i accepted my hairloss



now its official. i accepted my hairloss. i show my hair like it is. well actually i still conceal my hair with the right style and i try to let it look good. but i show my hairline. and i dont use a stupid hair style just to hide it. my mum says my new hair style looks good, and so it does look good because she is the most critical person with my hair style. maybe look at the "tell your story" forum and look at my pic then you know how i wear it. anyway, today i went out even without even styling it and i didnt care. :)

since i accept it, i take my life more serious. i care more about my future. thats very important for me.

i didnt even get comments on my hair or weird looks. its as if my hair is normal to everyone or noone cares.


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neo, i'm in the same boat. I've accepted it as well. It's part of aging. Have a good weekend man.



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I think there are two seperate stages. 1 is accepting you are losing your hair anywhere from a NW1-3. The next step one has to accept is when all hell breaks loose and you really realize You can no longer cover up the thinning areas and your hairline is gone... This is where I am. Losing hair in the first stage was way easier. I now see the ramifications of entering stage 2 where you are just not as attractive upon first notice to the opposite sex. I am having a hard time dealing with stage 2. Especially seeing people I haven't seen in a few years. So what stage are you at Neo?


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you accept were it is now,give it time and it will progresss and then you will not be able to accept it .Nobody really accepts it,they just lower their life expectations,then they lower their expectations again and again until
your left with nothing.

i,m sorry neo1234 but you are kidding yourself,alan shearer said recently
he would swap everything he achevied in football{thats a lot}for his hair back,now this man has everything accept his hair ,does that sound like a man who has accepted his hairloss


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antonio666 said:
alan shearer said recently
he would swap everything he achevied in football{thats a lot}for his hair back,now this man has everything accept his hair ,does that sound like a man who has accepted his hairloss

:eek: Where did you hear that?


@pologuy thx man :)

@gsxr im at stage 1. my hairline is still there and i only got thinning which i can cover for the most with hair. you only see the thinning at the hairline but its not that bad so most people dont see that im thinning. i think due to that i brush my hair forward in the mid scalp (not straight though, i do it softly so it doesnt look as if im trying to hide somthing) it gives the illusion of a full head of hair. i think thats a benefit of diffuse thinning if its not that bad. look at my pic if you wanna know how it looks like.

@askas good for you.

@antonio thats bullshit what you write. i take my life now more serious and i think im gona have more success than in the past...be it with ladies or at studies.

and the story with alan shearer. i dont buy that one. anyway...if that guy got many problems with his hairloss its his problem, not mine. my hair looks still good, so why shouldnt i accept it as it is. you cannot live your life in an illusion. if you do you will fail in life. actually i dont know how your life is going and how you handle your hairloss, but maybe you tell.

anyway , i still want to have full hair and im doing everything to get it back, but its good to accept where you are at the moment. you will get much more confidence, much more success with everything and so on.

@askas again ya, accepting does not always mean feel comfortable. i do actually. but thats due to the fact that my hair doesnt look that bad. sorry if its other for you and you are going through hell.


antonio666 said:
you accept were it is now,give it time and it will progresss and then you will not be able to accept it .Nobody really accepts it,they just lower their life expectations,then they lower their expectations again and again until
your left with nothing.

i,m sorry neo1234 but you are kidding yourself,alan shearer said recently
he would swap everything he achevied in football{thats a lot}for his hair back,now this man has everything accept his hair ,does that sound like a man who has accepted his hairloss

lol, i read your post again its so funny. you dont know nothing about life. how old are you? hair is not everything there is in life. just for someone with bdd maybe...but thats a completley other story. well tell where you got that story with alan shearer from.


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antonio666 said:
you accept were it is now,give it time and it will progresss and then you will not be able to accept it .Nobody really accepts it,they just lower their life expectations,then they lower their expectations again and again until
your left with nothing.

i,m sorry neo1234 but you are kidding yourself,alan shearer said recently
he would swap everything he achevied in football{thats a lot}for his hair back,now this man has everything accept his hair ,does that sound like a man who has accepted his hairloss

Your an absolute idiot. Grow up.


actually since i dont hide it anymore i see so much positive going in my life. i even can dance now in a club the right way. before i always was too shy to dance right, i just made some moves here and there but never went out of myself. now i dont care. i just dance how i want to. and not that i make a clown out of myself. but i dance more like the others there.
and i know that its due to accepting my hairloss coz it started exactly when i accepted my hairloss and didnt hide it anymore.

and it seems as if i get more attention from the ladies. its maybe due to the fact that i got more self-confidence and not only due to my new hairstyle.

and i care more about my future. i feel that i will study harder. since the tests are still far away for this semester i cant tell if it will really be like that but i have a feeling that i will succeed much more than in the past. its just a feeling but feelings often mean more than logical thoughts.

anyway, my mum respects me much more now. a good thing.

hell, i even like my hair how it is now, even if its thin. its nothing but worse than a tauge hair, but still i like it how it is when its styled. if i got tauge's hair i dunno what i would do. i would probably get it thinned out by the hair dresser. lol. my little brother , 15, actually lets this done coz his hair is awful thick.

i can only say positive things about accepting hairloss and not hiding it anymore. another thing is , just dont care about what people think. make the best out of you, but dont care. i always tell to myself when someone walks by me and im insecure "he doesnt care about you-why should he-you are just a human like everyone else". or i tell myself if i get looks from people and i think in my mind that they talk about me "just dont care". i dont know if anyone talks about me , if yes then i hope only positive , but if negative , i just dont care, as tough as it is.

accepting hairloss doesnt mean making a loser out of you. its not that i give up my appearance or even my hair. i dont f*****g give it up. i still want it to be the best it can be and i still want me to be the best i can be.

accepting hairloss is about becoming a winner, not a loser. in the past i always thought i was a loser of you. how stupid.

i have to thank blondeguy, even if i dont want to shave it, but i learned much from him about just not to worry. worrying is only bad...."just dont care". i pretty much adopted his attitude in this concern and i think alone this - that i accepted my hairloss and myself now and dont care anymore- this is alone a reason why blondeguy should be on this forum. thx blondeguy!


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blondeguy is my hero


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Welcome back Helpme007. The way you write and the constant mood swings and back and forth posts about acceptance and anger can be noone elsebut you