interesting video about female attraction


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johnlock said:
now as you can see the guy is extensively bald but its surprising the ratings he gets after his "makeover.
Ha, all that proved is that women are materialistic but dont like to admit to the fact. And any woman who is attracted to you because she thinks you're rich is going to drop you the second she finds out you are'nt.
And even as a 'succesful' guy he only scored a rating of 4/10.


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s.a.f said:
johnlock said:
now as you can see the guy is extensively bald but its surprising the ratings he gets after his "makeover.
Ha, all that proved is that women are materialistic but dont like to admit to the fact. And any woman who is attracted to you because she thinks you're rich is going to drop you the second she finds out you are'nt.
And even as a 'succesful' guy he only scored a rating of 4/10.

More than the poor version though.


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Don't see how thats encouraging.
If you're worse off than that guy, you'd better be rich, or forget about it.


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askas said:
Just add a wig and you will get another 5 points.
I think in terms of ratings, 0-5 means "die loser, why were you born", 6-7 "will not f*ck with", 8-9 - "probably yes", and 10 - "yes-yes-yes".
What was funny is his reaction to how he was rated, most men overestimate themselves, it's a provem fact.

My opinion:
0-1 Urgh!! dont come anywhere near me.
2-3 Dont try to talk to me.
4-5 You should be glad I'm even talking to you.
6-7 Acceptable but I'll try to do better.
8-9 Sure thing (as long as you dont act like a total dick).
9-10 I'll do anything you want.

Ps Its funny how when talking about his appearance he did'nt even mention his hairloss I guess thats how the average man with m.p.b takes it.
And I thought he took getting rated as a 1 or -1 and 10 yrs older than his real age pretty well.


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s.a.f said:
askas said:
Just add a wig and you will get another 5 points.
I think in terms of ratings, 0-5 means "die loser, why were you born", 6-7 "will not f*ck with", 8-9 - "probably yes", and 10 - "yes-yes-yes".
What was funny is his reaction to how he was rated, most men overestimate themselves, it's a provem fact.

My opinion:
0-1 Urgh!! dont come anywhere near me.
2-3 Dont try to talk to me.
4-5 You should be glad I'm even talking to you.
6-7 Acceptable but I'll try to do better.
8-9 Sure thing (as long as you dont act like a total dick).
9-10 I'll do anything you want.

Ps Its funny how when talking about his appearance he did'nt even mention his hairloss I guess thats how the average man with m.p.b takes it.
And I thought he took getting rated as a 1 or -1 and 10 yrs older than his real age pretty well.

I'm not sure thats how the average guy takes it. Maybe maybe not. The two other prematurely balding guys I know always wear hats. One I've never seen without a hat, and they have very active social lives.
Maybe he didn't mention hair loss because he's embarassed.


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That dude has an average looking face, and is bald, short, and skinny. Of course he's going to get rejected.

If he wore the suit+bulked up by 20 lbs+wore a toupee, he would have got more 6s and 7s.

Of course, the problem is trying to find a woman who is ok with you wearing a toupee.


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2 the moral of the story is: if you're better have a $hit load of money lol...


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IBM said:
What CCS says about this?

Alas, CCS or the one who gave me such epic signature quotes is no more. I bet he does'nt even minoxidil his eyebrows anymore. :thumbdown2:


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Thickandthin said:
That dude has an average looking face, and is bald, short, and skinny. Of course he's going to get rejected.

If he wore the suit+bulked up by 20 lbs+wore a toupee, he would have got more 6s and 7s.

Of course, the problem is trying to find a woman who is ok with you wearing a toupee.

So basicly his only option is to live a total lie everyday faking his looks and being a slave to the gym, just to be seen as average?
Thats not something women would find attractive for a man to be doing.


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s.a.f said:
Thickandthin said:
That dude has an average looking face, and is bald, short, and skinny. Of course he's going to get rejected.

If he wore the suit+bulked up by 20 lbs+wore a toupee, he would have got more 6s and 7s.

Of course, the problem is trying to find a woman who is ok with you wearing a toupee.

So basicly his only option is to live a total lie everyday faking his looks and being a slave to the gym, just to be seen as average?
Thats not something women would find attractive for a man to be doing.

the guy is no catch. even if he had hair, he'd still rate poorly. like i said - short, skinny, small frame, and average looking face.

bulking up alone would improve his looks significantly. no need to be a slave to the gym. 20 lbs would be sufficient. right now he has the frame of a 14 year old.

the toupee is a temporary solution, and not really practical, but i guarantee if he wore one just for the women's assessments he would have scored higher.

overall though he's stuck as average-below average. it sucks but its life. with some work he can improve his looks though, as anyone can.


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i think the point is that females tend to overlook your actual appearance as long as u emulate a high status male in society, yeah its materialistic but its human nature where as guys look for big boobs, big butt and a pretty face, thats shallow as well. as for the rich guys being taken advantage of for their money, i think its the opposite. the pretty girls get taken advantage of by rich guys then thrown to the curb once a more attractive female becomes available. in the end the gold diggers end up with nothing ( if the rich guy is smart) and the rich guy moves onto a more attractive female. everyone thinks awww poor guy the girl is only with him because of his money, but in reality hes only with her because of her looks. if i was rich id be smart about it an date the hot women knowing theyd be with me because of my money so id kick em to the curb once i find a hoter companion


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johnlock said:
i think the point is that females tend to overlook your actual appearance as long as u emulate a high status male in society, yeah its materialistic but its human nature where as guys look for big boobs, big butt and a pretty face, thats shallow as well. as for the rich guys being taken advantage of for their money, i think its the opposite. the pretty girls get taken advantage of by rich guys then thrown to the curb once a more attractive female becomes available. in the end the gold diggers end up with nothing ( if the rich guy is smart) and the rich guy moves onto a more attractive female. everyone thinks awww poor guy the girl is only with him because of his money, but in reality hes only with her because of her looks. if i was rich id be smart about it an date the hot women knowing theyd be with me because of my money so id kick em to the curb once i find a hoter companion

Well thats one example Yes its true status matters more for women and looks matter for men but you're using extremes for most people you'd have to meet somewhere in the middle. Not a rich guy with a hot stunning woman, but a guy who is comfortable with a girl who is fairly pretty.
And you use phrases like kick em to the curb. Do you want to do that for your whole life? Most people want more than that.


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Thickandthin said:
the guy is no catch. even if he had hair, he'd still rate poorly. like i said - short, skinny, small frame, and average looking face.

bulking up alone would improve his looks significantly. no need to be a slave to the gym. 20 lbs would be sufficient. right now he has the frame of a 14 year old.

the toupee is a temporary solution, and not really practical, but i guarantee if he wore one just for the women's assessments he would have scored higher.

overall though he's stuck as average-below average. it sucks but its life. with some work he can improve his looks though, as anyone can.

For a skinny guy bulking up even 20lbs of real muscle would be difficult and keeping it would require the same effort. How many men (not 17-24 yr olds) do you know who go to the effort of working out just to keep up a certain muscle size? In the real world its not many. So yes that guy is stuck as below average.


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my mentality has slowly changed after MBP started. my dad is bald and yeah he does very well in terms of money and he always told me that there is only two important thing in life and thats money and your family. even though i still have all of my hair and noone can tell im balding i know eventually in 5-6 years time the meds will lose their effect and ill probably be as bald as my pops by the time im 30 i decided to focus all my attention on things i can control, like success professionally and financially yeah i know its not the greatest motivation to go to med school but hey its a start lol. as for staying with a woman for a long time, to me personally i dont think there will ever come a time when i would really want to. to me life is about getting by enjoying yourself and living for yourself and that includes many sexual encounters until ur 65 =P and dont care anymore then you can spend the rest of your days in hawaii. also if i ever did want to settle down it be ALOT easier for me to find a hot girl to marry since im from pakistan once im done with school and med school i just have to tell my dad i want to get married and usually the doctors, lawers or engineers get dibs on the hottest women back home and other pakistani people living in the united states. like my uncle who grew up here and hes a surgeon, he started balding at 17 and was full blown Norwood 7 by 30, he recently got married to a hot woman ( arranged) and they seem very happy with each other and even after 2 kids shes hot lol


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johnlock said:
my mentality has slowly changed after MBP started. my dad is bald and yeah he does very well in terms of money and he always told me that there is only two important thing in life and thats money and your family.

That's a horrible lesson to teach your kids. Half anway.


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Just goes to show you how shallow women really are. I think all they had to do is convince those women he is someone famous and his scores would have been even higher. Many celebrities today would never "attract" as many women as they would if they were not famous. Toby Maguire is really average looking but after sporting a SpiderMan suit, he became more "attractive" to the female audience. If you become famous, rich, or a super hero, and still are balding you will somehow seem to attract females. I think if a woman is going to be with a "loser", he most likely is going to be an good looking loser. However, if she has some self esteem, she will eventually learn a man with deeper pockets is a more "attractive" package. Let a girl know your a doctor, and watch how her eyes light up with dollar signs......................................... :innocent: I have seen that look so many times.......... :whistle:


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I agree with all of the comments. Yes it proves that people are shallow. Not exactly groundbreaking.

Perhaps we can take from this video some useful points. That appearance is more than just our hair. male pattern baldness means we have to be well dressed. If you have male pattern baldness and u walk around in the crappy clothes that guy wears, then of course, your not going to get any girls.

To me this video is mainly positive. It shows that a simple transformation of clothes can completely alter our attractiveness. However the cameras may have influenced the women indirectly to be kinder then useful.

What a f*****g shitty world we live in. What a contrived ugly shithole hell this all is.