I think the key to success for some of us is NOFAP

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feedback : on the fourth day of nofap (yesterday) my hair was falling out massively (only thick hair , from everywhere : eyebrows ,back of the head , ears area ...etc) , I wasn't aroused in any way , I was in my normal state.

1st 2nd 3th and today (fifth day) everything was and is hunky dory for my black friends up there.

I am still on my "one masturbation per week policy" , reducing this rate would make me a nazi and increasing it would make me a hypocrite.
I'll surely slow my masturbating frequency but this will take time (I began at 17 years old by 3 wanking per day , I am now at once a week at 21)

one last thing : before I posted this , I was about indulging myself by masturbating , but eventually I didn't (even after having opened the website)

what prevented me from doing it is ..... that the updates on the p**rn website were rubbish and weren't as exciting as I expected them to be, just kidding .... because I knew that I would feel guilty just afterwards and lose my self confidence. actually it was for my mental more than it was for my hair.
it's all about personal integrity and personal satisfaction

just think about the long term guys(talking about your mind).

PS : go on freddy , slip another negative reputation to my profile.


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What are you guys going to do if by some miracle you actually get a girlfriend? Tell her you can't have sex with her or your hair may fall out? Or do you believe your hair knows the difference?

Seriously, this is 30 pages of garbage. No wonder I no longer have the stomach for hair loss forums.

Bwahahahah! :agree:

My barber says the best way to cure hair loss is to have more sex. What do you think about that!?

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I mean.. a barber would know don't you think?

Of course he also said minoxidil will grow peach fuzz hair, and that finasteride will make your dick get softer erections. He seems quite knowledgeable so far :p


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What are you guys going to do if by some miracle you actually get a girlfriend? Tell her you can't have sex with her or your hair may fall out? Or do you believe your hair knows the difference?

Seriously, this is 30 pages of garbage. No wonder I no longer have the stomach for hair loss forums.

This is kind of illogical...actually when you have a gf you don't need to fap. Not?
So what's with this fap "protection"?
Of course it's a difference! Compare how you feel after sex and how you feel after FAP.
Surely hormone secretions are different.
Stop advocating for fap, it's odd!
Actually fapping to p**rn won't help anyone get a real gf.
Fap is for 15-18 year old teens discovering sexuality.


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This is kind of illogical...actually when you have a gf you don't need to fap. Not?
So what's with this fap "protection"?
Of course it's a difference! Compare how you feel after sex and how you feel after FAP.
Surely hormone secretions are different.
Stop advocating for fap, it's odd!
Actually fapping to p**rn won't help anyone get a real gf.
Fap is for 15-18 year old teens discovering sexuality.

What's the ****ing difference between having an orgasm via FAP (stupid ****ing word) or screwing your girlfriend? Absolutely nothing, except to weirdos on hair loss forums.


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My barber says the best way to cure hair loss is to have more sex. What do you think about that!?

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I mean.. a barber would know don't you think?

You're funny. Even top researchers like Dr Cotsarelis still haven't figured out the real hair loss mechanism, and you tell us about a barber?
Guess what a barber told me: if i keep the hair short it won't fall. :)
Yes, you can have real sex as much as you want, even if some hairs will fall, at least it's something worth, compared to
fapping in front of a p**rn site which is kind of pathetic... Am i right or am i right?
So why fap, this is what i don;t get on this site...


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This is kind of illogical...actually when you have a gf you don't need to fap. Not?
So what's with this fap "protection"?
Of course it's a difference! Compare how you feel after sex and how you feel after FAP.
Surely hormone secretions are different.
Stop advocating for fap, it's odd!
Actually fapping to p**rn won't help anyone get a real gf.
Fap is for 15-18 year old teens discovering sexuality.

I started fapping at the age of 12 :p

Besides, most married men, and men in relationships still indeed fap. And most women indeed schlick. You don't see them losing hair as a result of it :p.


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What's the ****ing difference between having an orgasm via FAP (stupid ****ing word) or screwing your girlfriend? Absolutely nothing, except to weirdos on hair loss forums.

Since fap is an useless and kind of pathetic activity, who cares?? Do real sex and drop fap.

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I started fapping at the age of 12 :p

Besides, most married men, and men in relationships still indeed fap.

Oh come on, i don;t believe. And how did you find it out such a statistic?

But i'm wasting my time, seems like there are a lot of fap advocates here on this forum, who are in fact proud about doing this useless activity.
What reason to fap when you are in a relationship? Completely nonsense to me...


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And, this is where I can tell you've never had a girlfriend. I know you're 21, so don't worry, there is no shame.

As most guys who aren't able to have sex with women on a regular basis, you tend to worship sex, or at least the idea of having sex.

Men who have sex regularly don't tend to do that, sex isn't a such a big deal to them as it is to you.

Lol... , your "deductions" are funny...
Men who have regular sex have no reason to masturbate.
So you are saying that people who have sex often get bored by it and start to "fap" to p**rn sites instead? Isn't it ridiculous?


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Dreamer needs a real life sex education. He will end up in a marriage where he has sex 1 time a month (when the girl is in heat). It would actually be ideal for him because then he will lose less hair that way :p


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See, you're doing it again, you say things but you have no real life experience to back up your preconceived ideas about sex.

When you actually get a real life girlfriend, and it should happen soon, because not masturbating releases pheromones that tells the ladies you are a real winner right? You'll see that it doesn't have anything to do with your desire to masturbate. Ridiculous? You have the right to see that way, I see it as human nature, male nature.

Do you really believe that all men who are in relationships don't masturbate to p**rn? I'll say it again: please!

You are off-topic, now you can stop that ridiculous "guesses" about me.
Age-wrong; relationship status-wrong; Maybe try again.
I don't get your point: so you say , according to your extrasensorial powers i think, you "see" that i'm not in any relationship, so i need to get into one in order to have sex->in order to masturbate?? Loooooooooool.
Forgive me, but it's the biggest logical flaw and nonsense on my entire day.
Oh, and there are men outside there who ar ein a relationship and need to masturbate... Hmmm...it seems to me like the sex they're having is not that great.
As for me, i appreciate quality, not quantity, do you get it??

And now let's get back on-topic: FAP is a ridiculous , useless and pathetic activity. This is my personal opinion, ok?
"Human nature"
Oh please...But what about alcoholics who are always drunk? What about drug addicts? What about compulsive eaters who get obese? I guess it's also human nature...human likes to drink, so why not drink till he becomes a pig, human likes to eat, so why not eat till he gets 200 kg?? No??
I advise for moderation in all...this is the way i like to live.
And i don;t like watching p**rn, don't feel the need to do it, ok?? Can you understand that? It has nothing to do with my relationships.
You have no logic, no point. Only very good at derailing threads.

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Dreamer needs a real life sex education. He will end up in a marriage where he has sex 1 time a month (when the girl is in heat). It would actually be ideal for him because then he will lose less hair that way :p

Oh how funny...and who are you to tell me how many times a week do i need to have sex??

Ridiculous as hell!
LEt me tell you some "minor" thing: my ultimate goal in life is not having sex 3 times a day. Ok? Can you understand that? I don;t think so.
And this topic is about FAP, remember???
I don't support and defend it all day in here, like you are doing...
Why do you get so pissed off when someone bashes fap or p**rn??

You are only trying to derail; threads, and start making personal insulting claims about posters, because you have no arguments. Quite immature...


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I'm going to need to see a study that results in significant differences between fap and real sex. All I know is that real sex results in more testosterone which would mean more dht and more hair loss. Who has cracked who's theory now b**ch!


Established Member
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How funny you are...you cracked a...nut!
Oh, and how about first you giving me the study with testosterone?
I see, when you make a statement, i must take it as perfectly true, with no studies, but when i
say something, i must provide study...
How cool is that? :))))

And with this said, enough for today, don;t you think????
Have a nice evening,


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I think it was on tv that I heard that. Or from a men's health magazine. Doesn't matter because it doesn't effect hair loss!
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I know this is not a religious forum ,

but for some unmarried people the interest of masturbating instead of having genuine sex is to somehow reduce that sexual desire within oneself.
and I precise that I am strictly talking about needs , not addiction.

I know that some of you might find it hypocrite , but I've just given you a proper reason linked to religion.
I am not excluding the fact that masturbation is the instrument of the devil as well , but it's an attenuated form of having sex (yes like having a discount on your sins , or like buying chinese stuff it's not as pleasurable as something authentic and yet it does the trick)


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What's the ****ing difference between having an orgasm via FAP (stupid ****ing word) or screwing your girlfriend? Absolutely nothing, except to weirdos on hair loss forums.

I think the main difference is how the anti fap guys feel after they are done. From reading their comments it sounds like they feel ashamed, dirty, disgusting, guilty, pathetic, lame, etc.

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See, you're doing it again, you say things but you have no real life experience to back up your preconceived ideas about sex.

When you actually get a real life girlfriend, and it should happen soon, because not masturbating releases pheromones that tell the ladies you are a real winner right? You'll see that it doesn't have anything to do with your desire to masturbate. Ridiculous? You have the right to see that way, I see it as human nature, or male nature.

Do you really believe that all men who are in relationships don't masturbate to p**rn? I'll say it again: please!

He does have a girlfriend! You just never met her because she lives in a different city and goes to a different school. When he does see her, he tears it up, and his hair is improved instantly.


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Biblethumpers shouldn't be allowed to post on these forums.

I personally like to think of god as being a bald man myself. Which is why he made the best of us in that exact image.


New Member
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Does it hurt to try nofap for 3-6 months?

If it doesn't work for you, then it doesn't work for you. If it does, then that is great.


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Does it hurt to try nofap for 3-6 months?

If it doesn't work for you, then it doesn't work for you. If it does, then that is great.

Leave them alone . Simply some people love fap and p**rn too much .
Don't you see you can't have a constructive discussion with them? They just keep saying that it's normal, healthy activity and every man does it, including those in fullfilling relationships or marriages, which simply is not true. But since they cannot stop doing fap, they like to believe it would be true.
Don't you see they are now congratulating themselves with how many sex acts they have a week, seems like sex had become something boring for them lol, but, you know what? Pathetic fap and p**rn is still cool and interesting for them it seems, since they are reacting so bad at anyone bashing fap. How odd is that?

I repeat: men who are in great relationships/marriages don't feel the need to fap or watch p**rn. And i add that "great relationship" means way more than simply sex.


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I think it can work in slowing hairloss (look my last thread about masturbation I explained all my reasons..), but a "normal" guy can't stop making love during 6 months !
So as Fred said, time and reality will let them go bald anyway

Can you please stop about "making love" on this thread? This is exclusively about masturbation, what's that hard?
And who in the world talked about stopping any form of sex for 6 months??
It was all about stopping masturbation and p**rn watching.