Where did Exodus insult your appearance? Try to put yourself in his shoes for a second, I know I can for the girlfriend part.
You're talking about an 8 year relationship (!), for Exodus, and I when I was 21, this was nothing short of science-fiction. And your break-up, first world problems at their finest.
Exodus might not be the most stable individual here, but I can totally understand his reactions. He's never gotten one shred of affection from a girl, and you tell him he's lucky?
Since I've been able to get in relationships with girls, of course it came with some issues: girls craving drama, being entitled, demanding the moon of me, belittling me, etc.
But I would never complain about having had those experiences. You went through hair loss yourself! The worst break-up in the world is ridiculous compared to losing your hair in your teens.
Damn people who have always had it easy when it comes to dating can be the ones whining the most about their "love problems". I'm sorry but I cannot have much sympathy for those people.
I remember when I was in psychiatry, completely desperate that I was already nearly bald at 21, that I would never look good again, never look like myself again, and probably never have sex in my life.
Then the last day of my hospitalization, this tall good-looking fullhead settles in my room. I ask him why he's here: "Oh it's because my girlfriend broke up with me!"
"Oh you have a 'problem' that could be resolved now in a quarter of a second? A 'problem' that will not affect your looks, identity and social life negatively for the rest of your youth? That must be tough!"
He edited the part about my appearance out after I called him out on it.
Fred I don't think you are in a position to be criticizing me for holding the opinion that losing the love of my life is more important than my hair. Because you know what, there is no ambiguity there. If I say it's more important, then it god damn is, your opinion is of literally no consequence here. Not many people on this forum care enough about their hair to the point where they had a mental breakdown and had to be hospitalized over it. In fact my male pattern baldness was probably more aggressive than yours and I never went into the hospital so if I wanted I could easily tell you to man up, it's not a big deal, etc. like you have here with me losing my SO. I know I'd trade every hair on my head just to make the pain of losing her go away, not even to have her back, so **** you for belittling my pain. It's almost as if some of our worlds don't revolve entirely around hair loss. It's almost as if we're all different and can assign value to things differently than other people (in your case hair = higher value, in my case love = higher value). Crazy to think about isn't Fred?
I shouldn't have to explain these concepts to you like you're a freaking 6 year old or something
That's a horrible thing to say to someone. You don't kick someone when he's down. I think Exodus made that comment about wanting to experience being attractive in jest, since he ended with "lol." If I remember correctly, he's stated many times that he was satisfied with his looks before hair loss.
Yeah that is my bad. I clearly misjudged this situation, so for that I apologize to exodus because I'm a rational being who can admit when I have made a mistake (looking at you Fred, Mr. "physically unable to put on muscle even though I'm completely healthy")
Just curious, since I can't ask Caitlin Jenner this question, can you explain how a person who feels they are a woman trapped inside a male's body is sexually attracted to the same sex. I know people don't like labels but basically would it mean you are just basically a lesbian trapped inside a male's body? This is assuming the person is not attracted to men at all.
Okay. So basically a trans woman who is assigned male at birth can be any orientation just like anyone else because gender identity =/= sexual orientation
If they like men, they're a straight trans woman
If they like women, they're a lesbian/gay trans woman
If they like both, they're a bisexual trans woman
For the record I am bisexual with a preference for men, but I have only ever been in love one time and it was with a woman. As you said it is important not to get hung up on labels though.
Also I don't personally like the whole "trapped in X body" thing because of the fact that I've been on hormones for a while now, and my body really isn't a man's anymore. My skin is soft like a girl's, my boobs are growing in quite nicely, my hips have grown 3.5" so far, etc. Maybe if I was pre-HRT I would agree with that idea of being in the wrong body more. I know pre-HRT I was very disconnected/dissociated from my body, so actually yeah I'd definitely agree pre-HRT. But now my body is mine. It's a work in progress but it's mine nonetheless, and if I am a woman that would make it a woman's body from my perspective. My logic is that hormones literally change your gene expression to that of the opposite sex, at some point effectively "changing" you into the other sex. I understand that some people with grade level understandings of biology will disagree with me here, and that's fine, but that's just my perspective after having felt the shift in perception of actually being on HRT for a while, as well as looking at the science of how hormones change your body.
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