Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

Extraordinhairy Gentleman

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Geez, talk about desperation. Any company can now hire some “scientist”, claim a cure for baldness, show little to no evidence of success, and you bald freaks will still buy it. Brotzu didn’t even try to fake it, he literally just showed his sh*t is a scam and you people still want to buy it. This is why, companies will continue to take advantage of you balding freaks. You balding fools just encouraging scammers and snake oils.

I already had to reply to one person claiming I'm mega-hyped or something. In truth I am disappointed, not that I ever had spectacular hopes, I just let my imagination take over for a day or two because, well, that is kinda fun to do for a bit, and you never know. There still could be something salvageable from this, or there might not, I don't know. I am pretty open to the possibilities. Given current information, I won't be buying it, but I like to not write things off so readily. Not sure how that qualifies me as a balding freak but there you go.


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It’s the only way I can go :(

Georgie, it's okay, because I know that if you were a guy you would pee standing up. Also, I'd much rather accept you as you are so you can maintain your femininity and we can avoid these kind of situations:


Hey, Georgie, we get it. You're a lass, good for you - but stop encouraging these thirsty retards yeah? It's dampening my enjoyment of the thread seeing the desperation of some of these little weiners.

Hey, you sprawling c***, how's about you mind your own and keep those grimy hands away from your keyboard typing such nonsense. There's no reason a pretty girl can't be made to feel good about herself while going through this bullshit. Someone on here should get some reassurance in the face of such adversity, and it might as well be her. I would try to make you feel good about yourself, too, if you hadn't revealed yourself to be such a fetid and infelicitous little bastard by your post. (I relate to your schadenfreude, though, you sorry sadist).


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Are u really trying to score brownie points and be a hero trying to pick up a girl u don’t know on a hair loss site? Whole new level of loser pathetic

Don't worry, Janice, I'm not expecting to win anyone's heart on this site. (Besides, Georgie and I have already sealed the deal, mind you). I did, however, mean just what I said about it being well worth someone getting some reassurance going through this balding hell--especially a girl. As much as guys experience pain losing their hair, I'm open enough to realize its a whole different thing for a girl. At least (some) guys can pull of masculine with no hair. Femininity and baldness are a harder pair to couple--possible, but a bit more difficult nonetheless.

I would try to make you feel good about yourself, too, if you hadn't revealed yourself to be such a illiterate and salty little bastard by your post.

I should have saved this for you, and, for failing to do that, I am deeply, deeply sorry. When you start hitting me with grammatically and syntactically correct insults, above the level of an autistic dog, then, and only then, will I allow you a seat at the table. I'm not the least bit erect after your reproach.


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Well this is gonna sound like a joke but one application of Morr-F and I feel sides...
I'll try this for a week, maybe two. If I still get sides I'm shaving


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@Arrade, I don't get you: Sometimes I get your approval, sometimes not; sometimes you seem disillusioned by la Brotzu, sometimes you seem schizophrenically optimistic. Now tell me: What is your social security number, how many kids do you want to have, and what is your sign in the zodiac?


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@Arrade, I don't get you: Sometimes I get your approval, sometimes not; sometimes you seem disillusioned by la Brotzu, sometimes you seem schizophrenically optimistic. Now tell me: What is your social security number, how many kids do you want to have, and what is your sign in the zodiac?
I was only disillusioned because of the scam hate yesterday.
I'm pisces. Sometimes you're funny but I believe u diss Brotzu which is why I've given you dislikes