Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Dude you’re trying too hard. You’re flirting with a girl on a hair loss site. Even in this post “we sealed the deal” like bruv u must not get a single piece of pussy


Literally a picture of me anticipating that you actually can bring me to climax.


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U know u lost when u start calling out spelling/punctuation.

Look, I know you're losing your hair and things are rough right now--we all experience this too--, but I don't think you should start celebrating stupidity to make it easier for yourself.


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f*** hair, either Brotzu saves me or it's slick bald. gg all
@Georgie I think Brotzu will fix ur hairloss, and you can finally be free. I can only imagine how far and satisfied you'll be in life ;)


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So is this kind of thinking the result of propecia? Fk dude... I cant take this drug then

You know, I was gonna slam him for propecia, but I figured I'd incite the hounds by doing this. Thanks for taking the risk on that one, dude. I support you with a 'like'.


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U won’t ehave ur head pussy u spend all day on this site.
The only reason I have hairloss is I took steroids. It's really aggressive and I don't feel like reversing what I did on steroids to get my hair back. I'm not taking poison and addling my brain.
I was a good 9/10 with hair, I'll probably be a 7/10. It sucks, but steroids actually got me hating f*****g with my hormones.
I hope Brotzu can restore, and I hope it can help others. Propecia should be illegal. Goodnight


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Well this is gonna sound like a joke but one application of Morr-F and I feel sides...
I'll try this for a week, maybe two. If I still get sides I'm shaving

What are the sides of which you speak?


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What are the sides of which you speak?
I feel really relaxed, and softer dick :/
Almost high, maybe like post orgasm but for the past 4 hours.
This may sound ridiculous but I'm very self conscientious, so I notice drug effects like immediately.
I've tried anti-depressants before, for example, and felt off the very first dose.
I wanted to try them again so I did it for 2 weeks and just felt the negative sides but stronger.

I just don't have a good feeling about finasteride, I wanted to give it a fair shake but so many studies prove it's poison to men.


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U don’t get hairloss form steroids u dumb f*** it only causes hairloss if ur going to lose it anyway. And propecia doesn’t make u lose gains. That’s a myth. I have 20 inch bis hand to god.
I believe you, and yes I was already prone but I went from like Norwood .5 to Norwood 2 in a 4 month cycle... also steroids are worth it because gains aren't permanent, and messes with ur brain, damages your endocrine system.
By now I've done a sh*t ton of research on hairloss and steroids, I'll be glad to getting back to life, even without what was amazing hair


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U don’t get hairloss form steroids u dumb f*** it only causes hairloss if ur going to lose it anyway. And propecia doesn’t make u lose gains. That’s a myth. I have 20 inch bis hand to god.

You take Propecia because you're predisposed towards male pattern baldness..yet you take steroids ? Propecia reduces DHT by like 60%, but that isnt gonna mean sh*t when the amount of Test and subsequent DHT in your body is super physiologically high .


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I feel really relaxed, and softer dick :/
Almost high, maybe like post orgasm but for the past 4 hours.
This may sound ridiculous but I'm very self conscientious, so I notice drug effects like immediately.
I've tried anti-depressants before, for example, and felt off the very first dose.
I wanted to try them again so I did it for 2 weeks and just felt the negative sides but stronger.

I just don't have a good feeling about finasteride, I wanted to give it a fair shake but so many studies prove it's poison to men.

Damn. Finasteride is poison to men. Everyone who's honest about finasteride, even if they take it, knows that it's sh*t, isn't good for them, and await better options. I took finasteride microdoses for 5 or so days a year or so ago, felt spacey within 45 minutes after taking it, which culminated on the last day when I was driving 3 people around (uber/lyft) and I called it off. I totally get not wanting to f*** with it, and I think you candid for feeling that way. I totally support those who can take it, calculate the risks, and can get by with it and reap some benefits, though. No minoxidil?


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If u pct right u keep 75% if ur gains but u probably didn’t pct
PCT is chemotherapy drugs, and gave me far worse mental sides then the steroids. People online regurgitate how to use steroids but they're morons.
I didn't say I lost any gains, I was explaining my aggressive hairloss


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Damn. Finasteride is poison to men. Everyone who's honest about finasteride, even if they take it, knows that it's sh*t, isn't good for them, and await better options. I took finasteride microdoses for 5 or so days a year or so ago, felt spacey within 45 minutes after taking it, which culminated on the last day when I was driving 3 people around (uber/lyft) and I called it off. I totally get not wanting to f*** with it, and I think you candid for feeling that way. I totally support those who can take it, calculate the risks, and can get by with it and reap some benefits, though. No minoxidil?
Morr-F is a combo of 1mg topical finasteride and 5% minoxidil. I've tried rogaine before, honestly I think it'd work for me, but it also ages my face. I can get by with the blood pressure sides.
I might just use it daily and hope it slows loss until October. I think the loss of collagen synthesis is a temporary effect, so it's one I could live with for 6 months.

Damn Fidia, why coudln't they release in the summer


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Morr-F is a combo of 1mg topical finasteride and 5% minoxidil. I've tried rogaine before, honestly I think it'd work for me, but it also ages my face. I can get by with the blood pressure sides.
I might just use it daily and hope it slows loss until October. I think the loss of collagen synthesis is a temporary effect, so it's one I could live with for 6 months.

Damn Fidia, why coudln't they release in the summer

The dermarolling seems the most effective way to combat the collagen, and it seems like something that should be used by everyone when using minoxidil. I think I'm going to start min at once / day until this damn lotion comes out. I'd planned to start on Saturday depending on how the presentation went, but I'm going to stall a few more days--never know, Fidia might just tell us to "f*** off" themselves.


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Let's just chill out till more news from Fidia. Bellicapelli founder already said release date is October. I'm pretty sure Fidia will share more updates and pictures with public. Until then let's just chill and pop fina like candy.


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Let's just chill out till more news from Fidia. Bellicapelli founder already said release date is October. I'm pretty sure Fidia will share more updates and pictures with public. Until then let's just chill and pop fina like candy.
Are you on finasteride?


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Good results ?
See, I worry people with no sides just aren't conscientious. Like, okay maybe you can get erect but your thinking patterns have changed and you don't even know it. Maybe these people don't lift weights or measure their hormones.
There may indeed be people with no sides. Honestly I'm too scared to really try it.