Interesting Study On Attractiveness Overestimation


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Track him down. Reverse image search his pictures and find him on Facebook. Ask him yourself. £100 says he's incel. Archetype beta orbiter.

Haha I tried already, can't find sh*t.


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The main point was that average is something that changes from time to time.

With males being born with constant looks distribution they will have same median.

But "average looks" is something that depends not only how males look but it is almost detached from actual male looks distribution.

"Average looks" is a function from:
– females desires
– social media looks obsession
– accessibility of sex for females as main "consumer" of males look
– etc.

The most coefficient has 3-rd variable.

The less effort women put into getting sex with hot guy the more "average" cut off will be. They do not calculate Gauss distribution as incels do. They are primal creatures. They see a clique of hot guys from 7/10 to 9/10 (usually GL guys flocks together) and their "average" will be the average from this clique.

No Big Data computing skill required here.

You don't understand what 'average' means.


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to me 'average' look just means plain not ugly

I'm not averaging the number of people to get an 'average' like a census.

average just means ordinary boring.

not ugly but not hot.

unnoticeable, unremarkable.

if you guys are using it as a math equation of some kind i am NOT doing that when i use the word.


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to me 'average' look just means plain not ugly

I'm not averaging the number of people to get an 'average' like a census.

average just means ordinary boring.

not ugly but not hot.

unnoticeable, unremarkable.

if you guys are using it as a math equation of some kind i am NOT doing that when i use the word.

But David is sure that above average means 5.5/10.

5.5/10 is NOTHING. Literally nothing. Empty space.


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The discussion of 1-10 scale comes up every now and then and it's so boring and pointless. Here you go.


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here is a pretty average looking guy (at least from this photo i have no idea who he is).

I would say from photos he is somewhere in my age range.

he's not hot but he's not 'ugly' either.

if he has a good decent body, good education, can hold a conversation etc. I would go out with him...if he was a check out guy at CVS with 5 baby mamas overweight i would NOT go out with him.

he's average looks...he can go either way. as most people in the world.



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But David is sure that above average means 5.5/10.

5.5/10 is NOTHING. Literally nothing. Empty space.

First, please look up the definition of "average". You're using the word average but what you actually mean is "minimal threshold" or "pass level", which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with average.

Second, on your scale the vast majority of people are 5.5 or less.

That's a problematic scale, if you dismiss nearly everybody as empty space. At least within the western countries the bulk of people live decent lives.

If you think that you need to be in the top 5% lookswise to be happy -- you're coping.


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these scales are boring

its should be fuckabe, unfuckable and possibly fuckable.

And really-fuckable. Got to have that extra good category.

But you're right. Fewer categories would clear up some confusion and align our ratings more.


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The 7 and belows on this chart are all disfigured. Seriously. Some of those so called '5s' are literally the stuff of nightmares.

no they are not they are just ordinary

no offense but most men can f*** 'ordinary' women with decent bodies so if you cant for some reason thats a problem


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what is this absolute creature doing in with the 9s?



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also nobody in the 9 category should be wearing make-up whereas most of them have it caked on

9s should be naturally beautiful

4/10 would not bang


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That's why I invented that two-point-scale


I think for woman just enough to add extra point let's say 1/3 "would bang if drunk" or "gracefully will take a bj but nono penis in vagina"


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Fair enough. Like I've said, attractiveness quite honesty tends to be binary. You're either 6+ or 4 and below. The 'average', plain 5 doesn't really exist. Like yourself, when many people (esp women ) say 'average', they actually mean RELATIVELY good looking. Like I've said time and time, the scale is skewed. What women (esp) think of as 'average' is actually, numerically speaking, above average. This has been shown time and time again. Men tend to be more lenient judging women. I rate like a female though, hence my (what appear to the Ahabian harpooners like David and others) 'unrealistic' standards.

yeah but i feel that way about women too i think that to me 'average' just mean unnoticeable in most pass on street but they don't make you head turn. BUT if someone set you up on date etc you would not be disappointed either.


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'average' to me does not mean unattractive it just does not mean 'hot' for men and women..

like 'good enough'

i said the Davids post with the two guys with the bad bodies they have average faces.

on good bodies they would do fine.