How Do I Calm Down Need Legit Advice


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@Xander94 dude you are better looking than me, and I look like white Chad without the muscles. Quit browsing lookism, quit looking in the mirror so much, and quit adding "cel" to every f*****g word.
Your problem is you are too smart for your own good - your brain obsesses over details in an obsessive compulsive way, and it does this because you don't interact with people. When you spend that much time alone, you start analyzing your own heartbeat and freaking out and worrying over the slightest problem. Sometimes you even create problems so you can worry about them - this is your brain legit f*****g with you. It's f*****g with you because it is so f*****g bored that it needs some stimulation. You need to get out of the house, and not spend so much time on a computer - spend some time outdoors, where the stimulus from your surroundings can entertain your brain to the point where it won't torture you. Your brain is like a dog - keep it inside in a locked apartment and it won't take too long before it rips up your couch and shits on your pillow.

Meanwhile, you'll think "that's not possible, i'd know if it was all in my head" - but i promise you, you wouldn't. That sneaky f*****g brain of yours is so deprived of stimulus that it will fool you into thinking you've caught ebola from the pizza you just microwaved just so it can occupy itself by browsing WebMD for 6 hours.
That is completely true


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I think it is such a tragedy that I keep coming back to this forum - it really is! Already, I suffer from massive low self-esteem because of my hair loss. On top of that, I get to hear statements such as 'Thank god, I am not Indian' and homophobic terms such as 'phaggot'.

Given that I am a balding, gay, indian guy - I must not even be perceived as a human. I have had such a rough April and May and I finally turned a corner. I am learning to be happy with myself. But this forum is not helping.

I think I am going to take a break from
Sorry bro I didnt mean to hurt you this is my personal rage coming out. I like indians as I've said before.

I also saw an indian guy with a very attractive blonde girl in a university event


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Don't let these words discourage you, mate.
They are not anti-gay words per-se.
They are just expressions used in anger.

the truth, though, is that these forums are packed with hardcore racism. someone says that hes looking for a girl who hasnt dated anyone but white people and he goes on getting dating advice like its a normal thing to say. in this very thread a meme is posted that says blacks eat chicken and ruin the gene pool by f*****g white women...? how is that funny? its not 1930 anymore, or 1830 for that matter. the anti indian stuff gets excused away but no one even bothers to react to the constant anti black stuff.


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the truth, though, is that these forums are packed with hardcore racism. someone says that hes looking for a girl who hasnt dated anyone but white people and he goes on getting dating advice like its a normal thing to say. in this very thread a meme is posted that says blacks eat chicken and ruin the gene pool by f*****g white women...? how is that funny? its not 1930 anymore, or 1830 for that matter. the anti indian stuff gets excused away but no one even bothers to react to the constant anti black stuff.

Welcome to the internet, son. These are memes, and they're supposed to be over-the-top.


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I wanna cold approach I really do but I don't know how to break this initial ice. Also it's not common to do here.


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I wanna cold approach I really do but I don't know how to break this initial ice. Also it's not common to do here.

It's about making small steps in the right direction. It's not a quick process, it will take time, patience and dedication, and you need real help and guidance to achieve this. A good psychologist can and will provide you with support and advice which will help you.


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It's about making small steps in the right direction. It's not a quick process, it will take time, patience and dedication, and you need real help and guidance to achieve this. A good psychologist can and will provide you with support and advice which will help you.
Im low inhib enough to do it. Thing is I will hurt my pride if I fail.


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Welcome to the internet, son. These are memes, and they're supposed to be over-the-top.

I've been using the internet since you were a tiny little baby, Sport. And I frequent a lot of forums about a lot of different topics. It's only here that I see constant memes and comments like this, though I'm aware that they're common on lookism and similar sites that many here also frequent. Believe it or not not everyone on "the internet" communicates using (very) racist memes, nor makes negative comments about people dating people of other races etc.


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I've been using the internet since you were a tiny little baby, Sport. And I frequent a lot of forums about a lot of different topics. It's only here that I see constant memes and comments like this, though I'm aware that they're common on lookism and similar sites that many here also frequent. Believe it or not not everyone communicates using (very) racist memes, nor makes negative comments about people dating people of other races etc.

LOL Sorry, but what and how many sites have you visited? You merely need to be on Facebook to find plenty of such memes in almost every page.


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LOL Sorry, but what and how many sites have you visited? You merely need to be on Facebook to find plenty of such memes in almost every page.

Lol, that's on your friends' pages, not mine. I've never seen a meme joking about how blacks ruin the gene pool by having sex with whites on anyone's page I know in Facebook, and in myspace before that. You need to meet some new people I think.


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If I managed to have a career in a difficult field while being continously humiliated and harassed for my appearance, you can make it too. Stop being a pussy, I'm a legit bald and ugly incel, but it looks like I got more balls than you. Get a grip, life is made of pain and failures and most people are spineless, digusting parasites, we can only keep getting up and trying harder.

what field do you work in dante?


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Wait a min, I'm not defending racist memes and joke, I hope that's clear. I'm only saying it's not uncommon to find them on the internet, and not only on forum like this.

Speaking of racist memes, did your Erasmus visit to the UK go something like this?



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Don't be silly. I kept my spaghetti inside my mandolin, which I kept in a secure bag. Spaghetti security is our first and foremost concern.
