How Do I Calm Down Need Legit Advice


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I've been using the internet since you were a tiny little baby, Sport. And I frequent a lot of forums about a lot of different topics. It's only here that I see constant memes and comments like this, though I'm aware that they're common on lookism and similar sites that many here also frequent. Believe it or not not everyone on "the internet" communicates using (very) racist memes, nor makes negative comments about people dating people of other races etc.

Please, drop the evil old whitey script.

White countries are the few willing to be truly multicultural and open to religious and sexual freedom. Why don't you try being black in Asia? Or gay in Iran? Funny Memes would be the last of your problems. And as for interracial dating, nearly every community in the world especially Jews, Indians, Arabs etc will openly refuse to date outside of their culture... yet no one bats an eye.


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send me pm with the girls you get laid with plz



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Please, drop the evil old whitey script.

White countries are the few willing to be truly multicultural and open to religious and sexual freedom. Why don't you try being black in Asia? Or gay in Iran? Funny Memes would be the last of your problems. And as for interracial dating, nearly every community in the world especially Jews, Indians, Arabs etc will openly refuse to date outside of their culture... yet no one bats an eye.

This sure could get interesting if @yetti turns out to be a Jewish trans living in Tehran.