Hair is not Life but it's Pretty Damn Close; HRT and Pictorial Posts Prove it.

How far are you willing to go to restore a full head of hair?

  • Full-blown Feminization

    Votes: 42 15.9%
  • Slight Gyno

    Votes: 44 16.7%
  • Slight Breast Growth

    Votes: 28 10.6%
  • Only "Male" Treatments

    Votes: 90 34.1%
  • Dude, I won't even touch finasteride

    Votes: 60 22.7%

  • Total voters


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Yeah I heard it was a let down. I think it was only like 2% CB which is ridiculous because guys like duterino use like 4 times that amount


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You need at least 7,5% BiD of CB-03-01, thats just soo much... costly... idk.

Meanwhile GT20029 stays much longer attached to it, so you can use it less frequently lol. Look at it on some papers, quite interesting.


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One thing about CPA is that it is indeed a progestogen and a progestin but it works like an AA. MPA is in that same class of meds but works to lower T in general. One really interesting thing about the article re stress by the site's owner is that he explains what happens in beneficial sheds as I call them. The diameter of the follicle begins to change too quickly causing inflammation and leading to shedding. He states that Keto can reduce the inflammation and help with this. That article has a lot of key points re shedding.
Thanks for responding @JaneyElizabeth ! About my questions and my thoughts in the second part, do they make any sense at all? (CPA seems better for the AntiAndrogenic effects as well). Although, Estradiol alone could be beneficial as well… Ahhh I really don't know, I am mixing the things so much… Thanks again.
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Alfatradiol is pretty much sh*t lol.
Yeah. That's been my feeling forever but I thought maybe it might be marginally helpful. Ultimately, as I state often, baldness is hard-wired into whites and Semitic peoples and we are moaning about the equivalent of growing antlers or a mane. Strangely enough because actually a large percentage of humans rarely go bald, when something similar is apparent in certain ape species.

It does in fact, "out" a person as "more male". Not always but the correlation is strong. Historically when troops always removed all or most hair like the Marines, this probably acted as a baldness equalizer along with the fact that hair tended not to be used for expressive purposes among males until the Beatles, who also sported stubble, previously seen as sloppy, hobo facial growth and even beards for Lennon and Harrison. So blame the Beatles all ye who are hair challenged.

By the way, Paul McCartney and the Beatles in general are probably the most well known people in the history of worldwide fame, certainly along with Ludwig, another hero of mine who had pretty great hair too!


As great as the Beatles are/were, Herr Von Beethoven epitomizes the absolute pinnacle of Western (and now all) civilization. Shakespeare is up there but we don't know what his hair status was. Jesus seemed to be exceptionally blessed hair-wise, which is unusual for Semitic types but then again, he had the power of healing.
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My Regimen
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You need at least 7,5% BiD of CB-03-01, thats just soo much... costly... idk.

Meanwhile GT20029 stays much longer attached to it, so you can use it less frequently lol. Look at it on some papers, quite interesting.
As is often stated, to my knowledge, there is no hair loss med that is experimental or among those of extreme cost that is more effective than either minoxidil or finasteride and it doesn't appear to be even close. These meds could work synergistically and Norwoody would be a good one to articulate that but as single shot meds, they are all pretty much a waste of time for most of us.


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Thanks for responding @JaneyElizabeth ! About my questions and my thoughts in the second part, do they make any sense at all? (CPA seems better for the AntiAndrogenic effects as well). Although, Estradiol alone could be beneficial as well… Ahhh I really don't know, I am mixing the things so much… Thanks again.
If you want to remind us or me via PM, what your current stack and age and extent of hair loss is, I will take a look and see if I have suggestions.


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Hair loss in the Temples As Being Akin To Traction Alopecia

Someone asked about traction alopecia and this is just a thought, but it might be quite similar to hair loss in the temples via male pattern baldness. How so? It appears to me as part of several theories of baldness, that the temples and less so the hairline but also, might bald due to a similar process in which the scalp is pulled backwards due to the over-proliferation of skull muscles from overuse of the masseter muscles. I have mine regularly loosened via botox as per Rob Winter's recommendation. Bruxism is likely to make this worse and worse and I used to suffer from that.

Something that I do often is to gently manipulate my hairline forward while doing so both forward and slightly upwards for the sides. Don't use too much pressure though or you might cause shedding or interrupt with blood flow. I just throw that out as someone who never stops thinking about the various in's and out's of male pattern baldness and hair loss.
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If I want to do gyno surgery after starting bica, will I most likely have crates, to have the effect permanent?


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If I want to do gyno surgery after starting bica, will I most likely have crates, to have the effect permanent?
Here's the thing. The surgery for us is easier because we don't have large nipples. Most female nipples are a dead give away because they can be several times larger although many cis-gals have tiny ones two. They have to remove at least some of the nipple in the FtM context. MtF's like large nipples for this very reason; it seems undeniably cis.


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I already have pretty big gyno! So I would nevertheless do the surgery, even without drugs


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@Bridegeburn's Protocols

I try to re-post these frequently since many people seek proven protocols even though all items in a stack are frequently unnecessary:

@bridgeburn Dosage Recommendations:

I am trying to keep up a bit with @bridgeburn's dosing as we know that it will work. He was taking his estrogen sublingually so that means more or less it is three times as potent but has a shorter half-life from what I have read. This is about at his 9 month mark, I think:

abcnamed said:

hi, may l ask you, what's your final complete regime now?
which kind of estradiol are you using?
ethinyl estradiol ،valerate?! topical or orally or both? in which dose?,
and are you using cyproterone 50 now?
.5mg Dutasteride
2.25mg oestrogel topically
2mg estradiol hemihydrate, buccally
50mg cyproterone
10mg oral minoxidil, every other day

In terms of strength, this would be a pretty standard male to female HRT protocol for someone well into transition or maintaining adult female target levels except the CPA is off the charts. This is puzzling because he was doing fine without CPA but he might be struggling with the temples. He cut back on the oral minoxidil because someone alleged that that was causing some/much of his growth. I highly doubt this because the growth he has simply doesn't resemble minoxidil hair growth in its pervasiveness. I don't think anyone is claiming that oral minoxidil on its own could do anything close to his gains. He mentions that oral minoxidil has a short half-life so I am not sure why he didn't just go to 2.5mg twice a day.

He explains that he decreased oral minoxidil dosage due to excessive unwanted hair growth.

On August 25th, 2018, this was his regimen:

Second Cocktail in his own words, dating from late summer to fall of 2018:

1mg dutasteride everyday, 6mg buccal estrofem (a couple times i took 8mg but mostly 6mg a day), 200mg spironolactone, 500mg sulfasalizine, 10mg oral minoxidil every other day and topical minoxidil every other day on alternating days (I don't really measure just cover the area). He also was taking 100 mg of progesterone orally which is a marginal dose. October 2nd, he added one Diane pill per week.

All he really needs in my estimation at this point is the 6mg to 8mg estrofem. The oral minoxidil might be important also but that isn't a hormonal med. He shouldn't need oral minoxidil and sulfasalizine, just one or the other from what I have read as long as a person is using topical minoxidil with the sulfasalizine. I think by this point the spironolactone is largely useless as is the dutatsteride but he doesn't know this because he doesn't test so he can't be sure he is hitting targets, perhaps, without an AA.