 2-3 points alone, with a good body and handsome face you can easily reach 7-8 add good hair, good job/money and God mode is enabled. Women then don't just find you attractive they fall in love.


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Regarding Height..
It can attract large subset of women
Girl will easily sacrifice height demand for a guy with appreciable height plus every good qualities.


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Only guys who are not tall will deny the importance of height. A lot of short guys will deny its importance tooth and nail. It's like discussing the importance of looks with an ugly person.

They'll say "it's not that important" to protect themselves. A bit like me with mass and muscles being important. The difference that I clearly manage without them.

Ugly guys or short guys will deny the importance of looks and height while being permanently single.

Maybe I would get hotter women if I was larger? I would still rate face and height as more important when it comes to mating.

I think you have mild autism. You show no shame in saying that which is inconvenient and controversial.
For whatever it's worth, so do I. I took this Canadian test recently and scored 29/50, a somewhat high score.

Personally, as somebody who i 5'11, I have no problem realising that at 6'2 I'd do better. I don't understand why other people need to live in a cloud of denial and fantasy. It seems like they're more worried about the snapshot of their fragile ego in that moment than in the long-term benefits of a reality-oriented worldview.

With respect to yourself I suggest you would almost certainly do better with mild-to-moderate improvement in body composition. I can't give precise recommendations without knowing you better. I know that you rant against expensive nutritional supplements. Almost all supplements are fraudulent and most you don't need and won't benefit from. You've said you didn't benefit much from weight training last time, which to me suggests that you were either given an incompetent weight training program, or you should try a different exercise for body composition, maybe in your case swimming or yoga would be more beneficial. It depends on the body type. We can discuss it in more detail if you want.

There's a ~400-page thread over at where people discuss if they were treated better after losing weight. I've read 200 pages over a year. Some trends:
- Almost everybody says yes;
- Some people say they needed to lose fat, gain muscle, then lose fat again to get a lot of benefit with the ladies, these were probably the naturally skinnier ones;
- Some say they needed to lose the "fat guy mentality" after losing weight;
- In general taller men get more benefit from being in better shape;

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, face and height are the most important features.
Yes, but your face changes drastically if you lose fat and gain muscle.
I've lost ~20 kg (~45 lbs) of weight so far, and my face looks very different.


No no no these people are ignorant. The guy above me especially. Yes lifting weights does change you face. When you lift weights. Mostly compound movements, it produces a hormone called testosterone. It secretes from your testes. Testosterone can do many things mostly build muscle. It also enhances you face. People that have more testosterone have less body fat, and can alter bone composition. Which is why we don't have the same face as when we were babies i.e. more pronounced jawbone. Bigger brow bigger defined chin. But women don't produce that much T so their features will not be as pronounced. If you look at people who take steroids look at their face. Steroids are just synthetic T, their face grows abnormally and organs grow as well which is sometimes you hear people say "juice" gut or GH gut But if you look at this pic
you notice his skull grew past his eyes on the side of his head. Just one of the side effects of steroids.

So in conclusion your you face does change from working out. Another thing is that the more muscle you work out at once hence FULL BODY exercises the more T you produce. Not by going to the gym and doing a few curls.