I am scared because of post finasteride syndrome…


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Indeed, here's a piece from Harvard about FDA:

"The bar for “safe” is equally low, and over the past 30 years, approved drugs have caused an epidemic of harmful side effects, even when properly prescribed. Every week, about 53,000 excess hospitalizations and about 2400 excess deaths occur in the United States among people taking properly prescribed drugs to be healthier.

Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death.

This evidence indicates why we can no longer trust the FDA to carry out its historic mission to protect the public from harmful and ineffective drugs. Strong public demand that government “do something” about periodic drug disasters has played a central role in developing the FDA.2 Yet close, constant contact by companies with FDA staff and officials has contributed to vague, minimal criteria of what “safe” and “effective” mean."

Excellent find


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That says nothing about all of the employees being liars. The market inefficiencies related to pharmaceuticals are well known and subject to lobbying but people in pain should have oxy and options in my mind. It's one thing to question the validity of FDA approvals or the criminal classification system that makes holding male hormones serious crimes but never MtF hormones and whether it is fair but testosterone is dangerous and just being a male is dangerous. I prefer using standardized USP medications and not buying crap from China with no history of human use. Half the people on here claim the government is interfering with new hair meds and the other half claims there's a conspiracy to force bad meds on us. I love every single med that I take and all of them are safe and effective.

Xanax might not be safe for anybody but I don't want to see it yanked either. I love Upjohn and I love Merck and I love the dutasteride guys and the estrogel guys and all of my off-shore vendors. I know what I buy and I don't whine about it. I put out an instant petition about some of this stuff but I knew it would go away in a day and people would go right back to whining and not doing something about it. I have my hands full with working on other barriers to enjoying a private life and I can't get worked up about this either way except to note that public choice economics analyzes all of this and pareto efficiencies are examined compared to lobby costs and other Coasean transaction costs. Coase melts virtually every single one of these complaints if people read his brilliant work which is similar to Niels Bohr's work. People took shots at the two of them every day for 50 years--Coase died at 102 and Bohr drove Einstein nuts with his quantum mechanics mind-benders and every single time, Coase and Bohr stood above it all.

Transaction costs are the primary way that economics in analyzed along with public choice and nobody buys the rants about liars and evil corporation and federal employees all being liars? I am libertarian but federal employees do not tend to lie as part of their work. We might not like the results--I hate the legal system and I am a lawyer because the transaction costs of deciding anything are so high that we end up with a bunch of mediocre people on the bench often but there are some genius judges who incorporate all of this into their systems and I used to work for one of them but the basic rule is that agencies create the rules and they are implemented with a huge amount of discretion in lieu of litigating all of them. Which is better? It depends on a variety of things but when the train hits Farmer Brown's cow, who's going to pay for it? Coase tells us that in a world of no transaction costs, it doesn't matter. Efficiency follows the contracting and the cost thereof.

I usually avoid these threads so I will remove anything anyone dislikes and I always do that because none of this crap matters to whether anybody's growing hair and so unless the transaction costs are enormous, it's hard to bottle up a treatment, so to speak says Janey, if it actually works and appears to be reasonably safe because it will appear on the black or gray markets or the dark net or wherever.


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That says nothing about all of the employees being liars. The market inefficiencies related to pharmaceuticals are well known and subject to lobbying but people in pain should have oxy and options in my mind. It's one thing to question the validity of FDA approvals or the criminal classification system that makes holding male hormones serious crimes but never MtF hormones and whether it is fair but testosterone is dangerous and just being a male is dangerous. I prefer using standardized USP medications and not buying crap from China with no history of human use. Half the people on here claim the government is interfering with new hair meds and the other half claims there's a conspiracy to force bad meds on us. I love every single med that I take and all of them are safe and effective.

Xanax might not be safe for anybody but I don't want to see it yanked either. I love Upjohn and I love Merck and I love the dutasteride guys and the estrogel guys and all of my off-shore vendors. I know what I buy and I don't whine about it. I put out an instant petition about some of this stuff but I knew it would go away in a day and people would go right back to whining and not doing something about it. I have my hands full with working on other barriers to enjoying a private life and I can't get worked up about this either way except to note that public choice economics analyzes all of this and pareto efficiencies are examined compared to lobby costs and other Coasean transaction costs. Coase melts virtually every single one of these complaints if people read his brilliant work which is similar to Niels Bohr's work. People took shots at the two of them every day for 50 years--Coase died at 102 and Bohr drove Einstein nuts with his quantum mechanics mind-benders and every single time, Coase and Bohr stood above it all.

Transaction costs are the primary way that economics in analyzed along with public choice and nobody buys the rants about liars and evil corporation and federal employees all being liars? I am libertarian but federal employees do not tend to lie as part of their work. We might not like the results--I hate the legal system and I am a lawyer because the transaction costs of deciding anything are so high that we end up with a bunch of mediocre people on the bench often but there are some genius judges who incorporate all of this into their systems and I used to work for one of them but the basic rule is that agencies create the rules and they are implemented with a huge amount of discretion in lieu of litigating all of them. Which is better? It depends on a variety of things but when the train hits Farmer Brown's cow, who's going to pay for it? Coase tells us that in a world of no transaction costs, it doesn't matter. Efficiency follows the contracting and the cost thereof.

I usually avoid these threads so I will remove anything anyone dislikes and I always do that because none of this crap matters to whether anybody's growing hair and so unless the transaction costs are enormous, it's hard to bottle up a treatment, so to speak says Janey, if it actually works and appears to be reasonably safe because it will appear on the black or gray markets or the dark net or wherever.

Janey, I've come across many of your messages in this forum and you need to learn how to write in a "succinct" manner.

You tend to type wayyyy too much and most often people actually do not read everything you typed. It doesn't mean you won in your argument, it's most often people aren't bothered to read through endless paragraphs of text that have very often, unnecessary information which can be summarized.

Some advice that may assist you.

Also, that study provided by Pigeon does prove a lot as it makes a lot of common sense too.
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Why ? read the VIOXX scandal . The same board of people in merck push it during the same time , actually 2 years later . So simple like that . Merck hide evidence like they did on VIOXX . Secondly, more than 25 years passed since the original studies where conducted, tons of more information tons of more studies . It is on pubmed, you just need read it .
Again, you are 25 years, at least, late dude. Welcome to 2021.
Why what?

25+ years, tons of independent clinical research and haven’t once seen a paper that has suggested that finasterides side effect incidence and/or profile is either a cause for concern or any different than what is openly advertised in the patient leaflet.


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I have no issues with stopping hair loss. My issue is how fast it keeps coming in and when to declare victory and move on to my next challenge. Estrogen has a whole range of beneficial health effects and rejuvenation effects and virtually all trannies note these things, not to mention you lose the male sex-obsession which I had had 35 years of and was quite weary with. I have put my pics up, before, after, high school, college, 40's and 50's pics and pics from all stages and with wig, for you system people so anyone looking at me can see that it's not just the hair, it will lead to androgyny and it did to @bridgeburn heavily even though he wasn't "transgender". But I do agree that even if someone on HRT says they aren't trans, they still think much more psychologically like a woman. Sex becomes nice but non-compulsive and most of us can't plow anyway so SRS vel non doesn't come into play.

What I do agree with about estrogen and not finasteride, is that estrogen is a mind-f*** and if you grow tits and can't handle it, then that's the price. So I shoot for youngish androgyny to the extent that I can; it's a Greek and Roman classical archetype for many gods like Dionysus and Hermes and many other gods and heroes from Atlantis as well, those beautiful sailors sailing to the South....

Way down below the ocean, is where I want to be, like a mermaid with my hair undulating in the current with my dolphin-like body. Everyone should have a goal in terms of attractiveness and then work the hair protocol around that. Just shooting for some sprouts is not worth it in terms of payback for those seeking male, female or others as partners. With male treatments, you will still be old, if you are in fact, like me, pretty old at almost 57. I got over my inhibitions when it was clear my hair was coming in so I post everything I have going back and even the ones that I never, ever would have put into human sight without an incredible transformation. The blessed have an obligation to share so people can see everything, the tits, the hips, the face and hoefully, the hair.

There's a novel in all of this and you, Comrade Booker are a classic character type on the fora, as well will be all of the kvetching by everybody on hair, about how they can't slay anymore without hair and all of the gloom and it turns out that only one thing works and it's E2. Otherwise you get a few tiny sprouts of hair on here from RU486 and people go mad with kvelling and pic posting and I never can see any difference. I think though with oral min, microneedling once a week forever and finasteride for those who will take it, might grow back cosmetically significant amounts of hair but otherwise, it appears I am the only one on here getting Bridge-like results which makes sense since I partially copied his process while adding microneedling at least one a week for 24 months now. These are roughly in order the last six years. What do they have in common? Janey looks better than her alter in the wig pretty quickly but growing one's own hair takes a lot of time. The bald pictures are from almost exactly two years ago when I started microneedling and then moving to high-dose estrogen.

This is the greatest thrill of my life and to that extent, I get why guys are on here all of the time but you have to decide what you want. I want to be androgynously attractive and to look much younger than "I" used to but I don't think in terms of gender anymore. But to anyone inclined this way, it's so, so sweet, like starting over again back at 17 in the first pic, which I think is all but in with all of the tiny white hairs in the temples that finally burst through and people say nothing works for the temples but some things must she says and Will does too. <Both wink>

gerund or present participle: kvetching
  1. complain.
    "Jane's kvetching about her crummy existence"
:eek: o_O :rolleyes:


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Why what?

25+ years, tons of independent clinical research and haven’t once seen a paper that has suggested that finasterides side effect incidence and/or profile is either a cause for concern or any different than what is openly advertised in the patient leaflet.
pubmed.gov . Search there.
Hahahaha, you made my date. What else ? the earth is plane ?



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Ok I'll bite I have plenty of studies saved on my computer.

Finasteride 5mg and Sexual Side Effects: How Many of these are Related to a Nocebo Phenomenon? The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 4(6), 1708–1712.

blinded administration of finasteride was associated with a significantly higher proportion of sexual dysfunction in patients informed on sexual side effects (group 2) as compared to those in which the same information was omitted (group 1) (P = 0.03). A scenario similar to group 2 of the current study is likely to occur in clinical practice, where the patient is counseled by the physician and has access to the drug information sheet. The burden of this nocebo effect (an adverse side effect that is not a direct result of the specific pharmacological action of the drug) has to be taken into account when managing finasteride sexual side effects

This should be the end of it really, simply suggesting to a patient that they might experience adverse events whilst on finasteride increased their chances of experiencing side effects by 300% over the group that were not.


  • mondaini2007.pdf
    78 KB · Views: 93


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You will have the same effect with literally any drug if you aware your patients of possible side effects. The ones who also get sides but don't report them, simply don't notice or attribute it to the use of finasteride because they don't know fina could cause the side effect.

This study doesn't disprove anything. And do you really believe blocking the most important androgenic hormone and disrupting multiple neurosteroids will only affect the state of your hair?
get off hairlosstalk and go watch baldcafe lol, DHT is a trash hormone

Chill dude

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It's fake, the people who claim they have it are mentally ill. Just take finasteride and stop worrying.
I agree with you as well but how do you explain the case of a person like Kevin Malley? I think the depression was already an existing factor in these people but the penile shrinkage?


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You will have the same effect with literally any drug if you aware your patients of possible side effects.

Absolutely, you could literally take a sugar pill. Difference here though is that Finasteride is particularly unique in that it has a lot of misinformation and blatant scaremongering surrounding it, which is going to have a significant priming effect on a patient should they choose to proceed with treatment.

The ones who also get sides but don't report them, simply don't notice or attribute it to the use of finasteride because they don't know fina could cause the side effect.

Clinical trials don't ask participants whether they think they are experiencing a side effect of the medication they are taking it is, they simply ask if they have experienced any changes whatsoever since the start of their treatment and a side effect will be identified if a trend occurs. If there was indeed an unusually higher than normal incidence of reporting hesitancy among the study cohort that could, depending on study design present an issue that might affect the accuracy of your findings. However, it becomes a none issue in comparator trials that seek to identify trends between randomly distributed study groups.

This study doesn't disprove anything.

I wouldn't characterise it as a proof, but I do feel they have sufficiently met the bar to say with confidence that a major contributor of sexual adverse events in clinical practice are psychological rather than pharmacological in the case of Finasteride. I don't see how else you can spin it really

And do you really believe blocking the most important androgenic hormone and disrupting multiple neurosteroids will only affect the state of your hair?

Of course not, the question to ask is whether or not those off target effects actually translate to measurable health concerns and at what incidence do they occur? Like sure it's all well and good claiming 5ARIs bad because they disrupt 5a-neurosteroids but if it is only translating to something like 1 in 100/1000 actually experiencing depression then it isn't going to make think twice.


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Ok I'll bite I have plenty of studies saved on my computer.

Finasteride 5mg and Sexual Side Effects: How Many of these are Related to a Nocebo Phenomenon? The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 4(6), 1708–1712.

blinded administration of finasteride was associated with a significantly higher proportion of sexual dysfunction in patients informed on sexual side effects (group 2) as compared to those in which the same information was omitted (group 1) (P = 0.03). A scenario similar to group 2 of the current study is likely to occur in clinical practice, where the patient is counseled by the physician and has access to the drug information sheet. The burden of this nocebo effect (an adverse side effect that is not a direct result of the specific pharmacological action of the drug) has to be taken into account when managing finasteride sexual side effects

This should be the end of it really, simply suggesting to a patient that they might experience adverse events whilst on finasteride increased their chances of experiencing side effects by 300% over the group that were not.
So According to you DHT is an useless hormone, the only useless hormone that human simple don't need it and neither the 5-alpha reductase eznyme, lol .
By the way Genius, the study you posted is 14 years old ! What it worst, it don't even mention the average age of the subjects and they used a questionnarie !!!!!!!!!!!!! Not hormonal check ( estradiol, progesterone, allopregnolone, etc ) . This is why questionnarie only studies are useless.


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get off hairlosstalk and go watch baldcafe lol, DHT is a trash hormone
Well, if you want to be a transgender , yes DHT, T, etc are "trash hormones" , lol
Do you undertand that you are inhibiting not just DHT by inhibiting an enzime !?