Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Hey admin, have you attempted to make contact with fidia?

These other companies seem eager to talk and that makes it seem like they are confident in their product (or they are just pumping up their stock).

The total silence from fidia worries me a little.

Is it supposed they are to say something?


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Do you guys think that this lotion could be used with minoxidil 5%? I'm thinking of starting minoxidil again and adding this lotion later when it will be released.


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Do you guys think that this lotion could be used with minoxidil 5%? I'm thinking of starting minoxidil again and adding this lotion later when it will be released.

I've taken this from an interview with Brotzu, and I've added my 2 cents to it as a Med student.

Minoxidil works by stimulating pericytes to secrete vasodilating stimuli. Pericytes are special types of cells which are found along blood vessels.
PGE1 (and by extension, DGLA) acts directly on endothelial cells as well as pericytes (which are the inner lining of blood vessels) and promotes vasodilation on a cell to cell basis. This could be a more direct and potent method of stimulating vasodilation in microvasculature of the scalp which is great. It would result in increased scalp blood flow, and sustain hair follicles.

So it terms of using minoxidil - my broscience is that it would be fine to keep taking it. If the Brotzu lotion is released and if it works as it is reported too, then it would be a replacement for minoxidil. It would function physiologically in the same way to dilate blood vessels, but do it in a more potent way - therefore improving upon any affects you had from using minoxidil previously.

The link explaining the physiological background to this:


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I've taken this from an interview with Brotzu, and I've added my 2 cents to it as a Med student.

Minoxidil works by stimulating pericytes to secrete vasodilating stimuli. Pericytes are special types of cells which are found along blood vessels.
PGE1 (and by extension, DGLA) acts directly on endothelial cells as well as pericytes (which are the inner lining of blood vessels) and promotes vasodilation on a cell to cell basis. This could be a more direct and potent method of stimulating vasodilation in microvasculature of the scalp which is great. It would result in increased scalp blood flow, and sustain hair follicles.

So it terms of using minoxidil - my broscience is that it would be fine to keep taking it. If the Brotzu lotion is released and if it works as it is reported too, then it would be a replacement for minoxidil. It would function physiologically in the same way to dilate blood vessels, but do it in a more potent way - therefore improving upon any affects you had from using minoxidil previously.

The link explaining the physiological background to this:
Thanks for the response. Do you think the s-equol from the lotion will act as a scalp DHT blocker?


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Is it confirmed that this lotion will be released?

Im not pessimist.
Only thing i know is that fidia keep slience and
italian guy's info that fidia will have announcement was wrong.

We dont know anything until fidia open mouse.
Do you guys think that this lotion could be used with minoxidil 5%? I'm thinking of starting minoxidil again and adding this lotion later when it will be released.


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Is it confirmed that this lotion will be released?

Im not pessimist.
Only thing i know is that fidia keep slience and
italian guy's info that fidia will have announcement was wrong.

We dont know anything until fidia open mouse.

no it won't be released, it will have the same sides as finasteride, and s-equol can't melt steel beams


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Do you guys think that this lotion could be used with minoxidil 5%? I'm thinking of starting minoxidil again and adding this lotion later when it will be released.
Minoxidil has a lot of growth factors that Brotzu potion doesn't have.
So, even when it will be released, the best option is to use both.


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I think they are going to release the lotion. Why do I think that? Because they announced at 02. August that Biofarmitalia joined their team. If I understood it right, they produce among others dynamic devices for controlled release of active ingredients through the skin. (dispositivi dinamici a rilascio controllato in grado di consentire la somministrazione di principi attivi per via dermica). So exactly what they would need for the lotion.

About the effectiveness of the lotion i think it will work for AA and also female Androgenetic Alopecia. I'm also sure that it will have some positive effects on male Androgenetic Alopecia but i don't expect too much here. In my opinion it will replace minoxidil or we can use both for additional effects but it wont replace finasteride. Brotzu said in an interview on calvizie that they saw positive effects in alopecia totalis, female Androgenetic Alopecia and in men under 30 (but he was not very specific about the reasons of the hairloss). He was very specific, that it was female Androgenetic Alopecia but for the men he just answered, that those men are under 30, could also be other reasons for their hairloss.


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I think Brotzu means by "men under 30" is simply that it helps most with less advanced Androgenetic Alopecia, which is exactly what we should expect and exactly the case with finasteride and minoxidil.

Typically, 30 year old men have more hair than 40 year old men, who have more hair than 50 year old men, and so on. Androgenetic Alopecia is a progressive degenerative illness. The earlier you treat it, the better your prospects.


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I think he was just cautious, I mean he even sold the lotion to a huge company like Fidia. Why should he be saying how it will work? It´s not his business anymore, though to be honest he has been really kind to all of us and he is answering our emails.

Ha has done more than enough for us.


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he has. But he wasn't precise about whether the lotion works for Androgenetic Alopecia or not (even in his patent), which resulted in 114 page thread.


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he has. But he wasn't precise about whether the lotion works for Androgenetic Alopecia or not (even in his patent), which resulted in 114 page thread.

He has said several times it works for Androgenetic Alopecia

there is a question in the interview if it works on Androgenetic Alopecia and he says yes it can recover up to 5 years


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I think they are going to release the lotion. Why do I think that? Because they announced at 02. August that Biofarmitalia joined their team. If I understood it right, they produce among others dynamic devices for controlled release of active ingredients through the skin. (dispositivi dinamici a rilascio controllato in grado di consentire la somministrazione di principi attivi per via dermica). So exactly what they would need for the lotion.

About the effectiveness of the lotion i think it will work for AA and also female Androgenetic Alopecia. I'm also sure that it will have some positive effects on male Androgenetic Alopecia but i don't expect too much here. In my opinion it will replace minoxidil or we can use both for additional effects but it wont replace finasteride. Brotzu said in an interview on calvizie that they saw positive effects in alopecia totalis, female Androgenetic Alopecia and in men under 30 (but he was not very specific about the reasons of the hairloss). He was very specific, that it was female Androgenetic Alopecia but for the men he just answered, that those men are under 30, could also be other reasons for their hairloss.

In regards to Androgenetic Alopecia I got impression when he answered for 1,2,3 questions he was saying that the younger you are total reversal--he did not say 'cure' but he gave me impression that the cream can totally reverse the miniaturization and the vellus hairs for very young (or very new to Androgenetic Alopecia)..
then he said for question 5 that the best results were in patients who less than 2 years since hair loss. he also said no difference between sexes...then when he goes on to talk about AA it seems its people under 40 that patients under 25 do best
But he never said it can't work on people older with Androgenetic Alopecia I think it probably depends how long hair is a vellus. If you have a vellus hair for 20 years its probably not going to come back without some kind of cellular therapy. But if you can get hair back you lost over a 2 to 5 year period--thats still awesome!

I would think Brotzu is on par with minoxidil but no side effect, no exceptions (think minoxidil only works well in 30% if not wrong) , and not daily dosing.

All of this is not 100% factual because i know even in my own family when they talk in Italian sometimes they can't find the words in English when translating--yet they are fluent in English.


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I've visited and browsed this forum for quite some time now regarding this subject and it seems to attract more negative attitudes than it does positive, I can completely understand for people who have had Androgenetic Alopecia for quite some time and things like this have cropped up before are more skeptical than people who have recently just decided to do something with their hairloss as they are younger and haven't experienced the let downs which have happened previously, with the interviews this Brotzu has done and everything around it seems very positive, it may not be everyone's solution but to so.e people it could be, going against scientific information he has given I can understand but places like this require a level head and a positive mind on what could happen, basically, wait for the news fidia releases it's as simple as that, they might say it doesn't work and if so then that's sh*t but that's how it is, if they say it works then f*****g brilliant, but still you'll get those people even when the evidence states it works, will put a negative attitude on it. Positive vibes ! This could bring happiness to alot of people, shame not for everyone but still, brighten the f*** up, wait for the news and just get on with it


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Do you guys think we will get any news from Fidia this month? I really hope the information we got, that the lotion will be released in a few months is true. I'm turning in to an egg with every day that passes :(


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As said before in this thread, don't sit and wait but get on a solid regimen to combat you hairloss if you are really worried about it and don't want to loose ground. Though I obviously understand that people are hesistant to start something like finasteride if this lotion is to be released in a couple of months and potentially be a good alternative therapy.. I still wouldn't wait (for months or who knows how long) and start microdosing finasteride asap. Just my 2 cents.


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A lot of people like me for example are not that thrilled about the idea of taking any internal drug long term especially for a cosmetic issue. I personally think a lot of doctors would probably say something similar, and its hard to argue with that. Quite simply medicine isnt very good, and there is more that is unknown then is known. So its risky to change things without understanding how they work which is exactly what something like propecia attempts to do.
An alternative like this would be nice, but I do agree equol if it does anything will bring its own side effects. So I guess in a sense any AA will have sides just by changing hormone levels directly by removing DHT or indirectly through an enzyme.
So I think a lot of men out there choose nothing over a drug and are looking for alternatives which might be safer. I dont blame them honestly despite the never ending preaching on here about using propecia which is your only real option


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As said before in this thread, don't sit and wait but get on a solid regimen to combat you hairloss if you are really worried about it and don't want to loose ground. Though I obviously understand that people are hesistant to start something like finasteride if this lotion is to be released in a couple of months and potentially be a good alternative therapy.. I still wouldn't wait (for months or who knows how long) and start microdosing finasteride asap. Just my 2 cents.

I wouldn't take finasteride even if I'd go completely bald. Hair loss annoys me but it's not worth destroying my health just to save my current hairs and thicken them a bit. Remember that finasteride is a drug for cancer and almost all drugs for cancer are even worse than the cancer itself. If you are helpless look at micro skalp pigmentation. It could be an alternative