Hair is actually an overrated trait


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The deathrow inmate wasn't even famous.

Here's another case, "Roy G. Kuykendall".

A lawyer fell in love with this bald inmate, and helped him escape.

high fwhr + big skull



Shaven does not mean bald. He's NW3 at worst too... so not BALD.


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I know that feel bro....

I remember how friend of mine with thick NW0 after I haven't seen him for a while and went to NW3.25 commented me that I looks like a PRISONER (I was buzzed and shaved face).


I never shave from that moment, do a stubble with a trimmer. Works well btw.


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Here's a more recent one. "Hair" isn't this guys strength.

You guys should find a way to increase your facial bone mass, and make your skulls wider. That would increase your sex appeal a lot.



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My ""friends"" tell me I look like a cancer patient, people think I'm sick when they see me. There's nothing worse than this.

No I think see men in 40s with full heads of hair is more painful.


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Here's a more recent one. "Hair" isn't this guys strength.

You guys should find a way to increase your facial bone mass, and make your skulls wider. That would increase your sex appeal a lot.


There's no drug that will give you a face and neck like that.

His bones are just real big.

Bone size and height are probably the two most important things to women.


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Yep, there is nothing you can do to increase bone mass, or widen your skull, the only thing you can do is probably do a surgery to insert implants to the jaw/chin or cheeks, which I wouldn't recommend to anyone, from what I heard and read the improvement such surgeries make is really minimal, and they are complicated surgeries that can go wrong easily, plus, it probably limits things you can do in life after that, imagine you have implants in your jaw or face, and then you get a hit on your face from sports, or just a fall, or anything, I can imagine **** going really bad afterwards, the implants can move easily from such force, hell I bet even doing head-first dive would have a chance to mess up things
not worth it.


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To follow up on last night's conversation.

I weighed myself this morning at 88.0 kg. Had a large glass of water, so probably 88.3 kg. Then went to the gym for 1 hour of intermediate-vigour exercise (average heart rate of ~140), came back and weighed myself and was at 87.4 kg. Also had a small sip of water during the exercise. Further, my perspiration may have been lowered because someone came in halfway through, sat on one of the bikes next to me, and turned on the ****ing fan. I hate it when people at the gym turn on the fan.

I think this demonstrates that losing 1 kg of water in an hour is straightforward. I lost ~0.9 kg in 1 hour of intermediate activity with someone turning on a fan.


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In summary, hair is definitely not an overrated trait.


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Would be interesting if someone were able to properly rank the value of:

Bone size (shoulders, forearms, neck, etc)
Facial symmetry
Fullhead of hair
Low body fat
Muscular definition
White skin
White teeth
Clean skin
Roman nose
Eye colour


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Would be interesting if someone were able to properly rank the value of:

Bone size (shoulders, forearms, neck, etc)
Facial symmetry
Fullhead of hair
Low body fat
Muscular definition
White skin
White teeth
Clean skin
Roman nose
Eye colour

Why? This is a hairloss forum, not a dating forum.

Having said that I'm sure there are accademic texts covering that sort of thing.


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Why? This is a hairloss forum, not a dating forum.

Having said that I'm sure there are accademic texts covering that sort of thing.

pretty obvious that Facial symmetry is the most important thing, the more symmetrical you are the more attractive you are, it's also been scientifically proven that women, and people in general, are attracted to facial symmetry, it means good genes


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Would be interesting if someone were able to properly rank the value of:

Bone size (shoulders, forearms, neck, etc)
Facial symmetry
Fullhead of hair
Low body fat
Muscular definition
White skin
White teeth
Clean skin
Roman nose
Eye colour

Facial symmetry (fwhr, facial features)
Attractive eyes ( more so with the shape, socket and how it ties in with your cheeks) Color is secondary.
Bone size ( Breadth, thickness and frame)
full head of hair
Height (Anything lower then 5'6 and you're DONE)
Muscularity/low body fat
white skin
white teeth (however aligned, and straight teeth are very important and are usually related to good facial development. A lot of mouth breathers and people with messed up faces have crowded and bad teeth) Color isn't as important, but teeth in that regard are with facial development/symmetry)
roman nose (don't rele matter. Men generally have prominent noses that are not aesthetic) As long as you don't have a hooked indian nose... should be alright.


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pretty obvious that Facial symmetry is the most important thing, the more symmetrical you are the more attractive you are, it's also been scientifically proven that women, and people in general, are attracted to facial symmetry, it means good genes
This even works with children in primary school. They are shown pictures of symmetrical faces and they prefer those to non - symmetrical ones.


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Ok, it was water weight then. I usually weigh myself every day. After going through anorexia, I have to.

After a good sex session, I usually have to eat more the next days to get back to my normal weight.

Also, my nutritionist said I had one of the fastest metabolism he had ever seen.

It really seems that hair loss and winnyblues are in love with me. First occasion, they jump on me "haha he said something inaccurate, he makes mistakes, look at him! Loser!".


Fred, you've never really talked about your struggles with anorexia. Although I've always noticed that you are tall and very thin. Do you still struggle with it and how did you overcome it?


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To follow up on last night's conversation.

I weighed myself this morning at 88.0 kg. Had a large glass of water, so probably 88.3 kg. Then went to the gym for 1 hour of intermediate-vigour exercise (average heart rate of ~140), came back and weighed myself and was at 87.4 kg. Also had a small sip of water during the exercise. Further, my perspiration may have been lowered because someone came in halfway through, sat on one of the bikes next to me, and turned on the ****ing fan. I hate it when people at the gym turn on the fan.

I think this demonstrates that losing 1 kg of water in an hour is straightforward. I lost ~0.9 kg in 1 hour of intermediate activity with someone turning on a fan.
I have taken ask, David.. why do you hate it exactly when someone turns on the fan at the gym?

Do you catch a chill because you are only wearing a singlet (tanktop in North America)?

You seem really disturbed by the fan.


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It's environmentally wasteful, it's a distraction, it adds noise, and it interferes with a natural part of the exercise process: perspiration. You *should* be sweating if you're exercising properly.


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It's environmentally wasteful,
Haha... Don't worry, David.
I feel guilty every time I turn on my lights... or TV... or have a shower... or use a computer.. or cook dinner... and so on and so on.