
It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish


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If anyone does want to donate. My paypal is (Corrected)

Any amount helps to be honest. Not asking for anything big. I need to save up for my next batch of PGE2 that ill get shipped from the USA this time.

$260 is my goal.
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You can definitely see thickening and improvement of the hairline, great work, I shall also donate


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Not just the hairline, thickening in vertex and all over. Looking forward to see results at 6 months. But so far so good!


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just ran out of PGE2, and my latest batch got seized by customs.

Untill I can get some more which might be 2 months away, I will have to stick with oral castor oil until then.

Onion Knight

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just ran out of PGE2, and my latest batch got seized by customs.

Untill I can get some more which might be 2 months away, I will have to stick with oral castor oil until then.
It really suck that you got seized by customs. Why don't use castor oil orally and topically? I hope we can see a improvement. A lot of people aren't regular on their regiment, but you are so... maybe we can see if oral n topical castor oil do something!

Rick Grimes

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I'm a long time lurker (about 8 months) but just finally made an account today...@westonci I sent you the entire 260 earlier today so you can order more PGE2 and get it back in your regimen as soon as possible... I'm super curious if this will work for you.... If it does, then I'm going to try it too... .. I'm also super curious about the brotzu angle ... The pics in that thread of the Italian forum user who had made his own "ghetto" brotzu formula were pretty impressive, if legit ... Anyway, good luck and thanks for the hard work documenting and sharing...keep it up man...
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Anyone that donated before July 11, 2016 please cancel your donation ASAP

I mistakenly put (incorrect)

The correct paypal email is (correct)

f***, its an "a" not an "e"

I swear to god im dyslexic

Good news is that the wrong email address I put has an unregistered paypal account so you just have to hit cancel on your paypal dashboard.
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Thanks to all that donated though. The results are still getting better.

I'll make sure to offer those that donated a chance to get Seti or PEG2 down the line (They have emergency group buys where they suddenly announce limited available stock out of the blue on a first come first serve basis, Ill contact you guys to see if we can split the cost and items as I might not have the funds on such short notice)
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How often do you dermastemp and what size needles do you use? Bi-weekly = twice per week? or once in two weeks (no native speaker ;))


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Why a dermastamp and not a dermaroller.

Low pain threshold probably, lol. Dermaroller hurts like crazy if you wanna use it aggressively. Dermastamp is much less painful.


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Hey guys,

So it looks as though ill be able to afford more PGE2 now. Thanks to everyone that donated!

Good news is that the admin on the private forum has offered to sell me PGE2 in light of what happened.

Now the only dilema to not make the same mistake is i need an address in the USA to ship the PGE2 too, and then they can reship to me in Canada(Toronto)

Ive bought PGE2 second hand 3 times from others in the USA with no problem.

Its only when from China > Canada that we have a problem.

PM me if you want to help.

We have to do this quickly as i want to minimize the amount of time im off PGE2.
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I would definitely contribute, but my business has been sidelined the past year and a bit, and am in the process of slowly rebuilding it. Nevertheless, it's great to see so many stepping up.

That said, there is defnitely regrowth there. Kuddos to you for being your on test subject.

I believe ive heard that chinese goods are screened like you wouldnt believe, especially compared to the states.

Good luck!


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Great results Westonci! I'll donate some money when I get my next check. How long after starting did you see your shedding stop?