Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

Extraordinhairy Gentleman

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I have a minoxidil supply until August, though probs can make it stretch until September. I really was hoping to be able to chuck it, but I think I will stay on it until then. I am really not sure whether to top up until October or beyond or just stop it and get it out of my system and start from scratch.


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The dermarolling seems the most effective way to combat the collagen, and it seems like something that should be used by everyone when using minoxidil. I think I'm going to start min at once / day until this damn lotion comes out. I'd planned to start on Saturday depending on how the presentation went, but I'm going to stall a few more days--never know, Fidia might just tell us to "f*** off" themselves.

I can't wrap my head around why the hell you guys are still anticipating this ridiculous product that ended up being a scam? f***'s sake, there was even talk about starting a petition to convince them to release it. It's a done deal. They want us, they gotta come us now with convincing data or they can outright f*** off.


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It’s funny because ur both 23. Ull be clearly balding by my age without propecia. I’m a Norwood 2 and hav been taking it since younger than u. So hit me up when ur bald and ur life sucks at what is suppose to be ur prime years
@Jimm is 23? Oh dear I’m a cougar


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See my widows peak is too ugly, rogaine would be useless except to keep more follicles alive for Brotzu to nourish. But it'd age my face the whole months...


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See my widows peak is too ugly, rogaine would be useless except to keep more follicles alive for Brotzu to nourish. But it'd age my face the whole months...

There are plenty of people who claim to bypass the whole face-aging effect using various methods. I think achieving substantial results would be the big worry, honestly.


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I can't wrap my head around why the hell you guys are still anticipating this ridiculous product that ended up being a scam? f***'s sake, there was even talk about starting a petition to convince them to release it. It's a done deal. They want us, they gotta come us now with convincing data or they can outright f*** off.
Dude I'm ready to shave my head, I'm not desperate. I do want it to work.
As a private company they're under no obligation to provide info until they market it


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See, I worry people with no sides just aren't conscientious. Like, okay maybe you can get erect but your thinking patterns have changed and you don't even know it. Maybe these people don't lift weights or measure their hormones.
There may indeed be people with no sides. Honestly I'm too scared to really try it.
My hormones are fine I check that every 4 months. I don't know about my thinking patterns but ever since February I realized that helping people is important than I thought it was.


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There are plenty of people who claim to bypass the whole face-aging effect using various methods. I think achieving substantial results would be the big worry, honestly.
It's all until Brotzu gets released. I could use it, and use a tiny dermaroller for the eyebags, and an ointment for the under eye color.
We'll see


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My hormones are fine I check that every 4 months. I don't know about my thinking patterns but ever since February I realized that helping people is important than I thought it was.
INCREASED ESTROGEN. but srs i think DHT is like the violent, selfish, sexual, achiever hormone. This is more theory


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I can't wrap my head around why the hell you guys are still anticipating this ridiculous product that ended up being a scam? f***'s sake, there was even talk about starting a petition to convince them to release it. It's a done deal. They want us, they gotta come us now with convincing data or they can outright f*** off.
I think that the science IS there, and we haven’t seen enough yet. I wouldn’t write it off although this sh*t defo won’t work on my stubborn b**ch head


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How many people had good results with the recreated product? If this is true, then it points to Equol being effective.


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Any of you dudes tried Cetirizine ? Im adding it to my RU regiment as a way of coping until i can find out if Brotzu used a condom on me or not.
Can only get the 5mg/5ml solution here in the UK and cant find a 1% version - so has anyone tried grinding up the hayfever tablets and using them in solution?


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I've seen mentioning of a case of one person who made a version of the Brotzu lotion and got some kind of results.

Ah, that's WuWei. I don't know much on the specifics, but he did have good results with what he used. All I know is that we can't create what he did with any ease. Maybe someone will link you to him.


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My doctor only prescribe fina to me when I take few tests that he wants me to test.
Have you seen for yourself your estrogen values? They may have fluctuated drastically.
Not to mention he can't test your neuosteroid levels.
Frankly, not all doctors are built the same or really care about "optimal."