
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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I also completely lost any muscle that I have it’s like I’m now completely androgen deficient like finasteride has shut off the androgen receptors. This was a picture of me last year in Turkey I’ve now completely lost all muscle and can barely walk.

right... from a single finasteride pill?! you are full of sh*t.

ban this guy PLEASE


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right... from a single finasteride pill?! you are full of sh*t.

ban this guy PLEASE

I think the main issue is the ED which is likely to be legitimate. the other things I agree are unrelated to Finasteride but I don’t think it’s fair to write him off all his side effects completely.



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Who cares what you or others believe, it's not like somebody especially random people from the internet could actually prove it. If scientists and doctors who work with this type of patients can't, how would yours or my or any others opinion have an actual meaning or impact?! It's irrelevant and your stupid questions only downplay his sides if he actually has them and he could get more suffering from it than he already has. You said that you are smart and you actually seem smart, at least from some points of view and for your age, act like it if you want people to take you seriously!

I don’t need anti-finasteride cult members to take me seriously, because with a regimen like mine, they won’t take me seriously nonetheless.

Besides the fact that his attitude and mentality does not have nothing to do with actual knowledge. Take this for example:

View attachment 129676

How can you actually trust or have a decent conversation with one that thinks he is smarter than his doctors just because he is reading studies online and reading transgenders regimes in getting his hair back? Let's say he knows more than his doctor about a drug, does that mean that he actually knows how it works? Or how the human body works? Does he have any medical experience or genetic knowledge? From where the f***? From reading studies and articles online and debating them with people like Yar and DHTcell that was his mentor for Bica? Let's be serious only a fool would really believe and look into his mouth. Not even doctors after 6-12 years of school can't call themselves more knowledgeable than others and most are modest and always keep studying to keep up with what is coming out and with evolution itself, how could a no life 19 year old that is fucked by depression and delusions from the drugs he takes and from sitting 24/7 in the house living a virtual life for years could actually know more than people who work with this daily, besides the school they made before this...

I told you already, he really believes what he is saying because his reality was already altered by his depression and what he had prior to this forum and because of the drugs he takes now, he is over that stage and his reality has nothing to do with the real world. Most of the people of this forum are more knowledgeable in some ways and in some stuff compared to others, a lot read studies, a lot implement them in the real world, but only a few really know with what they are dealing because they lack basic knowledge about biology, genetics, and how the f*****g human body actually works, and most important, experience with them, long lasting and with hundred or thousand of people, things that none of here really have, they take Bica and a cocktail of 100 drugs for 1 year 10 people and after start debating their experience not even f*****g knowing what causes what, how and when, since when does this really has to do something with actual science.

He just reads studies about transgender regimes over the internet and now he thinks that he is a hair loss expert, a doctor and scientists, all together and just after a couple of years of searching google for terms he does not really understand anyways.

I wish doctors would look at studies online, maybe they would then have a basic understanding of how hair loss and hair regrowth works. You don’t exactly need to know much about hair loss; it’s caused by androgens (hence why it’s called androgenic alopecia), and the only solution to it is anti-androgens or an orchiectomy. Why are you acting as if depression is schizophrenia? I am most likely more busy than you, considering you have the time to compete with JK Rowling in writing lengths.

My reality isn’t altered by depression. In fact, my regimen has been helping with my depression and has lead to inner-peace and helps me to maintain a clear mind. I can focus without issues now, with content concentration.

Transgender regimens lead to success, and success is a goal with hair loss.

He actually said that He is the most knowledgeable member when it terms of anti-androgens, check his post history i'm tired of making print screens and posting them just because endless pages come and nobody admits after what they said or acts like they meant different things!

You have no proof whatsoever. And, I wouldn’t say that because there are more knowledgable people than me in terms of anti-androgens, and they’re all from our ‘tranny thread’.

But a few months ago I remember you also stating that you are very knowledgable when it comes to skin and acne?


I am, and I can base a lot of my knowledge due to experience. I had persistent acne for around half a decade, and base my knowledge around experience. And so far, androgen deprivation therapy has been the main contributing factor in reducing sebum production, which therefore clears acne. My skincare regimen definitely plays a role in maintaining my skins quality, but skin quality doesn’t matter when acne is plaguing the potential.


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you mean my wrong opinion about you more or less being an expert in this field? So as far as you are concerned you are the most knowledgable member here and that’s a fact? again, I’m simply trying to understand if that is what you are claiming.




‘I am one of the most educated people on this website when it comes to anti-androgens’. You had an issue with that statement, and I said that you’re entitled to your wrong opinion.


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right... from a single finasteride pill?! you are full of sh*t.

ban this guy PLEASE

Why would I be banned for telling the truth? Why shouldn’t users here by made aware of the dangers of this drug. Catch a grip what have you against me telling the truth


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View attachment 129681

View attachment 129682

‘I am one of the most educated people on this website when it comes to anti-androgens’. You had an issue with that statement, and I said that you’re entitled to your wrong opinion.

I understood that, I was just taken back at how high up you place yourself on this forum. No offence.



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I understood that, I was just taken back at how high up you place yourself on this forum. No offence.


I couldn’t give two shits in all honesty, this forum has treated me horribly in the time I have been here. I am not highly placing myself by stating a fact, and that’s because I spend a lot of time searching about anti-androgens, and I have personal experience with them. Others (the anti-finasteride cult) attempts of being knowledgeable about anti-androgens is reading the side effect list from WebMD...


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I couldn’t give two shits in all honesty, this forum has treated me horribly in the time I have been here. I am not highly placing myself by stating a fact, and that’s because I spend a lot of time searching about anti-androgens, and I have personal experience with them. Others (the anti-finasteride cult) attempts of being knowledgeable about anti-androgens is reading the side effect list from WebMD...

But a search engine will never compare to actually going and getting a degree in that field Ikarus. That’s the simple truth of it.



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I couldn’t give two shits in all honesty, this forum has treated me horribly in the time I have been here.

Try to understand that you’ve
done the exact same thing to the OP in this thread. You didn’t take any of his claims seriously and more or less dismissed him as a fool stating that you had zero empathy for him. You’re also spreading the hate that you’ve claimed you’ve received on this forum.



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But a search engine will never compare to actually going and getting a degree in that field Ikarus. That’s the simple truth of it.


A degree in the field leads to a bias. Don’t you realise why most of these dermatologists/hair specialists promote finasteride as if it’s candy?


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A degree in the field leads to a bias. Don’t you realise why most of these dermatologists/hair specialists promote finasteride as if it’s candy?

I haven’t had that experience personally, so in my opinion I think it would be wise not to group all dermatologists into one group.



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"Than some sides of finasteride" as you said. But if it destroys your life and doesn't allow you to live a normal life physically than it's worse than any mental sides you can get from actual being bald.
I mean, what's good of your sexual drive if you cant get laid as bald guy. What's good of your erection if you don’t get sex? Go to hooker? it makes you even more miserable psychologically realizing you'll never have the real thing.
The depression you will get from being slick bald and ugly can give you as much brain fog or lethargy or low libido.
It's all relative. Hair loss is a scary disease. It just the damage varies from person to person.
If you know that your bald head wont be socially death sentencing then obviously you can afford not taking the gamble with destiny, otherwise you are out of options.
Kinda leave with your shield or on your shield variety of outcomes.
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Try to understand that you’ve
done the exact same thing to the OP in this thread. You didn’t take any of his claims seriously and more or less dismissed him as a fool stating that you had zero empathy for him. You’re also spreading the hate that you’ve claimed you’ve received on this forum.


I don’t take his claims seriously because it sounds ridiculous and you can’t even deny it. He had all of these issues from just one pill of finasteride, including penile shrinkage. Even transgender women on the most ridiculous regimens don’t experience penile shrinkage after one day, and that includes treatments such as GnRH agonists.

I haven’t had that experience personally, so in my opinion I think it would be wise not to group all dermatologists into one group.


I mean, that’s one of the reasons the anti-finasteride cult members have against doctors.


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I don’t take his claims seriously because it sounds ridiculous and you can’t even deny it. He had all of these issues from just one pill of finasteride, including penile shrinkage. Even transgender women on the most ridiculous regimens don’t experience penile shrinkage after one day, and that includes treatments such as GnRH agonists.

what we know is that he is not, according to him, experiencing nocturnal erections, which he was previously before using Finasteride 1MG.

Seven months of no nocturnal erections points to a physical problem. Even if the rest of his symptoms are incredibly unlikely the lack of nocturnal erections signifies a physical problem.

The mind and anxiety are not at work during sleep. In fact doctors check for nocturnal erections to differentiate between mental and physical ED.



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I disagree, a hair system is a valid alternative if meds/transplants don't work for you. It's not a perfect solution but atleast it's possible route.

Problem is that most, even on this forum are not aware of modern systems and techniques. And of course a big social stigma plays a role, if this would be more socially accepted I think most young men who bald would take this route instead of taking hormone treatment to have a chance of saving their hair.

The hair system isn't the problem, it's a societal stigmatization problem.

It may very well be that it’s a societal problem as you stated but the outcome is still the same unfortunately, it’s not a viable option for many men.



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First you are in urgent need of psychiatric help. Not because of finasteride, but because of your mental condition.
Hypersensitive people react hypersensitively

There are no healthy drugs, every drug is toxic. A healthy life should take place without any medication. I take Finasteride because I don't want to be bald yet, but I certainly won't consume it all my life. Every medicine has side effects, EVERY MEDICINE.

But please from a Finsterid tablet...that's completely illogical.


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First you are in urgent need of psychiatric help. Not because of finasteride, but because of your mental condition.
Hypersensitive people react hypersensitively

There are no healthy drugs, every drug is toxic. A healthy life should take place without any medication. I take Finasteride because I don't want to be bald yet, but I certainly won't consume it all my life. Every medicine has side effects, EVERY MEDICINE.

But please from a Finsterid tablet...that's completely illogical.

I will agree that it is highly unlikely but nothing is impossible. We have cases of sixteen years old dying from taking a single ecstasy tablet. By all logic one tablet shouldn’t do that but it has.



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I will agree that it is highly unlikely but nothing is impossible. We have cases of sixteen years old dying from taking a single ecstasy tablet. By all logic one tablet shouldn’t do that but it has.


You can't compare xtc with finasterid.

Today's MDMA is heavily overdosed (300mg MDMA)


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I would think it highly unlikely that a single finasteride pill would cause any permanent, life-changing ailments or medical conditions in a person. The possibility that it could cause all these different things the OP of this thread is claiming is even more implausible. Myself and several others on here who have disagreed with the OP have been very well-mannered and respectful about it. If you look through my posts in this thread, you can see I have been respectful and have offered constructive advice. I have disagreed with him because I want to help him, not for any other reason. But he has been very defensive of his position, and doesn't seem to want to take on board anything that we are saying to try to help him. Lets just suppose that at least some of his symptoms might be being caused by something other than the one finasteride pill he took, then it is important to explore this possibility. For example, blurry vision can have a lot of different causes, some of which can be very serious, and it is something that should be checked into.


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Very sad for the OP but millions upon millions of people take Finasteride and have done for many years and don’t have so much as an itch to report back.

As with any medication in the world there are going to be a very very small pocket of people who react badly to it that’s just the way it is. There is no medication out there that won’t have a horror story like this.

For the vast majority of people Finasteride is a safe drug.