
It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish


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can you guys see the shadow of the vellus hairs filling in the temples?


this area would be absolutely gone if it were not for the seti. Not to mention I was losing hair very aggressively and the vertex is almost same thickness as side now. I swear I would be almost a cue ball by now had i not been on seti for the last year and half, as I was losing hair very aggressively before i started the protocol. I only maintained for the first year thanks to topical seti, but all the regrowth ive experienced in the last 14 weeks is due to the high dose oral.

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Luck you still have your temples on the side there. Hopefully the treatments start really yielding some good results in the upcoming months. What's this regimen costing you btw?


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Have you thought about adding Darolutamide? I think it would increase your results by a lot.


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Im partially doing this for experimental purposes so im trying to avoid anti androgens and minoxidil, otherwise people would say the aa or minoxidil i doing all the work.
Ahh ok, well then yea you're doing great man, you'll probably be a thick Norwood 3 at the least if you keep up the regrowth, after the expirement id definitely add an aa


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Congrats, man! :) I give that shadow 4 months from today to have the same density as the rest of your hair.


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@westonci After seeing your results through 14 weeks, I'm definitely interested in committing to high dose oral setipiprant. I know it is quite expensive but this seems like a pretty groundbreaking experiment. Just one question, I need to find a reliable source of high grade seti, but I don't know If I trust kane... do you have any suggestions? money is not an issue. If everything works out and I am able to get seti, I will update the forum with my progress like you have.


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@westonci After seeing your results through 14 weeks, I'm definitely interested in committing to high dose oral setipiprant. I know it is quite expensive but this seems like a pretty groundbreaking experiment. Just one question, I need to find a reliable source of high grade seti, but I don't know If I trust kane... do you have any suggestions? money is not an issue. If everything works out and I am able to get seti, I will update the forum with my progress like you have.
private forum group buy is the only reliable way to get it, as far as im concerned.
there is also alibaba, but i dont know how trustworthy sellers on there are.


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private forum group buy is the only reliable way to get it, as far as im concerned.
there is also alibaba, but i dont know how trustworthy sellers on there are.

That’s what I thought. I really want to see what’s up with this private forum but I have no idea how to get in. Might try alibaba but I’m sketched out that i’ll get fake or low grade seti. Either way I’m determined to try this out in the near future


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Im partially doing this for experimental purposes so im trying to avoid anti androgens and minoxidil, otherwise people would say the aa or minoxidil is doing all the work.

androgens are what set your hair regrowth back...

so you may be going one step forward with the prostalagin protocol, but the androgenic damage might be setting you back just almost as much.

When do you expect to have full regrowth anyways? when you're 40? and to what extent?

Are you expecting that megadosing setipripant will get you something like this?



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Alibaba is also not really trustworthy.

Well I am going to Japan next year, lets see how ramatroban goes for me also ;)

They seem also to rush seti, next year we get the study, so maybe...


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Alibaba is also not really trustworthy.

Well I am going to Japan next year, lets see how ramatroban goes for me also ;)

They seem also to rush seti, next year we get the study, so maybe...

my ramatroban from iron dragon came in the mail yesterday, just started using it. Obviously much weaker than seti but it’s a start.


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Do you guys know a way to get rama outside of US?

Unfortunately I don’t know, I wasn’t aware that iron dragon didn’t ship out of the US. Which sucks because it’d be great to see more people trying this out. This is a stretch but maybe we could work something out where I can get it and mail it out to you, idk...


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my ramatroban from iron dragon came in the mail yesterday, just started using it. Obviously much weaker than seti but it’s a start.

Why would it be weaker? Both block GPR44 dont they?


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androgens are what set your hair regrowth back...

so you may be going one step forward with the prostalagin protocol, but the androgenic damage might be setting you back just almost as much.

When do you expect to have full regrowth anyways? when you're 40? and to what extent?

Are you expecting that megadosing setipripant will get you something like this?

View attachment 71064

Are you saying this guy has no androgens haha lmfao